Tuesday, July 26, 2005

:) time for another entry... today was erm.... okay.... as usual... feeling very sleepy... had a hard time trying not to fall asleep during the econs lecture..... was really terrible.... then maths tutorial also... been doodling on my paper to keep me awake.... Haha... actually I find that I can past time easily without falling asleep doddling :P it kinds of give my mind something to do so that I won't feel bored :P

Talking about maths... todays lecture we had a combined lesson with 213... cos we finished our syllabus already..... so the classes have been broken up according to their respective tutors and carry out their own revision programme... so yar.... both my class and 213 we under mrs kwang.... and she decided to do prelim papers.... Well.... I've complained about the prelim papers yesterday already... so I wouldn't want to do it again today..... Today I'll discuss something more interesting... Muahahaha....

Have you watch the new season of the apprentice? The book smart vs the street smart season.... I haven't watched it, but I would love to if I can afford the time.... But anyway.... the real reality TV show is unfolding right in school... lol....

We have long heard tons of praises about 213 from mrs kwang.... she loves to compare us with them.... From the day that she took over both our classes..... the comparison starts.... We've heard how hardworking and diligent they are..... then how mrs kwang helped them to improve so much.... how they willing to come school earlier just to have 1/2 hr of maths lesson everyday..... Just lots and lots of things....

Then wad about our class? We've been said to be weak, lazy, bad attitude, no concepts.... The worst comment that she made was.... " You know 213, there's only 11 people, but I can guarentee 7 As and Bs.... but for your class of 23 people.... I might even break my record and have failures.... "

So yar.... our class started to dislike 213 more and more.... but now.... hehe..... the show has just began.... 2 completely different classes come together to have lessons in one classroom..... Thats the real reality TV man.... :P

Well... I would like to lable 213 as the 'book smart' gang, like those in the apprentice, and us 209, as the 'street smart' gang.... There's real difference between us... one look at the face you will already know how wide the gap is....

They seems to be those kind of people that put in lots and lots of time on their work..... they are able to burn midnight oil just to study for a test. They do all their work... hand in punctually. Just the typical ideal student.... or to say it more crudely.... teacher's pet....

Today is the first lesson we had and I'm able to observe the difference in attitude... You know... before the teacher comes into the class... the maths rep will go and set up the OHP.... switch it on .... direct it nicely on the screen... set the focus.... then put a desk beside it.... put the chair.... then the worst part that almost made me puke is.... the person even sat on the chair... to test the position of it.... lean towards the OHP mimicking what a teacher would do to test whether the position is comfortable..... I was really shocked when I saw that... some people might call this a culture shock... but..... its really amazing that there are such great difference in culture even with the same school.... So curious about how different we are? haha.... before class... our IT rep would just push the OHP to the center of the class.... pull down the screen... on and the off just to check if there's light.... After that we all go back to our seats and do our own stuffs.... then when the teacher comes in.... she have to get her own table... her own chair.... then have to test the screen herself.... after that when time to present the answer.... we can't see cos it was blur.... then we start to adjust the focus.....

So do I think that its our fault? Well.... actually nope.... we are just the norm.....

The people in our class, well... of those whom I knew, got all the way up here based on our intelligence.... not hardwork.... If you want to compare about the work that we have done.... its too little.... but we still made it so far....

I think life is fair.... some people whom aren't that intelligent are bestowed with peserverence that enables them to work hard... But for people whom are intelligent, we are not given as much peserverence as them... thats why we seemed to be lazy.... However, at the end of the day, the distance travelled is still the same. I believe that one person's ability cannot be judged just based on the amount of work he has done..... But also on the ability to do less work and achieve more results. However, there are still some freak cases where one is gifted with both intelligence and peserverence, thats why they can climb even higher than us. We can't aspire to over take them, but it would be nice just to be around their position.

Hmm.... so yar..... life's version of reality TV show, The apprentice has premiered today... and this season would last till the prelims. :P I'll stay tuned to the show and observe more differences between the 2 parties. Though I would still be missing the show on channel 5....

Today also got back my the result slip for the term 3 block test..... the results are dissappointing.... got a F for my maths... sob sob... but nvm... I won't let history repeat itself during the A lvls.

Although the results are discouraging.... there's one subject that I am very proud of :D My GP!!! Woho~ I got into the 92 percentile!!!! Which means that I am within the top 8% in the school!!!! Muahahaha...... I find it rather weird.... I only got a C5 during my O lvls.... so how come I am still able to do so well now? The possibility might be that I screw up my paper for the O's , or the standard of yj is so low that a person whom got a C5 previously can get into the top 8% This is kind of worrying, cos top 8% seems to be able to guarentee at least a B for my A lvls..... but if the standard is too low... I might just get back my C5 =X or even worst -.-

Hmm.... wah... I spent 1/2 hr typing this entry =X Gonna end here liao :) After this rest for a while before I start working all the way till 11 again... :) Bye~


Sen said...

Well said..I actually didn't notice there was such a trend! hmmm..anyway..we can't say they are book smarts..we never know wat they're really made off..but one thing is for sure.. even though we may regard ouselves as intelligent..the ultimate thing is to let results show that we are.

Im sick of getting Fs..it's time I wake up..haha..

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