Thursday, September 16, 2004

Arlow, I'm back :D
Hmm... was visiting kevin's blog then saw him complaining about Mr Koh. LOL
That Mr Koh really 有眼不识泰山 [Direct translation got eye cannot see tai mountain ], pick on both of us. Even miss lim leave the both of us alone lor.....
Haha... have nothing to say about him....
then the first row people also complain that he got BO!!! lol, when we laugh, he turned and scold us.. and wanted to complain to miss lim... WTF man, a bit nia also want to complain... so ' auntie' sia... duno how he survive NS :S..... Think that guy hor, study all his life and now still come back to teaching, get a life man!!! Such a nerdy look!!! lol, actually i'm not much better lar, but at least a few time better than him lor :P

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