Monday, July 18, 2005

Wee~ Haha... did lots of work today :D Pia tru my maths tutorial le :D haha.... now dun need to worry about if for another few days... then tomorrow need to do the lecture exercise and prelim paper :) Haha... if everyday can be as productive as today... then it would be great :D haha... then I would be able to enjoy my weekends when all the work is being done during the weekdays...

Okay... anyway... just came here to other than blog about the amount of work I've done... I also want to complain about the crack on my lips!!!.. My lips cracked during the weekends... perhaps I didn't drink enough water and was heaty.... Then haiz... very troublesome... cannnot open my mouth too big.. otherwise very painful... then also cannot laugh too hard... argh... its terrible... and the pain is those very sharp one... sian.... hope that it will heal by tomorrow :)

K lar.. thats all for today... almost 11 le... got to sleep.. haha... another long day tomorrow :)

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