Monday, May 31, 2004

HAiz... another day has passed. Haiz... now in a holiday mood liao. No mood to do tutorials leh.... Haiz... I just want to slack. But I have no time to do that. My PW schedule is so damn packed, I can hardly find time to relax myself. Then still have that flash movie competition. Haiz... need to get my registration form submitted soon. The flash movie is half-way in production liao, left a few scenes and adding sound effect nia. But I have really no time to do that. Then I'll be flying off to china end of next week and I haven't prepare a single thing yet. Haiz... then today also had a test. Argh.... worked my brain to its full poetntial during the test. Now I'm feeling very very weak. I guess I shall get myself a good night sleep and leave everything till tmr. As the saying goes ' chuan dao qiao tou zhi ran zhi ' Let nature take its course.

And something I realise recently. I've been erm how to say it. My jaws are like you know when you bite, your jaws close in hard on each other. Yar... it has been like that lately. I wonder if I'm really suffering from such serious mental stress that I've been doing this thing. Life is really very very busy and stressful right now. Wonder if I have the strength to pull through this 1 more year of mental suffering.

Wish me good luck, or I might end up in mental hospital.

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