Saturday, May 15, 2004

Yay.. Feeling much better now :D Hope that I can fully recover tmr :D

HAHA.. just did something very beautiful. Saw it on computer times. I wanted to do that long ago already but didn't have the power to do that. And now they have this program to render everything for me!!!! HAHA so happy. This pic contains all my memories in commonwealth secondary. But so sad this program only trial for 30 days. Duno what should I do when the trial ends. Really hope that photoshop have this kind of plug-in :D
Okie after talking so much heres the URL
If anyone got problem viewing it pls inform me asap, thanks :)

Okie now lets talk about other things. Hmm... today went out for dinner to celebrate my grandpa's birthday. Then I heard something very interesting. Someone sitting on the table next to us said in chinese to a kid : "IF you want to order drinks, say it in chinese like your brother. " Btw, I'm at a chinese restaurant. HAha... find that its very interesting because you know, nowadays the commotion about the chinese education policy. Haha... I'm just glad that there are still people around who still value chinese and are teaching the younger generation to use chinese. Chinese should be taught from young, and by exposing the child to more chinese conversations, they may slowly be able to appreciate the beauty and importance of chinese. So to everyone out there, there is no need to make such a big fuss out of the change. Because its your own responsibility as a parent to teach the child chinese. The government did not cancel out chinese. They are still providing chinese lessons for those who WANT to study. So the government is just shifting the respnsibility of choosing whether to study or not to parents. So as to make parents know the importance of chinese as well.
Haha.. dun want to write anymore liao :P LAter become GP essay :P

Okie, this post is a bit long but nvm :D Got so much things to say :) Bye bye

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