Tuesday, July 26, 2005

NOTE: The shoutbox is still in alpha stage.... so there are tons of bug over there... lol... but nvm... its the hard work of min zhong, so lets give him time to fine tune the script. When its finally all done, I will revamp my blog again :D So meanwhile, just stick to this first lor. If you need to leave a comment, just click the post comment link at the bottom of each entry :)

Alright if you haven't noticed... wad am I doing here at this time of the day? Well... was just starting on the Maths prelim paper... when I realised that it was freaking difficult -.- I really cannot do without having to refer to and fro from the answer sheet -.- So in the end I thought I can't carry on like this, I don't think I can learn effectively when I have to keep refering to answers all the time.... so I spent the next hr.... thinking of what to actions to take.....

Well... I could have followed mrs kwang's suggestion that the weaker students go do their TYS instead of prelims paper... or to listen during lesson then after that go home try to do without using the answer keys.... well... thats the only 2 ways that I can think of at the moment....

So I guess I'll be taking the second mtd, cos the first mtd seems to be taking the easy way out -.-
Will try that for the next couple of days and see how it goes.... Tonight is wasted... so I hope things will go on smoothly and this won't happen gain :)

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