Sunday, July 03, 2005

Time for another blog entry :) Today is the second day of the long weekend. Or perhaps its already the 3rd lar... just passed midnight....

On friday.... slacked the afternoon away... then in the evening went for a secondary class gathering at marina south :) haha.... got to see many of my ex classmates again.... about 20 people turned up.... then yar.... lots of interesting thing happened....

First thing was.... in the middle of a pathway.... there's a big fat catepilla dangling in midway!!! LOL.... scary sia.... haha.... then we stood beside the pathway for some free show.... lol..... cos at that place... people all come by batches... either with groups of friends or alighted from the same bus.... so once in a while... you get to see a whole hord of people crowding the pathway.... haha.... so the probabilty of someone in the group hitting the caterpilla is almost 100% haha... so we by the side and watch people's reaction... lol... so funny :S Some shouted... some quickly squart down to avoid it.... then there was this guy whom was playing with his phone... he almost walk into it... but his friend quickly pushed him away... LOl... that way the closest contact we have seen there.... haha.... the caterpilla also swayed awhile do to that closed contact.... haha..... Really scary leh... imagine while smsing half way... a big fat caterpilla suddenly crash into your face.... I would scream like siao lor.... haha.... so a warning to people out there..... pls don't use your phone while walking.... especially when you are walking under trees.... haha.....

Hmmm... then another thing was with the live prawns... haha.... the prawns are actually slighly unconcious and giddy when its packed in the box for us due to lack of water and the cramp space.... but when you agitate it.... it will start flipping its tail and jump around.... lol... so when people take it out... they just quickly throw it into the soup to kill it..... but my friend mz..... still go and play wif it -.- haha.... at first the prawn just move its legs..... the suddenly... it started to flip its tail... lol... cos he was holding it by its feelers.... it broke lose and start jumping around the table.... lol... then in the end jumped to the floor and before it was caught and thrown into the soup... haha....

After that was just chatting and chatting lor... haha.... Everyone still looks and behaves the same way... nothing much have changed over the past year.... except some guy got super long hair... haha.. but everyone is still more or less the same.....

Then also mention about some classmates whom dissappeared right after graduation.... No contact with them at all.... I don't remember how some of them look like.... haha..... I have super bad memory lar.... I can't remember faces for long....

hmm... then thats about all lar... don't know when can the whole group of us gather again....

Then today.... haiz.... rot the whole day away lor... tried to do some work... but haiz.... it seems extremely difficult.... take a very long time to do one question... so in the end didn't accomplish much lar....

K lar... thats all for now :) Bye~ 2 more days of holiday to go :D

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