Wednesday, September 29, 2004

:) am not feeling very well now.... was very very sleepy just now, so I thought I give myself a break so I went to sleep at 8.00pm..... but toss here toss there.... didn't manage to fall asleep, so after a while... woke up again at 8.45 : Then thinking, haiz...... about time to start my revision already lar, since I can't get to sleep....
SO on the lights, and started doing revision.... still stuck at binomial chapter cos that chapter gave me quite some problems during past CAs, so tried to spend more time on it....
But because of that, my whole revision plan was disrupted.... So haiz... if really too far behind, have to study on sunday as well.
Today was erm... quite a nice day lar.... haha... did some lame things... cos while waiting for the meeting after school....
Me, kerling, elgin, sen min, went to the library cos kerling wanted to print some signs for the open house. So we went, half-way, we needed a YJC logo, so started searching for it.... But duno why, after a while... we began to search for crap :S haha... I typed in Yishun JC sux.... and I got LOL, a few thousand results, whereas Yishun jc rulz only got back 2 pages : Haha... most of the results are people's blog, they all complain about the school in it haha....
Then after looking at some of the blogs, we started searching for each other's names... haha... got some weird results....
Anyway... this was the fun part....
We typed in out CT mdm lee and made a search for it :D!!! haha... but it came back with a lot of irrelevent result cos yar, there are millions of people who are called mdm lee....
SO.... I added a econs to the search... LOL IT Came back with lots of blog again!!!! Haha... all complaining about Mdm lee!!! haha... was really our yj Mdm lee, cos we see the info of the bloggist ( is there such a word : ) then they were from YJ !!!
Haha.... then also saw this blog of rebecca, haha... she was also from JPS ( I hope it meant Jurong Primary School) :D haha... then now she also studying in YJ and also taught my mdm lee!!!! my primary school mate :D haha... although we didn't know each other, maybe different class ba... but now we are also JC school mates :D but still didn't know her :S
Haha... got her e-mail address, so hehe... maybe can e-mail her to say hi :D
Ok lar... shall end it off here for today :D Hope tmr would be a better day :)

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