Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Woo... just finished writing my blog then I saw this poem on

The Truth - Complete Piece
To automatically assume or rush to judgment
without gathering the facts or at least attempting
to find out the truth is ignorance at the highest level.

The truth is an unmovable, unbreakable pillar that will hold you standing and supporting you no matter what occurs in ones life. That pillar stands for and only abides by one thing and that is simply nothing more, nothing less than the truth.

Sometimes the truth can be right there staring you right in the eye and you cannot notice it because your ignorance consumes you, therefore you become blind and you refuse to accept it. If someone does truly care about you and you know this inside your heart then why are you willing to accept a lie?

Never just accept the words of others for what it is, especially if you have a gut feeling inside you that there is a possibility that its a lie. Find out for yourself if its really true. I would rather die if I did not seek out the truth rather then to live on knowing I believed in a lie.


I love the last sentence. THe phrase 'rather then to live on knowing I believed in a lie.' In this world we are living in, we face lies almost in everyday life. And long term exposure to these lies can make us believe that a lie is truth. This is something very scary. Its like people say, ' Study hard so you can live a better life in future.' Do we really live a good life after we study hard? Or is it just a lie by parents to make us study? How many of us actually believed in it?

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