Sunday, May 09, 2004

Hello :D Yay its sunday again!!! :D Once again I'll start of todays post with my horoscope for the week :D Very happy cos the prediction very nice :D It says that I will get along quite well with friends this week. Then in work will get sense of achivement. This week will be a generally nice week for me :D
Wah... after reading this very happy cos for the past few prediction not very good... especially last weeks prediction about money :D Wah... finally can take a breathe [ Is there such a word :P ] from my hectic [ another one...] life... Yay hope that the coming week is really a happy one :D
Hmm... today was rushing through my work lor... seems like a lot of things to do. But although I was rushing, I was also slacking lor... cos I did most of my work on my bed :P I think I spent almost half of the day lying on my bed doing everything.... HAha... Nothing much to talk about... Bye :D

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