Friday, May 07, 2004

Yo! Another day of my life recorded here :) Haha.. yesterday very tired so nv post, went to sleep at 8.15 but in the end also muz wait until 10 then really sleep. Cos during that approx 2 hr I've been thinking and thinking. I was thinking about the design for our class notice board. Haha... I usually think before I sleep because thats when my brain start functioning with creativity at full potential. Almost everything big that I do, the idea always form when I was about to sleep. So haha... thats also one of the reason why I always sleep at 10 everyday. So that I can have some time to think and also not affecting my sleeping hours. When I sleep at 10, I will take at least another 45 minutes before I completely shut down. Therefore my actual sleeping time is from about 11 to next day about 6.30. So I only sleep 7 1/2 hrs!!!!! An average human need 8 and for me I need 10!!! So now you know why am I always so blur and sleepy....

Haha this post like a bit long liao. But nvm haha... I got lots of things to say :D Haha... today start to feel a bit better :) Life also a bit more peaceful now. Haha, I think my financial problem also not much liao lar. Cos haiz.... I've given up the thought of going to the movies and for now I adpot a bit of heck care attitude to school admin stuffs. Only temporary lar, cos I dun want to over stress myself. So haha when the school admin really got come and collect money from me then give lor... And for the data cable haha... still hope to get it soon lar :) Then today also saw mr lim HAha... duno he still remember me or not. Long time nv go his IT resource room to do digital art liao :P Cos recently too busy lar.... Next time when I'm free I'll just pop by to visit him :)

Wooo... this post is really getting very long. Okie just one last comment... HAha recently then realise that sen min also an IT geek :D:D HAha... that time hear him talk with chou chun [also another IT freak] about computer stuffs, my jaws almost drop off.... Haha... didn't know he knows so much about computer hardwares... Cos everytime see him like those more sporty kind always play basketball. Haha really is 'ren bu ke mao xiang' lol.

ok lar. I'll just end here. Later scare away all my readers :P
To all who visits my blog, THANKS FOR VISITING :D

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