Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Hmm... its yet another day... So sian ar.... my PW... today was very pissed off.... my group members didn't want to cooperate and do work, instead keep talking crap. Want to talk crap nvm, but at least do some work. Last week already distribute the work out liao. In the end none of them did, only me did my part. I duno why I'm so unlucky to be in the same group as them. I really really wish to change group, but I know its impossible, the aim of this PW is also to see how well you work with people. But haiz... when you meet this kind of people what can you do? You can't like scold them or punish them? I really want to do well in project work. But I guess I'll have to do everything on my own. But somehow it seems a bit unfair to me leh. 1 person's strength is not enough so I might get quite low marks, and somemore other people whom nv contribute as much might get the same marks as me. Haiz... I know life is unfair, there are people who are there to 'hitch a free ride' but I believe that you reap wad you sow. So you people better watch out, though I may not have the power to punish you, heaven will do it, there will be RETRIBUTION. It doesn't matter to me if I do all the work or let you all copy my work [Homework]. Because I did my part and I will get my reward, for you, prepare for the worst. I'm not trying to be mean and start cursing people. I'm just trying to make you all realise your mistakes before its too late.

So as you can see, I'm a thinker, someone who believes that in this world all things exist in equilibrium. I don't know when did I start to believe in such things but now I do and will always be. So if you all have any problems and need some counseling, I'll always be there for you.

Haha... think its enough for now. Just revealed part of the 'real' ME. So to understand me better, please continue to read my blog and 'View it from MY perspective' :D HAha crap :P

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