Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Haiz.... these few days very sian ar!!!! Got a lot of financial problem.... Haiz... the horoscope very accurate leh.... Cos recently just realise the the school haven't deduct the money from my edusave account yet, then I think I got not enough money!!! Cos that time I thought deduct liao mah so didn't care. Later they check then not enough money then I will have to pay cash!!!! $200++ dollars leh.... heartache sia..... Then also spent quite some money these few days... just also top-up my farecard... $10 fly away liao...Then tmr still need to pay $4 for class funds... then also recently like eat a lot :P then again money fly away. And also I want to buy a data cable for my phone, that will cost me money as well, but I think that one can postpone till a later time when I got enough money to spare... Then recently also want to go watch movie, but then NO MONEY again... Haiz... money money money.... wah... really hope that this week will be over soon, and also hope that my horoscope prediction for next week is better.....

Ok lar enough about money. School these few days very slack... but hor that kind of slack very scary... keep having a feeling that I haven't complete something. Then still have to do project work lor... sian sian sian.... This is a very stressful week.... :'(

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