Monday, May 31, 2004

HAiz... another day has passed. Haiz... now in a holiday mood liao. No mood to do tutorials leh.... Haiz... I just want to slack. But I have no time to do that. My PW schedule is so damn packed, I can hardly find time to relax myself. Then still have that flash movie competition. Haiz... need to get my registration form submitted soon. The flash movie is half-way in production liao, left a few scenes and adding sound effect nia. But I have really no time to do that. Then I'll be flying off to china end of next week and I haven't prepare a single thing yet. Haiz... then today also had a test. Argh.... worked my brain to its full poetntial during the test. Now I'm feeling very very weak. I guess I shall get myself a good night sleep and leave everything till tmr. As the saying goes ' chuan dao qiao tou zhi ran zhi ' Let nature take its course.

And something I realise recently. I've been erm how to say it. My jaws are like you know when you bite, your jaws close in hard on each other. Yar... it has been like that lately. I wonder if I'm really suffering from such serious mental stress that I've been doing this thing. Life is really very very busy and stressful right now. Wonder if I have the strength to pull through this 1 more year of mental suffering.

Wish me good luck, or I might end up in mental hospital.
Haiz... early in the morning already so sian liao... Later still have to go school sia.... 4hrs of maths in a row. Will go crazy sia. Haha

Yay... went to css carnival yesterday with my old classmates :D Haha... css 40yrs old liao :D Then went to see mrs tan :D our 4/6 form teacher. Haiz... but didn't get to see mrs yeo. So sad leh.... she always go home so early. Long time no see her liao. :D Haha.. still remembe the time when she say that I'm a potential A1 student for chem :P Haha... sorry for dissapointing her :P I only got a B. After that then go out play bowling lor :) haha... I so long nv bowl liao... :D After that wehn IMM for dinner then slack there for about 2 hrs before going off. After that went to catch a movie lor. Haha... last minute decide one. The show start at 7.10 at westmall, then we rush there from jurong east at 6.55. Haha... once we reach bukit batok. we started running towards the cinema. Haha... very cute. Later people thought police catching us ar :P Then haha just managed to catch the movie. Btw the movie is 'The day after Tomorrow'

Argh... stomachache [OMG my spelling sux ] liao. Bye~

Friday, May 28, 2004

haiz... was trying to touch up on the new design for my blog. But haiz... the dreamweaver duno why, keeps hanging. I guess I'll have to wait till some other time :D So just bear with it :P if there is any problem. I guess I made the header too big. Cos I used the size of the header I made last time and forgot that my design is only 2/3 of the whole size... so this header now looks a bit large. But I'll try to correct it as soon as possible. The color of my site also looks a bit boring. Will try to improve on it :D
Okie~ Lets talk about today!!!! Yay!!! ITs Friday!!! But I don't really feel very happy cos next week, while other people are enjoying their life at home, I still have to go school everyday!!! Then today also quite tired cos spend 2 hours in school doing PW's proposal. I really hope that this proposal can be approved as I really spend a lot of time and efford in it and hope we can catch up with other groups :D So since I've some spare time now~ I guess I'll be designing the emoticons for this site :D Haha... I guess it will inject more life into my blog :D
Okie~ Off to do work now. Bye~ Happy weekends~

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Victory!!!!!!! Haha... am very happy to day. Haha... fought a beautiful battle today. Was glad that my sacrifice didn't go to waste :D In celebration of today's victory. I will not be doing too much tutorials tonight :D Haha... on the way home, an inspiration struck me. I got the design for my blog already. So hope to be able to finish designing it tonight :D Okie... gtg now cos although the battle had been won, the war has just started so I shall have to prepare for the impending [trying to act cheem here :P ] battles :)


Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Okie... I'm feeling very bad today. WAs very fed up with my project work group members. So I have decided to do the project MYSELF. I have learned not to rely on other people if I want to achieve what I want. Therefore, TONIGHT will be the start of the war and TONIGHT will be the first battle. I have decide to SACRIFICE tonight's time which is meant for doing my maths tutorial to do my PW proposal. We are already behind other groups and I will and must ensure that the proposal is ready by tmr and WILL be approved. I'm prepared to give a full and detailed proposal to ensure approval. But tonight's sacrifice will not go unrewarded. I've said this in my previous post and will say it again, I BELIEVE that you reap what you sow and there is equilibrium in this world. I'm sure that I'll get my reward, and those who nv contribute will get their retribution. They will bring disaster to their desendents or their future generation as I BELIEVE that this kind of people won't go far in life. Not only they will suffer in provety themselves, their children will also suffer with them as this is a vicious cycle. Only through education and hardwork will you be able to break free from this cycle. So lets see... there are a few potential retainee in this class already. Their retribution may not come soon, but I am SURE that it will come eventually. And I don't mind waiting. There is a chinese saying that 'For a man who want revenge, 10 years wait is not long' So lets see 10 or 20 or even 30 years later, how will your life be like?
So let me say it again. I'm not trying to curse anyone. I'm just stating what I believe.

I've revealed the DARK side of me. As people say 'still water runs deep' I may seem to be a very nice person outside, but deep down, you can't imagine how EVIL and DARK I am. I wear a mask in life everyday so what you see is not the real ME. Actually it is not really a mask. I'm a taurus. And if you have read my post on the horoscope, there is this part that talk about a taurus man does not lose his temper easily but when he does after being provoked too much, Haha... BRACE YOURSELF.

Okie... bye~ Going off to devise my BATTLE plan. Victory shall me mine and mine ALONE !!!!!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Hmm... its yet another day... So sian ar.... my PW... today was very pissed off.... my group members didn't want to cooperate and do work, instead keep talking crap. Want to talk crap nvm, but at least do some work. Last week already distribute the work out liao. In the end none of them did, only me did my part. I duno why I'm so unlucky to be in the same group as them. I really really wish to change group, but I know its impossible, the aim of this PW is also to see how well you work with people. But haiz... when you meet this kind of people what can you do? You can't like scold them or punish them? I really want to do well in project work. But I guess I'll have to do everything on my own. But somehow it seems a bit unfair to me leh. 1 person's strength is not enough so I might get quite low marks, and somemore other people whom nv contribute as much might get the same marks as me. Haiz... I know life is unfair, there are people who are there to 'hitch a free ride' but I believe that you reap wad you sow. So you people better watch out, though I may not have the power to punish you, heaven will do it, there will be RETRIBUTION. It doesn't matter to me if I do all the work or let you all copy my work [Homework]. Because I did my part and I will get my reward, for you, prepare for the worst. I'm not trying to be mean and start cursing people. I'm just trying to make you all realise your mistakes before its too late.

So as you can see, I'm a thinker, someone who believes that in this world all things exist in equilibrium. I don't know when did I start to believe in such things but now I do and will always be. So if you all have any problems and need some counseling, I'll always be there for you.

Haha... think its enough for now. Just revealed part of the 'real' ME. So to understand me better, please continue to read my blog and 'View it from MY perspective' :D HAha crap :P

Monday, May 24, 2004

Yo! Haha... yesterday was trying to store up some sleep for the coming week so nv post much :) Then now I shall post some of yesterday's things :D

Haha... yesterday was sunday and once again, I read my horoscope :D Haha... it was tough last week wondering around without any horoscope to guide and don't know wad to expect :P So haha... I read my horoscope yesterday liao :D So at least know wad to expect this week :D Okie my horoscope for this week is that I will receive suggestions and comment from my friends about me, and though it may seem unsuitable for me, its good to have a try, result my be surprising :D

Hmm... today is monday... didn't get any comments from friends leh. Haha... I think the only feedback I get is for my hair :D Haha... received some quite nice feedback for my hair :D So happy Haha... maybe I will cut it this short once in a while :) Other than that nothing much lor. School nowadays still managable. But it seems that monday is always the busiest day of the week. Cos got 2 major assignment to hand-in. 1 is our maths tutorial the our econs essay. So every monday, will be rushing to touch up on these two things before handing in.

LIfe also very sian. Nothing much happen. Also no more school activities liao. Haiz...

K lar... shall talk until here for now. Very sian liao. After this still need to search for words for GP... Haiz... Bye~

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Yo! Hi everyone :D Haha quite late liao then I going to sleep soon. Just come here to say hi :D haha... saw mrs yip our css vice principal at lot 1 just now haha... okie gtg bye~

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Argh.... don't feel like doing any work now. Even though that I have lots of things to do and I won't be free tmr. Hmm... just let me be naughty once in a while and jam everything for tmr lar :P Really sick and tired of doing schoolwork. Haiz... have to endure this kind of mental stress for the next 1 1/2 years... You know poly is starting school soon. So I have classmates who are changing to poly education. Haiz.... K lar... not feeling very good tonight. Duno wads bothering me. So I'll just end here. Goodnight :)

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Hmm... was just looking through my folder of notes. They are notes that I find it very meaningful and beautiful. So when I was searching for the poem above. Just came across this one which really describe me. So for anyone who want to know me truly, you can try reading it. I assure you that this is very very accurate. And all the points made is really true. So dun just think that its just some idiot who typed out nonsense. This thing is super accurate.


A quiet simple man who can do something unexpected to shock you. Taurus man
mostly medium tall, strong with good health, good strong body. When he
talks, he likes to turn his head to one side on one direction. His body will
be quite straight, facial structure tend to be square shape more than other
shape. His eyes sparkle with liveliness.

Even when he is in love, he is still a free wild bird. He is a sand in your
palm, the more you want to hold it, it will slip out. If you stand and hold
it still, it will stay that way. Don't set the rules and draw a line for
him, he will not stay.

When you are with him, he will think only of you. But an hour later he could
change his mind. He is very patient with other people, but very impatient
with himself. His world always turning and it will not stop just because he
loves you. If he up sets, he will show it right away. If something has gone
wrong, he will blame his own carelessness instead of blaming other people.

He sincere to his friends even to some friends he does not like. He likes to
do odd things and surprise other people. He could be fully dress in a nice
suit and jump in the pool. He could slap your back so hard just to make you
turn around to see he has flowers in his hand. He never want to get too
close with anyone for he thinks living in reality is living by yourself.

He does not care what people think when he behave weird. He could be walking
bare feet and laughing at people who laugh at him and think they are so
narrow minded. He does not likes to follow conformity, but always want to
search for new ventures, new mystery. He will interest in a life of a
millionaire as much as a life of an old man selling newspaper on a sidewalk

He like to search and analyze people and things. He will analyze his friends
or his girl friend, and once the mystery is gone, he will search for new
puzzle to solve. He can not easily understand thing, so he will gradually
learning about you till he fills up all his questions.

He knows so many people ,but he has a few friends. He looks for quality
friends than quantity friends. He will be close with some friends shortly
and move on. He always feel lonely even surround by many people. He could
create his own little world, and sometimes no one would understand him. He
looks only for future and he thinks he lives for the future. He may wonder
how many people think like he does, but he does not want to be like the

A man with a conflict personality. He is a cool, understanding, able to work
well, and very artistic. Taurus man could be an artist. He could shock you
as much as he is able to clam you down when you up set. He is a free spirit
who likes venture, but when he wants to be alone, do not touch him but to
let him be. He won't disappear from the crowds too long, he will be back.

He will give you straight forward opinion or comments, but will never advice
what he thinks you should do. He does not like people to tell him what he
should do too. He thinks each individual dreams and thoughts should be very
private. He will use his brain not his body strength, so he will let other
guys compete. He has a certain satisfactory in life and hate to force
himself in competition. He may seems careless, but actually he is a thinker
and a stubborn one.

He sees anythings in details and not easily trusted people till he thinks he
knows them well. You can just smile and he will think why and what are you
smiling about, and if you are pretending. Once he trust you and accept you
as a friend, no one can says other wise to change that for he will not
listen to gossip. He will be honest and sincere to his friends.

He hates lies, so he will not tell you lies. If he finds it is necessary to
lie, he will find other ways not to tell you or avoid telling you anything.
If he really has to lie, you will never be able to tell that he is lying. He
can really keep secrets, so you will hardly know that he is a lonely soul.

If you want this kind of guy, you have to be an interesting person. He has
to be curious about you. Hell for him is "No Freedom", so if he marry you
then you should know it is the biggest decision in his life. Always be
interesting, then you could have him beside you.

Have a nice time reading :) I know its a long post. But its worth reading :) Okie Bye~
YAy!!! 20th of may :D MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! Haha so happy :)
:) Very glad that got people still remember my birthday!!!! HAha.. 2 big surprise people who remembered my birthday. In class only 1 person remembered, which is serene!!! Haha... duno how she know it is my birthday :) Hmm... one possibility is that she visits my blog :) So if you see this msg please leave a note in my shoutbox so that I know you are here :)Then yar lor... 1 person know, then spread out liao :) Haha... was very touch when they [the group of people I always hang out with in school ] sang a birthday song for me, jing wen also gave me a BATTERY as a birthday present. Haha... its the thought that counts :). Then haha... had lots of fun today :) Workload also lessen liao. Thats why I'm able to celebrate my birthday tonight without having to rush tutorials :D
Another surprise is from Tanner !!!! Haha... he still remember thats its my birthday today!!!! Haha... that was really unexpected :)
Thanks everyone for everything you've done :)

Okie... now shall write my reflections liao :) HAha... 17 years old liao le!!!! Just now when I was poking the candles into my cake then realise that there are so many of them, a total of 8 candles including the big 1. Haha... So old le!!! Time really flies. In a blink of eye, I'm now 17. So much things have happened in my life. haha... they are all part of my memories forever. Been through quite a lot for the past year. I've also changed a lot. The way I view the world is much different now. I'm able to 'feel' more about everything. I've some sort of 'enlighten' liao. Especially now with my blog, I can express the way I view things to everyone. Cos I'm different, the way I view things is very different. Thats why, little people understands me but I don't blame them. Few have seen the true ME yet. So for the coming year, I hope to find someone, who truly understands me. HAha.. shall bring up this poem again

Drink The Tears From My Eyes..
Taste The Blood From My Pains..
Only Than You Might Know..
What Runs Deep Through My vains..

Feel The Depts Of My Soul..
Smell The Scent Of My Fears..
For To Know Me By Heart..
Will Take More Than Just years

feel that this poem really express my feelings :D

Okie. HAHa... today has been a really great day :D Thanks everyone :)

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Woo... just finished writing my blog then I saw this poem on

The Truth - Complete Piece
To automatically assume or rush to judgment
without gathering the facts or at least attempting
to find out the truth is ignorance at the highest level.

The truth is an unmovable, unbreakable pillar that will hold you standing and supporting you no matter what occurs in ones life. That pillar stands for and only abides by one thing and that is simply nothing more, nothing less than the truth.

Sometimes the truth can be right there staring you right in the eye and you cannot notice it because your ignorance consumes you, therefore you become blind and you refuse to accept it. If someone does truly care about you and you know this inside your heart then why are you willing to accept a lie?

Never just accept the words of others for what it is, especially if you have a gut feeling inside you that there is a possibility that its a lie. Find out for yourself if its really true. I would rather die if I did not seek out the truth rather then to live on knowing I believed in a lie.


I love the last sentence. THe phrase 'rather then to live on knowing I believed in a lie.' In this world we are living in, we face lies almost in everyday life. And long term exposure to these lies can make us believe that a lie is truth. This is something very scary. Its like people say, ' Study hard so you can live a better life in future.' Do we really live a good life after we study hard? Or is it just a lie by parents to make us study? How many of us actually believed in it?
Whahaha.... another day of my life :) Haha.. today was a fine day... The pace of work going a bit slower now cos just finished to CAs the past few days and rush a lot of tutorials too. Then now finally can relax a bit :) Tonight slacked a lot :P Just finish 1 question from tutorial nia. But got part abcd one lar... Then haha... finally TIME TO CUT MY HAIR!!! I've been waiting for this day since last week. But I was too busy. Everynight have to rush tutorials and study for test. Haha... then I cut until my hair very short :P Its the shortest length I've ever cut :P But it feels so good :D My head a bit lighter liao :)
HAiz... Then today also had sports day. Very sian one. Now they are running on a house system. Not like last time is individual class one. Then Haiz.... I dun get a chance to design class t-shirt liao... haiz... design for 2 yrs then last 2 yrs other people snatch my ricebowl. Then now no more chance liao.. :'( But nvm I can still use my brain power to design other things like my flash movie and blog :D
Then today received a msg from james... haha expo got job to do :) But too bad I got school so cannot go. Haiz... haha they still want to employ me despite my average sales record last 2 times :P HAha... too bad I got school otherwise I may consider working for them again. Its like just sacrifice 4 days in return for a new digi cam or printer :D haha, these are the top 2 things in my wish list :P
So :D just end off here lor :) Happy Happy Happy :)
The eve of my birthday :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Hmm... just realise that my blog is super boring!!! ... haha cos I went around reading other people's blog and wow... their blog is so interesting. One had many pictures, not ordinary pictures hor. Its like everyday you go online then see some very nice picture then put it up on the blog. Then its like the whole entry full of pictures. So nice. Then another one... haha though he don't update his blog as often. but his blog entry are very nice :D He life is always packed with fun things. And reading it filled me with envy :P
So hmm... I think I will try to change the way I write my blog liao. :D So after I finish all my stuffs, I will revamp my blog [this design like quite long liao right? I promised to change it like once every few weeks. ] So Hmm... maybe after like 1 or 2 more weeks when I settle everything, I will do the designing of the site and once it is finished, I will change the style of my post :D
So get ready for a brand new look coming soon :)

Haha... So let me once again *HINT* *HINT* again ar... 18th of MAY liao ar :P

Monday, May 17, 2004

Yo!! Haha.. just realise that I talk a lot of cock yesterday :P Perhaps I wasn't really feeling that well lar :) Haha... today was quite a fine day... Haha... my energy is backed :D Today a lot of things to do... one after another. Dun even have time to slowly eat my lunch. Just now nearly choke sia... But, hmm... the feeling is quite nice :) Its a blessing to keep your life occupied :D Haha... but today very sadly, I didn't finish my GP homework, then teachr very sad then scolded us. Haiz... so sorry, didn't mean to not do it. But somehow I didn't feel like doing, so didn't do. Sorry... Okie.. then the rest of the day was fine. Rushing rushing and rushing. But hor, that chinese compo test sure gone liao. The topics given are so 'DUH' How am I going to answer it? So I kept beating around the bush about a single point and filled up 600 words... Die liao ar.... Hmm... Then now have to go study for test liao, this week is gonna be very very busy. There is maths test tmr, physics the day after, then got sports day on wednesday as well. Then hmm... thursday got blood donation, but haiz... my grandma objected to it so I can't donate blood :P My dad got a little bit of scolding from her for signing the consent form to let me go :P Sorry :)Then friday... hmm... also got something on lar. I think I can predict what the horoscope says liao... haha... throughout the day, keep having this urge to flip open yesterday's newspaper to look at the horoscope. :P I think I obsessed with it liao :P But I will try to control myself until the end of this week :D Okie gtg, Bye~

Sunday, May 16, 2004

ARGH!!!! Forgot to check out my horoscope for this week... now its locked inside my parent's room and my parents are sleeping.... Hmmm... then I shall live this week without my horoscope to guide me. :D Hope that there will be more surprises.. cos these few days is really very bored. With my flu cough and tons of homework... that was a terrible week. But I dun think my workload will be getting less for the coming weeks but just glad that my flu+cough is finally GOING TO BE over. So I will be able to cope with work quite nicely. Hmm... 16th of may... Thats really fast. I've been in yj for alomst 5++ months already!!! Haha kind of like the school very much cos its really a very vibrant and 'happening' place. Quite glad that I didn't choose to go to pj :P Haha.. cos they missed out so many things!!! And you know, the feeling of being able to start a fresh is really very nice too. [haha... recently thought through a lot of things while I'm sick ] To be given a chance to live a life from start again. Nobody knows about my past. Nobody knows who I'm, how I behave. Nobody can tell me how I should behave based on my past because they know nothing about it. Thats why, I'm trying to change myself, I've started to try to take part in many things, to do and try out the things I've not done before. This feeling is great. BUT, I think I've done enough, I do not have the energy to carry on anymore. While I was sick, I thought through a lot, is it time for me to cool down and be focused back on my studies? You know, I feel so tired. Perhaps its time for me to take a rest. But I know, if I stop now, I won't have a chance to do it again, as you know, all the activities stops at J1, next year, it'll all be study study and study. But I guess hmmm..... I've already done enough... its time to stop. So maybe after completing my work for competition, I'll just end everything. UNLESS something really interesting or my workload is greatly lessen, I may consider being active again :D

Oh haha... its already the 16TH of MAY already *hint* *hint*
Haha.... Hope that someone can remember wads coming very very soon :D It dosen't have to be something big, I'll be just as happy when someone remembers :D haha BIG *HINT* Liao ar haha :)

Okie.. think its enough... type out quite a lot of things :P Hope you won't fall asleep while reading it. Bye~

Saturday, May 15, 2004

Yay.. Feeling much better now :D Hope that I can fully recover tmr :D

HAHA.. just did something very beautiful. Saw it on computer times. I wanted to do that long ago already but didn't have the power to do that. And now they have this program to render everything for me!!!! HAHA so happy. This pic contains all my memories in commonwealth secondary. But so sad this program only trial for 30 days. Duno what should I do when the trial ends. Really hope that photoshop have this kind of plug-in :D
Okie after talking so much heres the URL
If anyone got problem viewing it pls inform me asap, thanks :)

Okie now lets talk about other things. Hmm... today went out for dinner to celebrate my grandpa's birthday. Then I heard something very interesting. Someone sitting on the table next to us said in chinese to a kid : "IF you want to order drinks, say it in chinese like your brother. " Btw, I'm at a chinese restaurant. HAha... find that its very interesting because you know, nowadays the commotion about the chinese education policy. Haha... I'm just glad that there are still people around who still value chinese and are teaching the younger generation to use chinese. Chinese should be taught from young, and by exposing the child to more chinese conversations, they may slowly be able to appreciate the beauty and importance of chinese. So to everyone out there, there is no need to make such a big fuss out of the change. Because its your own responsibility as a parent to teach the child chinese. The government did not cancel out chinese. They are still providing chinese lessons for those who WANT to study. So the government is just shifting the respnsibility of choosing whether to study or not to parents. So as to make parents know the importance of chinese as well.
Haha.. dun want to write anymore liao :P LAter become GP essay :P

Okie, this post is a bit long but nvm :D Got so much things to say :) Bye bye

Friday, May 14, 2004

:)Start to feel a bit better now :) Hope that I will be fully recovered by tmr :D

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Haiz.. feeling very terrible now. Just caught a flu yesterday. Then today worsen. Just now after I woke up from my afternoon nap. My left ear blocked until now. Then nose also have a burning sensation. My whole body temperature also very high. Brain also not functioning. HAiz... then these few days also alot of work to do. Haiz... yesterday sick then went to sleep earlier. Then today have to resort to copying homework and missing my lunch. Then tmr still have to hand-in work which can't be copied. So after typing this I still have to go back to doing homework. Haiz... but I still want to spend some time here cos I hope to mark an end to all these things. HAiz... Life is really in a mess this 2 days. Hope that I will be better tomorrow after a nice long night sleep. Then today also very suay... the shoulder strap of my bag suddenly broke in the morning. Causing me to have to carry my bag on my hand around the school today. Haiz... morning already got such bad omen liao. Haiz haiz haiz... words can't describe my feeling right now. You know... the pain and the stress of everything. HAiz... have already been facing quite some problems for the past few weeks. Then now problem haven't finish solving then got sick liao. I wonder when will I be able to settle everything. Ok lar, have to go do my homework liao. Hope that this is really a last day posting such a sad post. May tomorrow be a better day :)

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Hello :D Yay its sunday again!!! :D Once again I'll start of todays post with my horoscope for the week :D Very happy cos the prediction very nice :D It says that I will get along quite well with friends this week. Then in work will get sense of achivement. This week will be a generally nice week for me :D
Wah... after reading this very happy cos for the past few prediction not very good... especially last weeks prediction about money :D Wah... finally can take a breathe [ Is there such a word :P ] from my hectic [ another one...] life... Yay hope that the coming week is really a happy one :D
Hmm... today was rushing through my work lor... seems like a lot of things to do. But although I was rushing, I was also slacking lor... cos I did most of my work on my bed :P I think I spent almost half of the day lying on my bed doing everything.... HAha... Nothing much to talk about... Bye :D

Saturday, May 08, 2004

HAha... just got the headless photos yesterday :) Haha... I shall put it here for all to see. Haha... it was taken by a group of lamerz in my class :D haha... so cute :P

I will delete it after 1 week, so as not to occupy too much of my friend's webspace :)

Haha... then today also heard a very interesting phrase. [ Too much is not enough ] I think its from some duno wad designer. Hmm... too much is not enough, very greedy sia... haha

Friday, May 07, 2004

Yo! Another day of my life recorded here :) Haha.. yesterday very tired so nv post, went to sleep at 8.15 but in the end also muz wait until 10 then really sleep. Cos during that approx 2 hr I've been thinking and thinking. I was thinking about the design for our class notice board. Haha... I usually think before I sleep because thats when my brain start functioning with creativity at full potential. Almost everything big that I do, the idea always form when I was about to sleep. So haha... thats also one of the reason why I always sleep at 10 everyday. So that I can have some time to think and also not affecting my sleeping hours. When I sleep at 10, I will take at least another 45 minutes before I completely shut down. Therefore my actual sleeping time is from about 11 to next day about 6.30. So I only sleep 7 1/2 hrs!!!!! An average human need 8 and for me I need 10!!! So now you know why am I always so blur and sleepy....

Haha this post like a bit long liao. But nvm haha... I got lots of things to say :D Haha... today start to feel a bit better :) Life also a bit more peaceful now. Haha, I think my financial problem also not much liao lar. Cos haiz.... I've given up the thought of going to the movies and for now I adpot a bit of heck care attitude to school admin stuffs. Only temporary lar, cos I dun want to over stress myself. So haha when the school admin really got come and collect money from me then give lor... And for the data cable haha... still hope to get it soon lar :) Then today also saw mr lim HAha... duno he still remember me or not. Long time nv go his IT resource room to do digital art liao :P Cos recently too busy lar.... Next time when I'm free I'll just pop by to visit him :)

Wooo... this post is really getting very long. Okie just one last comment... HAha recently then realise that sen min also an IT geek :D:D HAha... that time hear him talk with chou chun [also another IT freak] about computer stuffs, my jaws almost drop off.... Haha... didn't know he knows so much about computer hardwares... Cos everytime see him like those more sporty kind always play basketball. Haha really is 'ren bu ke mao xiang' lol.

ok lar. I'll just end here. Later scare away all my readers :P
To all who visits my blog, THANKS FOR VISITING :D

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Haiz.... these few days very sian ar!!!! Got a lot of financial problem.... Haiz... the horoscope very accurate leh.... Cos recently just realise the the school haven't deduct the money from my edusave account yet, then I think I got not enough money!!! Cos that time I thought deduct liao mah so didn't care. Later they check then not enough money then I will have to pay cash!!!! $200++ dollars leh.... heartache sia..... Then also spent quite some money these few days... just also top-up my farecard... $10 fly away liao...Then tmr still need to pay $4 for class funds... then also recently like eat a lot :P then again money fly away. And also I want to buy a data cable for my phone, that will cost me money as well, but I think that one can postpone till a later time when I got enough money to spare... Then recently also want to go watch movie, but then NO MONEY again... Haiz... money money money.... wah... really hope that this week will be over soon, and also hope that my horoscope prediction for next week is better.....

Ok lar enough about money. School these few days very slack... but hor that kind of slack very scary... keep having a feeling that I haven't complete something. Then still have to do project work lor... sian sian sian.... This is a very stressful week.... :'(

Monday, May 03, 2004

Hmm... today is just another boring day in school, back to the days where the time table is all in a mess... Tmr go school only 1 lesson nia... :| Nothing much lar... so sian. But today start to feel much better about my phone. Cos went around visiting forums then found out that there is actually a cable for me to transfer all my things :D So haha... but hor still a bit heartache lar cos, the organizer and phonebook is not as powerful as it was before. Cos I mainly use it for organising things... haiz... but still ok lar. But I still feel that it was a mistake buying it. And I will remember this lesson.

Sunday, May 02, 2004

Let me once again start off this weeks first post with yet another horoscope. I find this horoscope from the chinese newspaper very accurate :D So here it goes. My horoscope for this week warn me about my money. IT says that I will spend more than what I receive. So ask me to be careful. And once again it came true. TODAY....

Haiz... today bought a painful lesson for $288... It taught me not to be greedy and make hasty [is there such a word?] decisions. Haiz... heartache sia.... You know actually not my money lar, but I feel the pain. Maybe thats the reason that I feel the pain. Cos you know... when I spend my own hard earn money on useless stuffs like MP3 player and the most useless thing, my prodikeys... I dun feel the pain. But now, somehow the pain keeps bothering me. And about the greed. I always wanted something more, so today I finally got what I want, but in return I lost more.... so haiz... what has been done cannot be undone... So that thing that I bought today will always be by my side, reminding me about the expensive lesson.

Saturday, May 01, 2004

YAY!!!!!!!!! Finally home yesterday from OBS... So tired... So just came online a while then go sleep liao... Haha... didn't realise I was that tired that I slept until I dun feel like taking dinner. HAha... So nice to feel the softness of my bed, for the past 5 days I've been sleeping on stones and concrete floor. Sleep until back pain ar... Then now now finally got bed and blanket liao :D The last 2 night very cold sia.... cos got rain.... HAha... So happy that I'm finally home!!!!!
OKay, now I shall write a day to day account of my camp :D

Day 1.
Woke up early in the morning then go to school at the same time lor, then after that went to pungol jetty. At first thought was the one we go for NPCC camp, but later realise that it was not. That place very ulu one. After that also took boat to camp site. Then at camp site we met up with our instructor. Haha... we got the oldest and most experienced and also the most slackest instructor around :P . Then about noon, we went to play some games.. like falling backwards and your friends catching you from behind... it was very fun. Then after that about evening, we went to pitch our tents... Haha... then thats when the NPCCs & NCCs fight against the scouts :P Haha... we started competing against each other in pitching tents. Haha.. Then in the end rain come then flood our tents :|. Then we also cook dinner after that lor, then duno why we got such a lousy place. Our place no lights one lor, then see other people got lights... we like so :|. Then after that night time liao go sleep liao lor. but hor, cannot sleep mah, so started telling jokes, then we were laughing and laughing, super lame lor :P Then until some time, we went back to our store to slack :P Then later on, we came back to camp. Then got instructor patrolling one mah, so when we were in the tent, my friend saw the instructor coming then he said very softly, " instructor coming" . Then the instructor replied, " If you can see that I'm coming, it means that you are not asleep. " Then everyone start laughing again lor.... Hmnm... then after laming enough we start to sleep liao. BUt I still cannot sleep cos I can't stop thinking of things. So I just close my eyes and rest lor. Then like that 1 day over liao.

Day 2
Also same lor, woke up quite early in the morning about 6 like that. Then went to wash up and prepare our backpacks lor. Cos we will be leaving the campsite for the next 3 days then we hae to pack our foodstuffs and tents. Then after that , we went for a briefing lor, then something very 'heng' happened. At first they tell us the route to our next destination is the super long one. Then we all like 'aiya dun bluff us lar' Then they told us another route which was very short, but we have to bring our kayaks through a swamp. Then we also give that dun bluff us face. Then finally they ask us where we want to walk, so someone went up there and choose a shorter route which don't require us to go through the swamp. Then they agreed lor. Then very 'heng' thing is all the route the instructors tell us are really true. The other groups really either paddle the super long way or the through the swamp way. So we were like... WAH!!! So heng sia. After that we set of in our kayaks lor. Then we paddle 6 hrs before reaching our destination. Then I was tanned until very black lor... :| Then after reaching there we pitched our tents there and stayed over night. But hor we lost our tents that 2 sticks that support up the tents, so we bo bian use the camping stickes lor. Then in the end our tent very low, then difficult to sleep. Then at about night time hor, a swamp of I think that call it mayflies attacked our campsite. Then everyone was like taking towels and clothes and start swinging around to keep off the flies. Then insect repellent also no use. But you know wad, the instructors actually hide in some place where there were no flies... So bad sia... nv tell us :|. Then haiz... after a while the flies are gone lar, so we start to cook dinner then sleep lor. OH yah... before pitching our tents, we also went for a dip in the quarry. The water was so cooling :) And also... there was no toilets at the camp site lor. Then the guys all pee at the bushes along the road :P . but i wonder how the girls do it... Then thats about all for the day lor.

Day 3
Woke up in moring, then went to wash up... but no toilet wad.. so woke up a bit earlier when the sky is still dark then brush teeth brought our water bottle then spit everything along the road side, then faster pee and headed back to campsite :P Haha. Then around the afternoon, we trek to our next destination, one of their base camp. Then we trek on our own lor, the instructor only follow us behind, we go wrong way they also won't tell one, but luckily we didn't so we reach there very soon lor. That place is also a base camp mah... so it was like so beautiful!!!!. That place I think is better than a chalet ar... the toilet is like so nice :D We all had a nice bath and cleared all the shit inside us :P. Teh after that we played games. Then we also built a raft :D It was so fun haha... cos there was also another team our partner watch also doing the same thing mah. But hor their raft didn't survive :P but we manage to row to our target :D. After that we had dinner, oh yah, that place also got HOT water :D:D Wah... so nice sia... Then soon we see a lot of people comming in. Then thats the time when we realise that we were very lucky to take the shorter route, Cos the long route is really very tiring. They had to paddle more than 8 hrs and without resting trek in the dark for another 3 hrs before coming to basecamp. Haha... then saw loy han there, he also sway say tio the long route one :P We felt sad for them so we decided to cook dinner for them while they were washing up lor. Haha... cos our instructor also very good and lend us a stove mah. So cooking is so easy. Then after that we went back to our tents and realise that a lot of tents all collapse from the rain. So we went back to ask our instructor to let us sleep in the building :P Then our instructor found a place for us. And let us sleep there, then tell us not to tell anyone else cos the rest still have to rebuild their tents and sleep there. So Haha... went to sleep liao then another day is over :D

Day 4
Again woke up in the morning. went to wash up. Haha... the toilet was really nice sia :) then we went to play high rope elemtents and climb rock walls. Haha Very fun sia. Then afternoon we start packing again and went back to our original basecamp. Then we started unpacking and preparing to go home liao :D:D Yay Finally everything is gonna be over soon.

Day 5
Finally, time to go home!!!!!!!! We woke up and wash up our tents and everything, did a store check and we actually lost 2 water bottles, but we went around and kope other people one :P Cos if lost need to pay mah :P Then after that our instructor have to go off earlier cos he got something else on. Then we have to clean up the boys toilet lor, So dirty sia... duno how they use the toilet one.... Haiz... then clean up liao went to assemble for a debrief. Haiz... then played a few games, then they give out our cert lor, then every team have their instructor with them but we dun have :'( Then I like almost want to cry liao... I feel so unwanted lor..... Haiz... that kind of feeling, very hard to describe. You know, every team around was standing up and cheering for their instructor, while we sit there, very sad. Nobody talking.... That feeling Haiz... :'(. Then finally go home liao lor.

HAha... Haiz... OBS was really fun. Manage to understand more about my friends, really saw their true colors lor. but haiz... now recalling about it, hmm... still kind of wish it had been much longer lar, cos although it was tiring, it is not something you get to do everyday lor. Like now come back liao... need to rush for tutorials. The 5 days over day was really stress free lor, you just do what ever is needed for survival for that moment. No need to worry like what will happen next week or what ever. And also it is also a time to make mistakes and learn from them lor. Haiz... this kind of feeling very hard to describe one lar. but it was a really fun experience. :) This will always stay in my memories just like those of the past camps :D