Saturday, September 11, 2004

Argh... feeling so sleepy now!!! BUT... haiz... have to rush tru at least one econs essay before I can go to bed otherwise, I won't be able to complete all my work in time : Homework sux!
Anyway... hmm... was thinking about this... you know for the past few post, I've been like complaining so much about the course.... But... suddenly, I have this feeling that I 'chi bu dao pu tao shuo pu tao suan' [ Direct translation: Can't eat the grape then say the grape is sour ] Cos I suddenly reached 'enlightenment' as I began to see through myself... Deep down, I would love to do some programming stuffs and I will enjoy doing that... And so... why am I complaining so much? If I were given a chance to do the programming myself... I think I would have enjoyed the past few days..... Hmm..... this is bad.... why do I 'chi bu dao pu tao shuo pu tao suan' leh? HAiz.... next time cannot liao ar...
Too bad I reached enlightenment too late, otherwise I would still have time to enjoy myself. I only found out my problem when I came home and was bathing.... The bathroom is my favourite place for me to reflect on whatever I have done... So sometimes, I would just sit down there, and start thinking and reflecting... Cos when I'm there, I feel that I'm alone.... no one can see you.... it is a small confined private space, and that space is entirely yours... you can do anything you want without the need to worry that someone will be looking at you (Unless your family or neighbour is a peeping tom lar : ) So yar... if I were to get my own flat, I would build a very nice and big bathroom for myself... You know that day I was watching the programme called Jet Set on channel 5. Then they were counting down the world's top 10 hotel bathroom.... Then I fell in love with this bathroom of a beach resort. It has a full view of the stretch of beach.... a sofa by the window.... needless to say, the whole bathroom is bigger than my bed room!!! And there is even a telescope for you to peep at people down at the beach!!!! Wah!!! MY DREAM BATHROOM!!!!
Haha... so while in the bathroom today.. I also start to realise that I have been categorizing people around me into different categories... those who are not in the same category as me, I would like automatic activate a shield in between us... So sometime I may be very warmth cheerful friendly to someone, then the next moment, when I interact with some other people from a different category, I can just suddenly become cold (not lame) and unable to communicate with them, as though we speak different language... But I feel that this shield can be easily de-activated, the problem is... few people know how...
Now let me impart the skill of 'de-freezing' me :P

1) SPEAK IN CHINESE!!!! AIyo... duno why so many people turn into ang moh liao... always speak english... Somehow I feel that chinese is more close to me.... cos its like my 'native' language liao.... I always feel very comfortable speaking chinese...
2)Know that I exist... cos some people just treat me as transparent... I not eat glass grow up one okay.....

Actually thats about all lar... most important is to speak chinese :D But dun worry if you are a non-chinese... :D I am not being a racist here... as long as you don't treat me as transparent, I will be de-frost quite quickly :D

OKay lar, think thats about all for today. Bye :D

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