Monday, May 24, 2004

Yo! Haha... yesterday was trying to store up some sleep for the coming week so nv post much :) Then now I shall post some of yesterday's things :D

Haha... yesterday was sunday and once again, I read my horoscope :D Haha... it was tough last week wondering around without any horoscope to guide and don't know wad to expect :P So haha... I read my horoscope yesterday liao :D So at least know wad to expect this week :D Okie my horoscope for this week is that I will receive suggestions and comment from my friends about me, and though it may seem unsuitable for me, its good to have a try, result my be surprising :D

Hmm... today is monday... didn't get any comments from friends leh. Haha... I think the only feedback I get is for my hair :D Haha... received some quite nice feedback for my hair :D So happy Haha... maybe I will cut it this short once in a while :) Other than that nothing much lor. School nowadays still managable. But it seems that monday is always the busiest day of the week. Cos got 2 major assignment to hand-in. 1 is our maths tutorial the our econs essay. So every monday, will be rushing to touch up on these two things before handing in.

LIfe also very sian. Nothing much happen. Also no more school activities liao. Haiz...

K lar... shall talk until here for now. Very sian liao. After this still need to search for words for GP... Haiz... Bye~

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