Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Okie... I'm feeling very bad today. WAs very fed up with my project work group members. So I have decided to do the project MYSELF. I have learned not to rely on other people if I want to achieve what I want. Therefore, TONIGHT will be the start of the war and TONIGHT will be the first battle. I have decide to SACRIFICE tonight's time which is meant for doing my maths tutorial to do my PW proposal. We are already behind other groups and I will and must ensure that the proposal is ready by tmr and WILL be approved. I'm prepared to give a full and detailed proposal to ensure approval. But tonight's sacrifice will not go unrewarded. I've said this in my previous post and will say it again, I BELIEVE that you reap what you sow and there is equilibrium in this world. I'm sure that I'll get my reward, and those who nv contribute will get their retribution. They will bring disaster to their desendents or their future generation as I BELIEVE that this kind of people won't go far in life. Not only they will suffer in provety themselves, their children will also suffer with them as this is a vicious cycle. Only through education and hardwork will you be able to break free from this cycle. So lets see... there are a few potential retainee in this class already. Their retribution may not come soon, but I am SURE that it will come eventually. And I don't mind waiting. There is a chinese saying that 'For a man who want revenge, 10 years wait is not long' So lets see 10 or 20 or even 30 years later, how will your life be like?
So let me say it again. I'm not trying to curse anyone. I'm just stating what I believe.

I've revealed the DARK side of me. As people say 'still water runs deep' I may seem to be a very nice person outside, but deep down, you can't imagine how EVIL and DARK I am. I wear a mask in life everyday so what you see is not the real ME. Actually it is not really a mask. I'm a taurus. And if you have read my post on the horoscope, there is this part that talk about a taurus man does not lose his temper easily but when he does after being provoked too much, Haha... BRACE YOURSELF.

Okie... bye~ Going off to devise my BATTLE plan. Victory shall me mine and mine ALONE !!!!!!

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