Wednesday, September 29, 2004

:) am not feeling very well now.... was very very sleepy just now, so I thought I give myself a break so I went to sleep at 8.00pm..... but toss here toss there.... didn't manage to fall asleep, so after a while... woke up again at 8.45 : Then thinking, haiz...... about time to start my revision already lar, since I can't get to sleep....
SO on the lights, and started doing revision.... still stuck at binomial chapter cos that chapter gave me quite some problems during past CAs, so tried to spend more time on it....
But because of that, my whole revision plan was disrupted.... So haiz... if really too far behind, have to study on sunday as well.
Today was erm... quite a nice day lar.... haha... did some lame things... cos while waiting for the meeting after school....
Me, kerling, elgin, sen min, went to the library cos kerling wanted to print some signs for the open house. So we went, half-way, we needed a YJC logo, so started searching for it.... But duno why, after a while... we began to search for crap :S haha... I typed in Yishun JC sux.... and I got LOL, a few thousand results, whereas Yishun jc rulz only got back 2 pages : Haha... most of the results are people's blog, they all complain about the school in it haha....
Then after looking at some of the blogs, we started searching for each other's names... haha... got some weird results....
Anyway... this was the fun part....
We typed in out CT mdm lee and made a search for it :D!!! haha... but it came back with a lot of irrelevent result cos yar, there are millions of people who are called mdm lee....
SO.... I added a econs to the search... LOL IT Came back with lots of blog again!!!! Haha... all complaining about Mdm lee!!! haha... was really our yj Mdm lee, cos we see the info of the bloggist ( is there such a word : ) then they were from YJ !!!
Haha.... then also saw this blog of rebecca, haha... she was also from JPS ( I hope it meant Jurong Primary School) :D haha... then now she also studying in YJ and also taught my mdm lee!!!! my primary school mate :D haha... although we didn't know each other, maybe different class ba... but now we are also JC school mates :D but still didn't know her :S
Haha... got her e-mail address, so hehe... maybe can e-mail her to say hi :D
Ok lar... shall end it off here for today :D Hope tmr would be a better day :)

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Arlow.... its me again.... haiz... feeling worst than chang er now..... haha... on the night of mid autumn festival.... doing revision for promos.... ALONE~~ Even chang er got the little rabbit with her.... then I alone doing revision..... sad right? So haha... decided since today is mid autumn festival, I shall end it slightly earlier lar... its now only 9.28... Also hope to get a early night lar... tmr will again... be a long day....
K lar, think thats all for today. Bye~

Monday, September 27, 2004

OMG... Did a lamest thing I ever done tonight.... Haha...
Today was the first day of my preparation for promos... so was doing the mind mapping for econs on a marjong paper.... Then do do do until, I suddenly brain went haywire.... Got this funny thought that came to my mind... Hey... can I take a photo of my eyes, print it, cut it, then paste it on my glasses.... so I can sleep during lessons with my 'eyes' open... Haha.... So when I finally finished what I am supposed to do.... I went to print it!!!! LOL.... was really very lame of me... but in the end, I threw it away... cos it looks too errie.... haha... cos the position I paste my 'eyes' are not very correct... so it looks like those scary movies..... then can you imagine having a eye that never blinks and keep staring at you widely :S haha... so after a while, crushed the paper and threw it away...
But I still got a soft copy of myself with the glasses on :P haha... managed to take one picture before I felt that it is disgusting :P So haha... if you all want to see right.... for the next 3 days starting from today, which ends erm....I think let it end on wed night ba... haha... okay so during this period of time, if you all want to take a look at how lame I am, I will put the picture as my display picture in MSN :P So you all want to see just click to open the msg box with me lar :P
Haha... actually this was inspired by shiqi.... cos she always go around taking picture of her eye using other people's camera phone :S
OKay... anyway... haha... just said I started preparing for promos liao.... haiz.... will be a long 3 weeks ahead.... hope I can survive tru and get good results :D
OK lar~ thats all for today~ Bye Bye~ :D

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Arlow :)
Haiz... my mousy died today..... haha bought it for $27, the got changing lights, looks like a christmas tree decoration... but it died.... started coughing last night, the lights came on and off, then this morning, it did not light up anymore.... Sent it for emergency operation in the morning.... open up its body.... tested its circuit... I found the part where it had bone fracture, the wires are broken internally.... So decided to conduct a major operation on it.... Took out my surgery tools and started sinpping through the insulation coat.... revealing its bare wires.... Then I connected them together and then plug it into the USB port.... but.... there was till no life.... pulse count was zero..... but I connected the wires correctly... why is it so? I should have worked! ... Disheartened but still not giving up... after a round of TV show... I started the second major operation on the mousy.... This time, I snipped off more of its insulating coat so that if would have more contact. But... when I plug it into my USB port, there was still no pulse.... what could be wrong? The red wire to the red, the blur to the blue, the green to the green, and the orange to the orange... Why? Why? After a few more major operation.... there was no sign of life... I have failed in reviving it.... Its now buried in a box, in my cupboard.... I do not want to cremate( is there such a word?) it.... in hope that someday, i would acquire the skill to resurract it....
Whaha... can't believed I typed so much crap... haha... yar, my computer mouse was sopiled this morning.... lasted barely a year...... Haiz... wad a waste...
Haha... anyway... today was a erm... quite boring day lar, wanted to do maths... but after doing econs, didn't have the mood to do liao.... so hehe... tmr lend me copy hor :P
Oh yar... haha... the shoutbox is currently down due to unforseen circumstances.... so haha... can't tag me for now :D But... if you all really got something to say to me you all can feel free to e-mail me :D
K lar, got to pack my bag liao :P It was in a total mess when I dump everything into my bag on friday cos the school attendent is closing the classroom liao.... So.. haha... it was left like that till now :P BYE~

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Arlow... :D
HAiz... actually hor... haiz.... am not feeling very well now... neck aching... duno why.... head too heavy.... eyes... tired.... Mind..... under used..... haiz...
SIAN AR!!!! ARGH!!! ......
I want to play games leh, but hor, now like no games to play leh.... all those online games not interested leh.... haiz..... I need something to play or I will go mad soon....
Anyway... haha... PW sux.... the day before yesterday... stayed up till 2.30pm doing PW!!!! That is the record breaking time for me!!! I have never in my entire life till that day, stay up till so late for SCHOOL WORK!!!! and as if staying up so late is still not enough, I stayed back in school to do PW till 8pm!!!! Also another record for me!!! I never stay so late in school for SCHOOL WORK!!! haha... okay lar... so haha.... was totally drained of my energy.....
OKay lar, dun want to talk about such unhappy things anymore. Recently started watching a new anime series... Full metal alchemist... haha... was quite a nice show... was introduced to me by edwin (if not wrong) quite some time ago.... but only started watching recently.... cos naruto is coming out too slowly... haha.... its talking about some form of transmutation that can decompose something and create something back from it. But it emphasize on equilivent trade, that means you must present something of the same value to create something of similar value. So with that... they ( the 2 brothers, main characters) tried to transmute their mother who died..... but in return, one of them lost his body, and the other one lost a arm and a leg... in the end, their mother came, but she wasn't human... its just a lump of meat and blood.... So they regretted it.... then the story continues as the older brother tried to return a body to his younger brother soul ( his soul was binded to a armour)...
Haha... is quite a nice show :D go watch it :)

Also saw this in kevin's blog.
When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die, you're the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying.

I think its not true, when I'm dying, I would like everyone around me not to cry, but just being sad... :) Cos I feel that there is no need to cry, I have live my life without regrets, and when its time for me to go... I can also leave without regrets... so I die as a happy person, there is no need to cry.

Haha... okay... shall end off here, bye :D
Arlow... :D
HAiz... actually hor... haiz.... am not feeling very well now... neck aching... duno why.... head too heavy.... eyes... tired.... Mind..... under used..... haiz...
SIAN AR!!!! ARGH!!! ......
I want to play games leh, but hor, now like no games to play leh.... all those online games not interested leh.... haiz..... I need something to play or I will go mad soon....
Anyway... haha... PW sux.... the day before yesterday... stayed up till 2.30pm doing PW!!!! That is the record breaking time for me!!! I have never in my entire life till that day, stay up till so late for SCHOOL WORK!!!! and as if staying up so late is still not enough, I stayed back in school to do PW till 8pm!!!! Also another record for me!!! I never stay so late in school for SCHOOL WORK!!! haha... okay lar... so haha.... was totally drained of my energy.....
OKay lar, dun want to talk about such unhappy things anymore. Recently started watching a new anime series... Full metal alchemist... haha... was quite a nice show... was introduced to me by edwin (if not wrong) quite some time ago.... but only started watching recently.... cos naruto is coming out too slowly... haha.... its talking about some form of transmutation that can decompose something and create something back from it. But it emphasize on equilivent trade, that means you must present something of the same value to create something of similar value. So with that... they ( the 2 brothers, main characters) tried to transmute their mother who died..... but in return, one of them lost his body, and the other one lost a arm and a leg... in the end, their mother came, but she wasn't human... its just a lump of meat and blood.... So they regretted it.... then the story continues as the older brother tried to return a body to his younger brother soul ( his soul was binded to a armour)...
Haha... is quite a nice show :D go watch it :)

Also saw this in kevin's blog.
When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die, you're the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying.

I think its not true, when I'm dying, I would like everyone around me not to cry, but just being sad... :) Cos I feel that there is no need to cry, I have live my life without regrets, and when its time for me to go... I can also leave without regrets... so I die as a happy person, there is no need to cry.

Haha... okay... shall end off here, bye :D

Friday, September 24, 2004

The battle was fought.... suffering from heavy casualties on both side.... Now can only pray hard... Let heaven reward me with whatever I deserve....
The battle was fought.... suffering from heavy casualties on both side.... Now can only pray hard... Let heaven reward me with whatever I deserve....

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Wahaha.... very happy now.
I actually traced the date of publication of the newspaper article, just by looking at the TV show listing behind!!!
haha... cos I got this article for PW that when I cut out, I didn't take note of the date, so now too long le, have problem tracing it... So I just flip over, then saw TV listing...
Then I see...
Wednesday highlight... Hmm.... okay, clue 1, its on wednesday
Then I see, school holiday special on kid central, hmm.. so also okay, clue 2 during the holiday...
Then I started to panic cos school holiday got 4 weeks!!! then which one is it????
Then I see further, found a very important clue on art central... VESAK DAY SPECIAL!!!!! haha.... then went to search for vesak day! then found that it matches with the 2 clues on top!!! HAhaha... So happy!!! cos that was a very important article and if I can't find out the date, the article would be useless....
Haha... okay, go back and continue my work now :D
Today, is the day I prove my worth.
Have to submit the written report by tmr, and I will do my very best to do a very very good one.
I won't be look down upon.
Remember andy saying that my PW group sux..... I will prove him wrong... he didn't contribute to his groups success and still dare to come and criticise my group. Tonight, I shall prove to him that, I and my group members WILL be able to do a lot better than him. We shall not be looked down upon anymore!
So haha... I declare war with PW.... Bought and prepared my ammunation just now... Bought a bottle of coke to power myself tru the night, cos I heard coke has more caffine than coffee.... Also prepared my eye- dropper.... Tonight shall be the end of everything....
I shall show the world, the power of my brain!

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Argh.... so tired... very sleepy now.... sian ar!!!
Didn't do any other homework other than PW tonight.... was doing the survey analysis..... Haiz... after finishing it will go and sleep liao.... too tired.... got any homework tmr then copy lar.... cannot help it liao.....
K lar, bye, go do work liao.... :)

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Arlow... I'm back.... am very tired now.... feel like sleeping... did some maths tutorials... but hehe, still got more to go... was intenting to do PW... but really too tired... tmr ba... then... also learned chinese spelling..... Hope tmr will be a nice day and I will have the energy to do my PW :D Okay... bye... go and sleep now... hope to recharge my battery before it really becomes flat...
OH NO!!!! Haiz... think I've been very very tired these few days.... my eyes are blood-shot!!!! Got tiny little red veins running through my entire eye..... Haiz... "Kor mia lang ar!!!" (Hokkien... Direct translation: Bitter life person )...
Hmm... haiz... will be a long and hard month ahead.... but before we talk about month.... this week is also terrible!!!! Have to settle written report by this friday!!! And after this, we can never make amendments to it anymore!!!! Argh!!!! I still have so much things haven't do!!!! How am I going to rush everything out by friday!!!! HAiz.... well.... think can look on the bright side lar.... it also means that after friday... I will not have to worry about written report anymore :D But... haha... duno I can persevere and make it till friday mah.... By body already cannot take it anymore lor.... Now is really running on spare battery, and system very unstable lor..... Argh!!! I tell myself.... must endure through all these, then next year, I can slack till I siao :D
Okay... haha.... well.... haiz... nothing I can do lar... So now lets talk about this month :D
Oh... hehe... for those who haven't plan your study plan... let me share with you all mine :D Haha.... hope it would be some use to you :D Cos a study plan really helps a lot... I did it for my O lvls and am very quite happy with the result :D So haha... hope to share it with all of you all and hope we will move to J2 together :D
Heres the link :D
OKay Bye~ got quite some work to do :)

Monday, September 20, 2004

Yo! I'm back again :P haha....
Just to write this statement "wen shi jian qing wei he wu..." haha... not for me... but.... :P
Arlow :D I'm back!!! haha...
Haiz... sian ar... 1 day over liao...
Just planned my exam time table.... Argh.... only have this week to play till I siao... cos starting from next week will be intensive preparation for promos... Will only have sunday free from work, the other days... will be studying and studying.... and saturday 1/2 day :P.
So hmm.... hehe... hope I can keep to my plan.
Cos... my result really dropping a lot sia... so I hope to pull it up a bit this promos.... :D
OKay.... got to go.... tmr will be a long day.... still got PE :S......
Haiz..... okay lar, go off liao lar, bye lar :P

Sunday, September 19, 2004

Arlow :D Haha... me back again :D
Haiz... once again its.... sunday night!!!! Tmr will be the beginning of another long week..... Haiz.... sian ar!!!!!!
Anyway... haha found this piece of interesting news on the straits times It says...
Keeping a dairy?
Better think again.

Talking about a problem is supposed to help one get over it, but apparently writing does the very opposite.
Physcologist have found that keeping a dairy is bad for your health, the NEW Scientist weekly reported. Diarist were more likely than non diarist to be plagued by headaches, sleeplessness, digestive problems and social awkwardness.

Was very surprised when I read it... do that apply to blogging as well? :S Oh no... what I am doing now is bad for my health!!!!! haha... so did you people have those symptoms as well? Eh... I seems to have the headache part... the digestive problem ( but this is because I do not take in enough fibre ), the rest erm... sleeplessness? I year for more... social awkwardness erm... I'm still myself... no change :P

Haha... so I think I can still continue writing entries in future :D

OKay bye~ :D Wish all of you people all the best for the week ahead :D
:D :D :D :D :D SO Happy now :D
Haha... finally created something that people appreciate :D
So glad to recieve 3 comments on this piece :D
Cos... I did 7 pieces... and this is the only 1 of the 2 that receive comments :D The other one only receive 1 comment. Then this got 3 :D Haha... so happy :D
btw.. heres my work
Haha... was quite simple though....
Arlow :D haha... was doing maths half-way... then felt so sian!!! So decided to come online see see a while then go back to doing.... Haiz....
K lar... hehe... bye bye...

Friday, September 17, 2004

OMG!!!! So ashamed of myself....
Was reading my shoutbox, then I felt... oh no... shouldn't have said all of that yesterday.... I didn't consider the consequence whether I would hurt anyone....
So sorry about what I typed yesterday....
Well, yesterday was a really bad day for me so I a bit unbalanced, thats why I type so much....
Sorry... I hope to take back my words and wish that everyone would pass their promos. I realised my mistake... Shouldn't have cursed anyone... it is bad... and I will get retribution.... So sorry people....

Okay.. well, this is wad I like about blogging, and this encouraged me to blog almost everyday. You know, you can refer back to what you have done the past days... and sometimes, laugh at youself... or sometimes after you cooled down, you realise how childish you were.........

So.. okay, shall end it off here for today... Wish everyone good luck for their promos :D Study hard okay :D 30+ days to go :D

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Arlow, I'm back :D
Hmm... was visiting kevin's blog then saw him complaining about Mr Koh. LOL
That Mr Koh really 有眼不识泰山 [Direct translation got eye cannot see tai mountain ], pick on both of us. Even miss lim leave the both of us alone lor.....
Haha... have nothing to say about him....
then the first row people also complain that he got BO!!! lol, when we laugh, he turned and scold us.. and wanted to complain to miss lim... WTF man, a bit nia also want to complain... so ' auntie' sia... duno how he survive NS :S..... Think that guy hor, study all his life and now still come back to teaching, get a life man!!! Such a nerdy look!!! lol, actually i'm not much better lar, but at least a few time better than him lor :P
Haiz... today wasn't a very nice day for me.....
Felt very useless twice.
Once was during the class photo taking. Tried to get the class to go for photo taking yet they all take their own sweet time... Some having PW ( I can't blame them ) but others, doing their own work, going toilet, stand around and talk, and nobody want to move. Someone still ask compulsory to take or not....... this is the first time I've been in a class that people don't like to take photos! Eh.. class photo leh, I think that our class spirit is really very very weak lor. Then 好不容易才 arrange 好。take the formal photo liao, want to take the candid one. Ask the class to split into 3 groups to form the number 109. But they just kept with their own group and refuse to move! Then the photographer have to interfer and grap people into groups. Our class is disgracing our school you know, I heard the photographer say that, we do not listen to instructions.... Then me as the class chairperson, can't do anything about it. Had the urge to start shouting at them... but I controlled myself, I believe that a 17 year old HUMAN, would have the INTELLIGENCE LEVEL to understand simple instructions. So I mearly raise my voice by abit. But at the end of the day, reflected on wad jing wen said to me ' Eh.. you as the chairman can have a bit of power or not.' I guess, our class only have the INTELLIGENCE LEVEL OF ONLY A PRIMARY SCHOOL KID.... Haiz.. well actually, it was nice to know that at least some people (especially jing wen and of cos those who listened to my instructions) knows that there is still me, and have respect for my position. Have to say a big thank you for all who respected me :) I appreciate it very much. As for the rest [ GO TO HELL MAN! HOPE I SEE YOU REMAINING IN J1 NEXT YEAR ! ] OKay lar, I very bad hor.... but this is what I'm feeling now lor... OF cos I would wish for everyone to get promoted, but, I will only respect those whom deserves to be. Haha... to think that I'm writing this in my blog where everyone is looking, and that also includes my classmates!!! haha... but hmm... hope that even if this spread around, people would reflect on themselves, and also could understand me better. Haha.... I guess everyone should keep a blog cos I feel that a blog can let me reflect on whatever I did :D So hope to share this thing with everyone so people can all reflect on their own action and make the world a better place to live in :D.
OKay.. I said there was 2 incident that made me felt useless right? Heres the second one. The basketball game... I was like just a big lump of mass drifting on the basketball court only lor... I felt so useless.... Why can't I do anything? Is it because I don't know how to play? The answer is no... ( kind of figure it out myself) cos, even if a person who do not know how to play, eg. soo fen, she can still enjoy the game greatly. The reason is.... I can't let go of myself, I couldn't free myself... I cared too much about what other people think about me. I wanted to let go, wanted to enjoy myself, but the fear of other people's opinion restrained me, bounded me. When the ball come, I were to try to take the ball from someone else, my mind would be jammed with all the possible opinion of what other people think of me... or when I shoot the ball, I would be thinking who what my teammates would think of me, is it, Aiya won't go in one, or dun know want to act know... Even when I do not get the ball, I would still be thinking, Will my teammates find me as a burden to them, someone who don't know how to play and always cause them to lose the game. Then I will lose confidence in myself.... I tried to tell myself, my friends won't laugh at me... but I just can't let go!.... Thats why I don't like these kind of group sports. I guess, the last time I enjoyed doing sports was playing badminton ( that time when kevin brought his racket) cos a badminton game, you win, its your victory, you lose, you will not be a burden to others... thats why, I have only myself to answer for and I enjoyed the game very much! Haiz..... When can I let go???...
oh, there are still somemore minor things that made me feel useless lar... when the first ball was thrown at me... it hitted my back, the second one came, it hit my fingernail causing me to bleed internally under the nail... I felt both physically and mentally useless today....
K lar, shall end off here, hope that everything will be fine tomorrow and I can be a useful person :D

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Haha... the busy dayz are finally over!!! haha... Today was the last day of it. Had 3 test one after another one today. First was the maths test, had a 1/2hr break, then had econs lecture essay test, then another 1/2hr break then had a econs tutorial case study test.... Wahaha... to think that I managed to survive through till now :P But hehe... the test wasn't really well done lar :P But... aiya... hope to pass can liao lar :D Dun want to over stress myself.
So tonight study for spelling :P Hehe... dun want to do 'chao xie' again liao :P Has enough of it from liang lao shi in my sec school and twice from my current teacher mdn chan :P Duno why it seems that chinese teachers are the only people who gives such punishments :
OK lar, nothing much to say liao :D Bye~

Monday, September 13, 2004

Wahaha... thought I wouldn't have time to write my entry today... :D well actually now also no time lar. But cos I on the computer to send a important e-mail regarding PW so hehe... took some time to come here nd write :D
YAy...!!! School finally started, though I hate waking up so early in the morning and have been rushing through my holiday homework today.... Guess it is still much better than the holidays. Cos haha... got friends to talk to, laugh with... Its so much livelier :D
K lar, have to go study now liao :) maths test on TRIGO!!! tmr.... HATE THIS TOPIC... But... haiz... if dun study sure fail very badly, hope I can make it for a pass :D

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Arlow... here I am... OH NO!!! 9.59 Liao... Argh!!! have to go study for econs test liao.... Haiz.... very sina ar!!!! First day of school, FIRST LESSON econs test already!!!! Argh... Think I won't be able to sleep early tonight liao... Still have to go dig out all my physics notes for filing... HAte filing.....
Then also still got a lot of things haven't do.... Have to type out proposal for my booth for open house as well.... Think I anyhow type lar, really have no mood to do a nice booth. People won't come anyway.... Duno why the school so scared. YJ will forever have students coming in one lar, other than yj where can they go? ( if they want to study in a jc) Then yj also hao lian-ing about our batch of student haveing a high average L1R5.... I was like thinking, so wad, we got higher L1R5 is not because people want to come in you know. From my point of view, the overall result of our batch has risen. Therefore resulting in people with like me 15 points have no other place to go cos the top schools are already overflowing with students... So wads there to be happy about?
But its not that I dun like yj lar, in fact I love yj... but this is reality lor... it is really true that the public sees yj as the last jc... and this is a fact... IT is also a fact that we will never rise above other jc... Cos of another fact that we take in students with low L1R5... and someone has to fill the bottom position mah...
Argh... actually still got a lot of things to say... but no time liao... have to go do my work.... Haiz.. dun think I will be free to type my entry tomorrow too lar. Cos having a maths test on tues and I haven't studied a single bit.... Kind of slacked of a lot recently.... Hope I dun go too far, and can still catch up in time for the promos :P Which is like 5 MORE WEEKS TO GO LOR!!!!
Wahaha.... tonight really no mood to study sia :P About doing the essay :P hehe... think I push until tmr morning lar :P Haha... since I always get up so early nowsadays... Haiz... old liao 'jiu shi ze yang' [ is like that ] can't sleep for too long, but yet yearn for more...

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Argh... feeling so sleepy now!!! BUT... haiz... have to rush tru at least one econs essay before I can go to bed otherwise, I won't be able to complete all my work in time : Homework sux!
Anyway... hmm... was thinking about this... you know for the past few post, I've been like complaining so much about the course.... But... suddenly, I have this feeling that I 'chi bu dao pu tao shuo pu tao suan' [ Direct translation: Can't eat the grape then say the grape is sour ] Cos I suddenly reached 'enlightenment' as I began to see through myself... Deep down, I would love to do some programming stuffs and I will enjoy doing that... And so... why am I complaining so much? If I were given a chance to do the programming myself... I think I would have enjoyed the past few days..... Hmm..... this is bad.... why do I 'chi bu dao pu tao shuo pu tao suan' leh? HAiz.... next time cannot liao ar...
Too bad I reached enlightenment too late, otherwise I would still have time to enjoy myself. I only found out my problem when I came home and was bathing.... The bathroom is my favourite place for me to reflect on whatever I have done... So sometimes, I would just sit down there, and start thinking and reflecting... Cos when I'm there, I feel that I'm alone.... no one can see you.... it is a small confined private space, and that space is entirely yours... you can do anything you want without the need to worry that someone will be looking at you (Unless your family or neighbour is a peeping tom lar : ) So yar... if I were to get my own flat, I would build a very nice and big bathroom for myself... You know that day I was watching the programme called Jet Set on channel 5. Then they were counting down the world's top 10 hotel bathroom.... Then I fell in love with this bathroom of a beach resort. It has a full view of the stretch of beach.... a sofa by the window.... needless to say, the whole bathroom is bigger than my bed room!!! And there is even a telescope for you to peep at people down at the beach!!!! Wah!!! MY DREAM BATHROOM!!!!
Haha... so while in the bathroom today.. I also start to realise that I have been categorizing people around me into different categories... those who are not in the same category as me, I would like automatic activate a shield in between us... So sometime I may be very warmth cheerful friendly to someone, then the next moment, when I interact with some other people from a different category, I can just suddenly become cold (not lame) and unable to communicate with them, as though we speak different language... But I feel that this shield can be easily de-activated, the problem is... few people know how...
Now let me impart the skill of 'de-freezing' me :P

1) SPEAK IN CHINESE!!!! AIyo... duno why so many people turn into ang moh liao... always speak english... Somehow I feel that chinese is more close to me.... cos its like my 'native' language liao.... I always feel very comfortable speaking chinese...
2)Know that I exist... cos some people just treat me as transparent... I not eat glass grow up one okay.....

Actually thats about all lar... most important is to speak chinese :D But dun worry if you are a non-chinese... :D I am not being a racist here... as long as you don't treat me as transparent, I will be de-frost quite quickly :D

OKay lar, think thats about all for today. Bye :D

Friday, September 10, 2004

11.00... Arlow... its me again :D
HEre on this sleepy friday night....
The last day of my holidays....
Should I go to bed now....
Close my eyes....
let everything end....
wake up tomorrow....
Just to realise that I've wasted yet another beautiful friday night...

Today very sian ar... went to tp at 7.30am... stayed until 9.30pm..... spent my whole day there... the last day of my holidays? I've been thinking... am I wasting my time away?

Then today also got some things bothering me.... Cos hm... I wanted to get a try at programming lor, otherwise this trip will be totally wasted wad.... So when they are charging the batteries... I went to make a programme on my own... Without considering other people's opinion. cos at that time, I felt that there was a major problem and my group has been stubbon lor, then I can't make any changes according to my suggestions. So when they were charging the batteries, I took the opportunity to come up with my own programme. But hor... I was reminded by wad kerling said...
That time was the eve of our physics exam. Then me kerling and jing wen stayed back for some revision. Then we met with a problem in the tutorial. So me and jing wen wanted to look for a teacher to ask her how to solve it. But kerling was strongly opposing to it lor. KErling said... it is not right to ask the teacher the day just before we have exams lor, cos it just shows that we are not listening in class cos the questions has already been gone tru in class. Then he also said that we shouldn't even more go in the small group lor. He said thats the problem with our class. When we are met with problem, we will go and ask for help with-in the small group of friends. He said... got questions. then must ask in class, so that other people can also benefit from it. And not wait till the lesson is over then go ask teacher in your small group. This is being very selfish as you do not share what you learn with your friends.
Thinking of it, I feel that that is very true. Got problem, voice it out, then everyone can share, got suggestions also voice it out so other people can learn. So just now... I kept thinking to myself.... when I did the programme myself... am I being selfish? Shouldn't I share what I know or how I feel with my group members....
But the problem is... I made a lot of changes to the whole programme lor... So I don't think they will accept it.... And I really want to try programming the whole thing on my own lor. To test my ability.
So in the end I did loaded my programme into the robo racer, but it crashed at the first turn... So that left me thinking.... would they be laughing behind my back... thinking that I 'hao lian' want to do everything on my own, without their help, but in the end, cannot even make it pass the first turn....
Hmm.... this had been bothering me for the whole day.... affected my mood a lot.... Seemed to be wearing a mask for the whole day... smiling on the outside... but... the inside....
Well... okay lar, wads over is over, hope that I won't meet with such situations in the future... its 11.25 now... got to have a good night sleep and prepare for the competition tmr :) Wish our team good luck :D Bye~

Thursday, September 09, 2004

This site is now optimised for 1024x768 viewing. For 800x600... you will have to shift a bit until I figure out how to make it auto align. :P
:D its 9.26 now.... haha.... after writing this post will go get some sleep :P Haha.... Hmm... very sian now... tmr still have to travel across the island again....
OKay heres what happened today...
Woke up in the morning at 7!!! So early!!! ITs HOLIDAYS YOU KNOW!!!!..... Then took 1 hr train to tampines. The train just reached the platform then I received an sms saying the 2 other guys are late. Then I replied saying I'm also late as well lar, so went to bus interchange and took bus there. Then reached there... we were of cos late lar.... then bla bla bla... aiya sounds very boring hor... Hmm.... I just share my thoughts can liao lar.
Went for a course for robo grand prix lor... Sian ar... thought I can get to build know like screw something here and there, connecting wires, soldering thing.... But it turn out that the robot was already assembled lor.... then I sian diao.... Cos we are supposed to do the programming part only lor, then the programming part need to calculate those acceleration, deceleration thingy, like physics lor... I'm not interested in these stuffs lor... I WANT TO BUILD THINGS!!!! So haiz... wasted the whole afternoon away... Other than giving occasional comments and suggestions, I just sat there and took timings lor..... Haiz... shouldn't have come in the first place.... THen maybe I could have a nice rest today, then tmr follow elgin and senmin to the old folks home... Think it would be more fun visiting the old people than staying in a room and rotting away..... Then I think the thing also not very fun lor. Wad I expect was a robot which have the intelligence of following a white line and turning around the curves on it own.... but now it seems like they have markers at every turn lor, then we have to programe it like detect a marker liao then turn... Like that is just like blindly following orders only lor, so wads a different between a $1500 robot and those remote control cars which cost a mere few dollars.
Haiz... think nvm lar, just take it as an experience lor, haha... now I know that those robots are not that intelligent anyway....
Btw, today also saw robin... my T17 classmate then also 'long pang' (duno correct spelling or not) mr ho car back to yishun... haha... just know that mr ho is already married with (forgot how many) kids in kindergarden. haha... K lar, think thats about all for today.... Have to catch some sleep and prepare for tmr.....
Then about the hw... hehehe... Hope I can push it till saturday night, spend some time doing it, before I go off for my last nice long sleep of my busy holidays.....

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Aww.... so tired.... haiz... having a headache now.... Eyes very tired.... So much things to do. Was about to do the econs essay, then got headache ... So hard to do leh.... Tried searching online also cannot find.... Now very fustrated liao.... Dun feel like doing it now.... Haiz... have to push it till tmr.... Hope tmr will be feeling better... Haiz.... think also hard lar, cos for the next few days I will have to travel across the island to temasek poly for a robotic course and a mini competition... Very sian leh... from 9 till 4 in the afternoon.... Haiz....
Just now was thinking to myself.... Why am I taking part in so much things? Its holiday now leh... Shouldn't I be resting at home and prepare for the long term ahead? When am I ' zhi tao ku chi ' ing le? Argh... am very 'fan' now.... head very pain sia....
Hmm.... haiz.... Told myself.... I'll just have to bear with it this year.... Next year, I will not take part in anything else except studying... I think I've done enough and I am tired of living like this.... I want to go back to the time where I slack all the way.... So yar... hope this year will end soon.... And think I'll have an early night today lar.... am really very tired.... LIFE SUX.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Aww... feeling very bad now.... caught a mild flu.... now nose very irritated.... eyes very watery.... Hope to get well soon tmr... having a long busy week ahead, can't afford to get sick :'(
OKay lar, must be cheerful abit :) The first step to fit an illness :D So how... got miss my post or not :D haha... has been quite some time since my last formal post. :D Was busy with the new design for my blog mah, so have to sacrifice some time from writing entry :D But now I'm back :D haha... though I will still have to modify my blog over the next few days. Cos this is intended to be for 800x600 viewing, but seems that many are using higher resolution. So maybe I have to change to accomodate lor :)
Am very happy these 2 days.... haha... laughed a lot with kerling and gang and of cos elgin ( he so happy I mentioned his name :P ) . Went for 109 class outing at marina bay. Was very surprised at the wonderful turnout :D haha.... Hads lots of fun :D..... Hmm.... now waiting for free time to go and get my phone data cable... once I get it I will upload for all to see :D haha....
Then today also had a lot of un. Went school in the morning to make mooncake. Then as the oven very slow, we have to divide ourselves into different shifts. So as I had a meeting mid-way, we took the last shift. Which is at 3pm but my meeting ends at 11+. So we decided to go elgin house to pass the time. Before that we stopped at sun plaza for lunch.
Then go elgin house. Before we step in we saw.... PLASMA TV : Still say he very poor sia.... His house in on the 15th floor but the view is so so so nice!!!!! Totally unblocked you know...... can see the horizon of trees and not HDB flats leh.... me stay 20th floor view also not that nice lor......... Hmm.... then also went into his bro's room to see see. His brother is a collector of those action figures. Especially spawn. He has a whole cupboard full of it.... Well its nice to have a hobbie a collection... unlike me.... my room no collection one.... I onced collected shells... but now... dun have the feeling liao..... and I think I got almost all the most commly found shells liao :P
Then we spent the time playing some games from a game console ( forgot wad name) Played a shooting game ( also forgot the name) And one of my fav. Puzzle fighter!!!! haha.... it has been a long long time since I played it vs someone. Haha... so fun :D Still remembered last time in primary school, we installed it on the schools pc in the classroom, I was one of the top players in class :P But now, yi shan hao bi yi shan gao. One mountain still got another mountain high ?? haha... so yar, lost to elgin :D
OKay lar, think thats enough for today la... really very tired now.... FAll sick liao lar.... Bye~ go get a good night sleep and hope to be well tmr :D

Monday, September 06, 2004

YAY!!! FINALLY!!! my blog got a new design :D haha... Spent almost 3 days doing it :D Haha.. hope ya like it.
Btw, can you all see the header cos when I upload they say resource not allowed.... so if you all can see pls leave a msg in the shoutbox thanks :D haha...

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

... waited so long for it to load again....
Eh... just some techincal thingy, is my shoutbox down? Hmm...
Anyway... today was a very very boring day!!! I was like really rotting at home... nothing to do!!!! Homework also very sian....
Haiz... think dun want to say anymore liao lar, am not feeling very good now... guess I shall end it here, Bye~