Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Ouch! Another blow from the term test..... I scored very very badly for my physics. Its just like only 1/3 of the total marks.... The teacher wrote.... "Confidence is good, overconfident is not. I know you can do well. Endure and try to cut down rest and PC time even more. 4 months left..." Haiz... really ashamed of myself... I'm really getting over confident.... And I'm facing the consequences now.... But never mind.... I have learnt my lesson as I've said in the previous post.... and this thing is not going to happen again.... well... at least not for the A lvls :) I have belittled my enemy once and lost a battle.... but I will not underestimate the enemy again and lose the war.... The war must end with a victory....

OKay... about the part about cutting down rest and PC time.... I guess.... what I wrote yesterday was the most that I can do. I've already pushed back my sleeping time by an hour. The breaks when I come home don't really seem long because I have a 1 hr revision slot on mondays, tuesdays and fridays.... And I really need that time to recharge otherwise I will not last till 11.... About the time used for computer.... its right after dinner, so I can't possibly use the time to study or sleep.... I can't study with a full stomach or sleep with it otherwise I might have indigestion.

Talking about the revision slot. I'm afraid that the slot will not be avaliable on tuesday because there might be physics remedial lessons. So the slot which is intended to be used to study econs will be swopped with the monday's maths. Then maths will be pushed to the weekends for a extended 2 hours slot on saturday afternoon.

Haha.... see this is what will happen.... so the weekends are not really free... situations will happen that requires time to be pushed back.

Okay... I think that this would be good enough to improve my results.... I'm basically not a person whom can sit down there to work and work. So I also cannot expect too much from myself. I'm going to also make the revision slots similar to having tution because I feel that I can learn better if I think that way. If I think that I am at home studying by myself, then start to have small little breaks every now and then... go toilet... look here look there.... So yar... this is a mental trickk to make me study :) During this period of time I'll also switch on my air con which further enhance the environment to look as if I am having tution. :) haha... thats also a little incentive to make me endure through these revision plan lar.... otherwise I might become sick of it and stop following the plan.

Well... it may sounds abit funny.... I'm doing so much weird things to make myself study.... But hey.... thats the only way I can help myself. As mentioned earlier, I am not a person whom can just sit down there and study.... so I cannot study hard.... but the thing is I can study smart :) I will come up with plans and methods to make myself remember things... to study in a different way that makes studying less boring. Throughout the years I've come up with lots of different methods....

My favourite one was to use a piece of majong paper to draw a huge mind map of everything in a subject.... then I will paste it up on the wall beside my bed. So every night before I sleep. I will read through the things on that piece of majong paper... and soon... I will be able to remember all the points on that piece of majong paper. However this method is no longer useful now because there are just oo many things to memorise. I've tried doing it for econs last year for promos.... and I have to use up 2 full piece of majong paper.... The trick is only to use one as you will capture that one mental image of the majong paper... but when you use too many.... it becomes less effective..... as you have to remember many pieces.... just like the many pages in your notes....

Therefore I've modified this method with the one about spending 15 mins before bed to recall and write down whatever I've learnt also on a majong paper before I sleep. The main purpose is not to have a mental image of the majong paper.... but to make myself recall the points so that it stays in my active memory.

Another method that I did was to download a program that changes my computer wallpaper every time I log in. Then I will do scans of notes and some questions and set it as my collection of wallpaper... so everytime I log in.... I'll have to answer the random question that came out before I can use the computer :) haha.... but its also not feasible now due to the large amount of content that I have to input.

ONe other method was to write down some important little points that you have to take note on a sticky pad and stick it onto the window grills. This is mainly for small points like some things to take note of whendoing maths question. I'm still using this method now... and :) There's currently one note on my window grill :) More will come when I start on the next tutorial and the corrections for the test :)

So yar.... these are just some little things that I do to make myself remember things.... HAha... so yar... study smart :)

Okay lar.. thats all for today.... bye :)

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