Friday, July 01, 2005

Okay... I'm feeling very fed up now.... Stupid moblog by singtel..... It totally sux. Firstly.... there's no flexibility in the design of the blog, everyone has to follow the same template. Secondly, THERE ARE TONS OF BUGS!!!! I can't apply my skin smoothly ( at the beginning, the problem is solved now... ) I also cannot delete an entry properly... we cannot upload photos to the album too... Lastly... although everything is lousy.... what makes it SUCKY is the support given.... It takes like forever to get a reply from the moderator. There's also so many rules to follow. Still have to properly acknowledge the copyright materials. HELLO.... putting a link back to the source is good enough okay.... The materials are not used for commercial purposes okay... there is no need to do so much..... Anyway..... its no wonder that the moblog didn't gain much popularity. I still enjoy blogging on blogspot. I have total flexibility in the design of my blog, I enjoy changing my design every now and then. There's also no need to bother too much about the copyright stuffs.... I will acknowledge the things by linking back to the source, and thats enough.... blogspot RULZ! moblog SUX! haha.... I am not afraid of making such comments because my points are all backed by facts :P You can't SUE me! You hum ji people.... scared of so many things.... how to do big business??? I guess if not for this blogging competition, yo can't even get 3000++ members lar... Each school blog contribute 200++ people.... Think at the end of the competiton... everyone will unregister.... well.. if not everyone... I WILL... haha... then your membership will go down and down.... :P Wahaha....

OKie... feeling much better now after venting out all my fustrations :D

Today is friday! But I got no school :D haha.... block test are over!!! My long weekend is here! :D Gonna enjoy these 4 days to compensate for the time spent studying during the june holidays.

Talking about block test... Haiz... very sad sia... especially physics. Remember the previous post when I said I wish that the whole paper is kinematics because thats one of my strongest topic.... And yesterday.... I CAN'T DO it!!!! I can't believe that I can do a question on my strongest topic!!! There's 2 big question that I didn't know how to do.... one was the one on kinematics.... the other was on G field... my weakest topic... So I spend all my time on doing the kinematics question and I don't even want to spend a little time thinking about the G field question.... I told myself... I am willing to sacrifice my marks of the G field question just to get this Kinematics question correct..... But in the end, I can't!!!!! Felt very bad after the test.... Hmm.... maybe thats the retribution I get for being too proud of myself. I always thought that I can solve almost every question on kinematics... so yar.... I was proven wrong yesterday.... haiz..... okay..... nvm... lesson learnt... must not be too proud of myself.... Gonna study harder next time round :) Just take this failure as an lesson and learn from it :)

OKay... thats about all for now... gonna go eat lunch.... bye~

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