Saturday, July 16, 2005

Was listening to the radio and they mention some kind of blood type dieting.... They say some mediacorp artiste followed this type of diet, one of them was sharon au.... Haha... so I got curious and went to check it out :)

Blood Group O
This is the most common blood group in the UK. Dr D’Adamo says that our digestive tract retains the memory of ancient times, and so type Os need to eat a typical hunter-gatherer type diet. In other words, type Os should follow a high-protein, low-carb diet with lots of meat and fish but no dairy products, wheat or grains.

If that sounds familiar, it’s because it is – the diet recommended for people with blood type O is simply a variation on many of the typical high-protein, low-carb diets that are currently popular, such as the Atkins diet. Foods you can eat freely include meat, fish and olive oil; foods you can eat in moderation include eggs, nuts, seeds, certain vegetables and fruits; and foods to avoid include dairy products, beans, cereals, bread, pasta and rice. To complement your food intake, Dr D’Adamo recommends lots of vigorous aerobic exercise such as aerobics and running – just like our hunter-gatherer ancestors did!

According to

oOoo... Haha... am rather glad that I can eat meat and fish freely, cos I've been doing that all along :P Haha.... Then hmm.... I also eat veggies in moderation so thats also not a problem... but eggs... I eat quite a lot... so perhaps I will cut down on it :) However... the problem comes in with the food that I must avoid... bread and rice??? I eat them everyday... they are the staple diet for singaporeans... how am I going to do without it? If it were just rice then its still okay cos I can eat bread... but if bread also cannot then how do I fill my stomach? I'm sure to eat something of that kind during breakfast... can't expect a chicken chop in the morning right? Hmm... am trying to think of ways to solve this problem..... haha.... anyway.... if you are also interested in losing your weight.... you can also visit the site to check out your blood group.... But I doubt so lar.... most of my friends are rather slim... haha.... K lar... may come back later... bye~

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