Saturday, May 01, 2004

YAY!!!!!!!!! Finally home yesterday from OBS... So tired... So just came online a while then go sleep liao... Haha... didn't realise I was that tired that I slept until I dun feel like taking dinner. HAha... So nice to feel the softness of my bed, for the past 5 days I've been sleeping on stones and concrete floor. Sleep until back pain ar... Then now now finally got bed and blanket liao :D The last 2 night very cold sia.... cos got rain.... HAha... So happy that I'm finally home!!!!!
OKay, now I shall write a day to day account of my camp :D

Day 1.
Woke up early in the morning then go to school at the same time lor, then after that went to pungol jetty. At first thought was the one we go for NPCC camp, but later realise that it was not. That place very ulu one. After that also took boat to camp site. Then at camp site we met up with our instructor. Haha... we got the oldest and most experienced and also the most slackest instructor around :P . Then about noon, we went to play some games.. like falling backwards and your friends catching you from behind... it was very fun. Then after that about evening, we went to pitch our tents... Haha... then thats when the NPCCs & NCCs fight against the scouts :P Haha... we started competing against each other in pitching tents. Haha.. Then in the end rain come then flood our tents :|. Then we also cook dinner after that lor, then duno why we got such a lousy place. Our place no lights one lor, then see other people got lights... we like so :|. Then after that night time liao go sleep liao lor. but hor, cannot sleep mah, so started telling jokes, then we were laughing and laughing, super lame lor :P Then until some time, we went back to our store to slack :P Then later on, we came back to camp. Then got instructor patrolling one mah, so when we were in the tent, my friend saw the instructor coming then he said very softly, " instructor coming" . Then the instructor replied, " If you can see that I'm coming, it means that you are not asleep. " Then everyone start laughing again lor.... Hmnm... then after laming enough we start to sleep liao. BUt I still cannot sleep cos I can't stop thinking of things. So I just close my eyes and rest lor. Then like that 1 day over liao.

Day 2
Also same lor, woke up quite early in the morning about 6 like that. Then went to wash up and prepare our backpacks lor. Cos we will be leaving the campsite for the next 3 days then we hae to pack our foodstuffs and tents. Then after that , we went for a briefing lor, then something very 'heng' happened. At first they tell us the route to our next destination is the super long one. Then we all like 'aiya dun bluff us lar' Then they told us another route which was very short, but we have to bring our kayaks through a swamp. Then we also give that dun bluff us face. Then finally they ask us where we want to walk, so someone went up there and choose a shorter route which don't require us to go through the swamp. Then they agreed lor. Then very 'heng' thing is all the route the instructors tell us are really true. The other groups really either paddle the super long way or the through the swamp way. So we were like... WAH!!! So heng sia. After that we set of in our kayaks lor. Then we paddle 6 hrs before reaching our destination. Then I was tanned until very black lor... :| Then after reaching there we pitched our tents there and stayed over night. But hor we lost our tents that 2 sticks that support up the tents, so we bo bian use the camping stickes lor. Then in the end our tent very low, then difficult to sleep. Then at about night time hor, a swamp of I think that call it mayflies attacked our campsite. Then everyone was like taking towels and clothes and start swinging around to keep off the flies. Then insect repellent also no use. But you know wad, the instructors actually hide in some place where there were no flies... So bad sia... nv tell us :|. Then haiz... after a while the flies are gone lar, so we start to cook dinner then sleep lor. OH yah... before pitching our tents, we also went for a dip in the quarry. The water was so cooling :) And also... there was no toilets at the camp site lor. Then the guys all pee at the bushes along the road :P . but i wonder how the girls do it... Then thats about all for the day lor.

Day 3
Woke up in moring, then went to wash up... but no toilet wad.. so woke up a bit earlier when the sky is still dark then brush teeth brought our water bottle then spit everything along the road side, then faster pee and headed back to campsite :P Haha. Then around the afternoon, we trek to our next destination, one of their base camp. Then we trek on our own lor, the instructor only follow us behind, we go wrong way they also won't tell one, but luckily we didn't so we reach there very soon lor. That place is also a base camp mah... so it was like so beautiful!!!!. That place I think is better than a chalet ar... the toilet is like so nice :D We all had a nice bath and cleared all the shit inside us :P. Teh after that we played games. Then we also built a raft :D It was so fun haha... cos there was also another team our partner watch also doing the same thing mah. But hor their raft didn't survive :P but we manage to row to our target :D. After that we had dinner, oh yah, that place also got HOT water :D:D Wah... so nice sia... Then soon we see a lot of people comming in. Then thats the time when we realise that we were very lucky to take the shorter route, Cos the long route is really very tiring. They had to paddle more than 8 hrs and without resting trek in the dark for another 3 hrs before coming to basecamp. Haha... then saw loy han there, he also sway say tio the long route one :P We felt sad for them so we decided to cook dinner for them while they were washing up lor. Haha... cos our instructor also very good and lend us a stove mah. So cooking is so easy. Then after that we went back to our tents and realise that a lot of tents all collapse from the rain. So we went back to ask our instructor to let us sleep in the building :P Then our instructor found a place for us. And let us sleep there, then tell us not to tell anyone else cos the rest still have to rebuild their tents and sleep there. So Haha... went to sleep liao then another day is over :D

Day 4
Again woke up in the morning. went to wash up. Haha... the toilet was really nice sia :) then we went to play high rope elemtents and climb rock walls. Haha Very fun sia. Then afternoon we start packing again and went back to our original basecamp. Then we started unpacking and preparing to go home liao :D:D Yay Finally everything is gonna be over soon.

Day 5
Finally, time to go home!!!!!!!! We woke up and wash up our tents and everything, did a store check and we actually lost 2 water bottles, but we went around and kope other people one :P Cos if lost need to pay mah :P Then after that our instructor have to go off earlier cos he got something else on. Then we have to clean up the boys toilet lor, So dirty sia... duno how they use the toilet one.... Haiz... then clean up liao went to assemble for a debrief. Haiz... then played a few games, then they give out our cert lor, then every team have their instructor with them but we dun have :'( Then I like almost want to cry liao... I feel so unwanted lor..... Haiz... that kind of feeling, very hard to describe. You know, every team around was standing up and cheering for their instructor, while we sit there, very sad. Nobody talking.... That feeling Haiz... :'(. Then finally go home liao lor.

HAha... Haiz... OBS was really fun. Manage to understand more about my friends, really saw their true colors lor. but haiz... now recalling about it, hmm... still kind of wish it had been much longer lar, cos although it was tiring, it is not something you get to do everyday lor. Like now come back liao... need to rush for tutorials. The 5 days over day was really stress free lor, you just do what ever is needed for survival for that moment. No need to worry like what will happen next week or what ever. And also it is also a time to make mistakes and learn from them lor. Haiz... this kind of feeling very hard to describe one lar. but it was a really fun experience. :) This will always stay in my memories just like those of the past camps :D

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