Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Aww... feeling very bad now.... caught a mild flu.... now nose very irritated.... eyes very watery.... Hope to get well soon tmr... having a long busy week ahead, can't afford to get sick :'(
OKay lar, must be cheerful abit :) The first step to fit an illness :D So how... got miss my post or not :D haha... has been quite some time since my last formal post. :D Was busy with the new design for my blog mah, so have to sacrifice some time from writing entry :D But now I'm back :D haha... though I will still have to modify my blog over the next few days. Cos this is intended to be for 800x600 viewing, but seems that many are using higher resolution. So maybe I have to change to accomodate lor :)
Am very happy these 2 days.... haha... laughed a lot with kerling and gang and of cos elgin ( he so happy I mentioned his name :P ) . Went for 109 class outing at marina bay. Was very surprised at the wonderful turnout :D haha.... Hads lots of fun :D..... Hmm.... now waiting for free time to go and get my phone data cable... once I get it I will upload for all to see :D haha....
Then today also had a lot of un. Went school in the morning to make mooncake. Then as the oven very slow, we have to divide ourselves into different shifts. So as I had a meeting mid-way, we took the last shift. Which is at 3pm but my meeting ends at 11+. So we decided to go elgin house to pass the time. Before that we stopped at sun plaza for lunch.
Then go elgin house. Before we step in we saw.... PLASMA TV : Still say he very poor sia.... His house in on the 15th floor but the view is so so so nice!!!!! Totally unblocked you know...... can see the horizon of trees and not HDB flats leh.... me stay 20th floor view also not that nice lor......... Hmm.... then also went into his bro's room to see see. His brother is a collector of those action figures. Especially spawn. He has a whole cupboard full of it.... Well its nice to have a hobbie a collection... unlike me.... my room no collection one.... I onced collected shells... but now... dun have the feeling liao..... and I think I got almost all the most commly found shells liao :P
Then we spent the time playing some games from a game console ( forgot wad name) Played a shooting game ( also forgot the name) And one of my fav. Puzzle fighter!!!! haha.... it has been a long long time since I played it vs someone. Haha... so fun :D Still remembered last time in primary school, we installed it on the schools pc in the classroom, I was one of the top players in class :P But now, yi shan hao bi yi shan gao. One mountain still got another mountain high ?? haha... so yar, lost to elgin :D
OKay lar, think thats enough for today la... really very tired now.... FAll sick liao lar.... Bye~ go get a good night sleep and hope to be well tmr :D

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