Friday, September 10, 2004

11.00... Arlow... its me again :D
HEre on this sleepy friday night....
The last day of my holidays....
Should I go to bed now....
Close my eyes....
let everything end....
wake up tomorrow....
Just to realise that I've wasted yet another beautiful friday night...

Today very sian ar... went to tp at 7.30am... stayed until 9.30pm..... spent my whole day there... the last day of my holidays? I've been thinking... am I wasting my time away?

Then today also got some things bothering me.... Cos hm... I wanted to get a try at programming lor, otherwise this trip will be totally wasted wad.... So when they are charging the batteries... I went to make a programme on my own... Without considering other people's opinion. cos at that time, I felt that there was a major problem and my group has been stubbon lor, then I can't make any changes according to my suggestions. So when they were charging the batteries, I took the opportunity to come up with my own programme. But hor... I was reminded by wad kerling said...
That time was the eve of our physics exam. Then me kerling and jing wen stayed back for some revision. Then we met with a problem in the tutorial. So me and jing wen wanted to look for a teacher to ask her how to solve it. But kerling was strongly opposing to it lor. KErling said... it is not right to ask the teacher the day just before we have exams lor, cos it just shows that we are not listening in class cos the questions has already been gone tru in class. Then he also said that we shouldn't even more go in the small group lor. He said thats the problem with our class. When we are met with problem, we will go and ask for help with-in the small group of friends. He said... got questions. then must ask in class, so that other people can also benefit from it. And not wait till the lesson is over then go ask teacher in your small group. This is being very selfish as you do not share what you learn with your friends.
Thinking of it, I feel that that is very true. Got problem, voice it out, then everyone can share, got suggestions also voice it out so other people can learn. So just now... I kept thinking to myself.... when I did the programme myself... am I being selfish? Shouldn't I share what I know or how I feel with my group members....
But the problem is... I made a lot of changes to the whole programme lor... So I don't think they will accept it.... And I really want to try programming the whole thing on my own lor. To test my ability.
So in the end I did loaded my programme into the robo racer, but it crashed at the first turn... So that left me thinking.... would they be laughing behind my back... thinking that I 'hao lian' want to do everything on my own, without their help, but in the end, cannot even make it pass the first turn....
Hmm.... this had been bothering me for the whole day.... affected my mood a lot.... Seemed to be wearing a mask for the whole day... smiling on the outside... but... the inside....
Well... okay lar, wads over is over, hope that I won't meet with such situations in the future... its 11.25 now... got to have a good night sleep and prepare for the competition tmr :) Wish our team good luck :D Bye~

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