Sunday, September 12, 2004

Arlow... here I am... OH NO!!! 9.59 Liao... Argh!!! have to go study for econs test liao.... Haiz.... very sina ar!!!! First day of school, FIRST LESSON econs test already!!!! Argh... Think I won't be able to sleep early tonight liao... Still have to go dig out all my physics notes for filing... HAte filing.....
Then also still got a lot of things haven't do.... Have to type out proposal for my booth for open house as well.... Think I anyhow type lar, really have no mood to do a nice booth. People won't come anyway.... Duno why the school so scared. YJ will forever have students coming in one lar, other than yj where can they go? ( if they want to study in a jc) Then yj also hao lian-ing about our batch of student haveing a high average L1R5.... I was like thinking, so wad, we got higher L1R5 is not because people want to come in you know. From my point of view, the overall result of our batch has risen. Therefore resulting in people with like me 15 points have no other place to go cos the top schools are already overflowing with students... So wads there to be happy about?
But its not that I dun like yj lar, in fact I love yj... but this is reality lor... it is really true that the public sees yj as the last jc... and this is a fact... IT is also a fact that we will never rise above other jc... Cos of another fact that we take in students with low L1R5... and someone has to fill the bottom position mah...
Argh... actually still got a lot of things to say... but no time liao... have to go do my work.... Haiz.. dun think I will be free to type my entry tomorrow too lar. Cos having a maths test on tues and I haven't studied a single bit.... Kind of slacked of a lot recently.... Hope I dun go too far, and can still catch up in time for the promos :P Which is like 5 MORE WEEKS TO GO LOR!!!!

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