Sunday, July 31, 2005

Woho! LOL... It seems that I just got a widescreen monitor.... haha... cos my monitor spoil liao :'( So the screen got squeezed vertically ans stretched horizontally.... Haha... so the effect is some sort of like the wide screen TV..... Haiz.... sad ar... everything spoiling one by one... First my mouse died... then now my monitor... Hmm.... It seems that these 2 things are then original parts when I first bought this computer by HP... think their life span only around 8 years? Haha.... if that's the case.... I wonder would by speakers be the next to go? But... although the speakers came together, it seems to be manufactured by another company... or maybe a subsidary of HP ba.... So the life span might vary :S haha... other than that like nothing le... Cos I've changed my CPU... my keyboard... so these are relatively new....

But anyway.... its time for me to change the monitor le :D Have been wanting one since eons ago.... But didn't buy it cos at that time the prices were high... and my current one is still working fine... But now.... prices are low... and my monitor spoilt... Seems to be a good chance to get a new monitor :P haha....

K lar... gonna go off now le... bye~

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