Wednesday, July 27, 2005

I'm back again... at 10.08 -.- which I shouldn't be as I should be studying till 11.... But.... hmm.... tonight seems to be rather free.... Guess one main source of work is being cut down... maths....

I'm going to follow yesterday's mtd of doing the work the 2nd day after it has been discussed. Because firstly... doing the work before is probably a ineffcient use of time as I would need to spend time digging up all the past notes... after that I still won't be able to complete the question smoothly cos I will have to keep refering to the answers... which I think is of not much use as its almost the same as copying...

So when I firstly listen to the solution first... just treat it as an recap of the past topic. Then also look out for possible concepts that I may have missed out. After that the next day, I'll try to solve the question on my own without looking at the answers. I won't try to solve it on the same day, as the things will still be fresh and I am just reproducing everything. I find that this mtd is better as when listening, you won't be able to see the full solution.... you only remember the concepts part... that's why when you do it again, you still have a chance to identify the concepts needed and apply it. Rather than you refer to the solutions then immediately reproduce as your answer....

That is why, I'm rather free now cos every lesson, she usually only goes tru 5-6 questions, so I only have to do 5-6 questions everyday.... further more, I've finished all my tutorials already.. which means I am ahead for the tutorial lessons... So :) things are getting abit better now :)

That also leaves my with time for other subjects. :) I've completed some extra physics questions that my group of friends photocopied for the consultation of friday :) Then for econs, I tried to study... but I lack of the resources... think I am going to get a econs study guide this weekend. Cos those study guides have sample essays which have points already arranged in proper paragraphs... which makes it easier for me to memorise as there won't be too much unnecessary materials which are meant for MCQ questions only, and also I don't have to organise the points myself. So yar... I'll get it during the weekends... then just nice there's a econs test on wednesday... so I can put this studying method to test :D If it works.... then I will continue to do it :)

:) Guess its another boring entry for my readers.. haha... keep blogging about how I am going to study -.- But well... thats the most worrying thing in my mind lar... so since I can't have the discipline to really study hard... I'll have to think of ways to maximise the efficiency of my studying time :)

Have also been feeling abit down lately.... Don't know is it because of too much stress.... felt abit moody..... then things are very out of focus.... one key indictor that I haven't been feeling good is the frequency and the length of my blog entries... HAven't you notice that for the past few days... the entries are longer than usual? Cos yar.... when I am feeling down... I always start to think about a lot of things.... my mind just can't stop running... thoughts flashed pass continuously.... I want it to stop... especially when it starts interupting my sleep.... I haven't been sleeping well these few days cos my mind just won't stop working.... I can't clear my mind for sleep.... haiz..... Then also, every morning 93.3 got read out horoscope for the day... so yar.... heard mine this morning that things are going to be out of focus, so I have to put in more effort to keep things going... Think thats rather true, and not only for today... but for the past days and future days to come.... Hope that things will get better soon......

Actually... I am stilll wondering to myself. Do I really feel stress? Work load isn't that heavy already... so what reasons to I have to be stressed..... If its not stress... then why am I feeling so bad these few days?


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