Its friday :) the last few fridays before A lvls starts.... Well... After 2 years.... its finally gonna end soon in just another month's time.... You know... when all things are about to end... I kind of start missing the days studying... Going for lectures... tests... and everything else.... You know... people don't treasure things that they have until its almost gone.... I wonder how life will be life after the A lvls... It wouldn't be the same ever again.... I wonder how everyone will be like in future. The lives they will be leading... and whether friends will still be in contact or whether there will be a chance to meet up together again. There are endless possibilities of what the future might turn out to be.... Well.... like what sen min commented in my previous entry... time will tell....
Sometimes I also wonder... how would my life be like when I'm old.... what will I be doing.... what will I have... what won't I have...
hmm.... k lar... I also duno what to write liao... the feeling I'm having can't really be expressed in words......
So lets talk about what happened in school :) Yesterday I wrote about me skipping maths right? Yar... today got reprimanded by my maths teacher... The funny thing is... actually me, ej, chou chun and kevin wanted to pon the lesson... but kevin last minute backed out... so left only me ej and chou chun.... so we took chou chun's car and he sent us to the mrt station then ej and me alighted.... But today when mrs kwang read out those whom didn't go for the lesson... only me and ej name got called.... Kevin was more or less expected to go back for the lesson already cos he didn't leave with us... so the more important point is... Chou chun actually came back to school! lol... He was the one whom drove us all the way to the mrt station... so I don't know what made him change his mind suddenly and came back to school... During the journey out of school he did show any sign that he wants to go back... then duno why after he dropped us off... he went back.....
So in the end only me and ej got scolded... I was feeling rather okay... cos I expect myself to pay for the price of skipping the lesson... and I feel that it was a small price to pay in exchange for better management and efficient use of my time. I'm also not too angry at chou chun for pang say-ing us... actually I do feel abit angry... but I am more puzzled than angry.... I still can't think of a reason for someone to drive all the way out of school, drop his friends off and then come back to school again.... However... ej was very pissed off.... I can understand him... as he's a very 'jiang yi qi' friend.... to him... someone whom actually pang say his friends to save his own skin is very despicable.
Anyway... side track abit here... haha... actually ej is a person that I respect a lot... I find that his way of looking at and dealing with things in life is very good. I've also learnt alot from him... So... I think that I'm fortunate to meet such a friend in life that would help in my character building. Because I am the eldest at home, there isn't any one I can learn from or anyone whom would teach me about how to be a 'nan ren' lol.... That also explains why I'm abit sissy at times... cos... I grew up in an environment full of girls. When I was young, I follow my mum to my grandma's house every saturday and spend the whole day there playing with my cousins and sister whom are all females. I don't do any physical activities like sports or playing at the play ground. Things that I do was learning origami ( paper folding) and attending art lessons. So the only time I get to be physical is in school where I hang out with my guys classmates. Even so... the time spent is short. Its only during recess that I have the chance... because usually after school, I would have to go straight home. Sometimes I have to bluff my grandma about doing projects that I can stay back in school and play. Therefore during my secondary school, I start to realise about people's opinion about me..... and then I start to learn.... Till now... I'm still learning... so I think ej is a role model that I respect and can learn from. but also not learn everything about him lar... otherwise I become a ah-beng like him... lol...
hmm... thats all for today lar~ 12+ liao... bye~
Friday, September 30, 2005
oh... just to explain why I changed my blog skin to this... Haha... got people asked my why it became so formal and why is litbud gone... haha...
No lar... I decided to change to this default template because I'm sick of my previous design already... haha.... and I'm sick of looking at litbud too... so until I manage to come up with any new design. Which would probable be after the A lvls.... This would be it....
Anyway... I find that this template is also very nice :D Its very neat and clean :) Make reading much easier... :)
K lar... may or may not be back tonight to blog more :) bye~
No lar... I decided to change to this default template because I'm sick of my previous design already... haha.... and I'm sick of looking at litbud too... so until I manage to come up with any new design. Which would probable be after the A lvls.... This would be it....
Anyway... I find that this template is also very nice :D Its very neat and clean :) Make reading much easier... :)
K lar... may or may not be back tonight to blog more :) bye~
Thursday, September 29, 2005
haiz..... am feeling better after some sleep... Skipped the maths extra lesson this afternoon.... I find that it would be unproductive to do a 3 hour paper there.... Cos I'm really too tired.... and I can't keep up with this pace.... so... even if I had gone for the paper, it would be rather unproductive as I would just be anyhow doing the paper and I'll have to redo it some other day....
But... I'm glad that I made the choice not to go.... I reach home slightly earlier... and I can have a good rest... so I would be more energized tonight when I continue studying.... its much better than going for the paper till 6.30... reach home at about 7 and become so tired that you can't do anything else.....
Argh.... I can't wait for the A lvls to be over.... Can you imagine 2 years without having to study for exams anymore? I can temporarily forget all the maths and physics concepts, formula and take the time to learn or do whatever that I have interest in....
K lar.. thats all for now... bye~
But... I'm glad that I made the choice not to go.... I reach home slightly earlier... and I can have a good rest... so I would be more energized tonight when I continue studying.... its much better than going for the paper till 6.30... reach home at about 7 and become so tired that you can't do anything else.....
Argh.... I can't wait for the A lvls to be over.... Can you imagine 2 years without having to study for exams anymore? I can temporarily forget all the maths and physics concepts, formula and take the time to learn or do whatever that I have interest in....
K lar.. thats all for now... bye~
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Haiz.... there's still 2 more weeks of schooling to go but I already start to missing my friends! Just now when I was checking my calender about when is the A lvls... I found out there its only 3 more weeks after the school ends at 12th next month.... Then suddenly.... there is this ache in my heart.... somehow I start to miss my class terribly.... especially the group of friends that I always hang out with.... the time spent in jc is really very short.... we have just gotten to know each other better and now we are about to part.... this pain.... its unbearable.... I had it once when I move away from sec school.... and now... its the second time that I have to deal with such pain....
I hope that we would still be able to keep in contact with each other after we graduate.... then till when we are old..... cos haha.... u know... my group of friends very gossipy one.... everytime we sit together and talk.... most of the time is gossiping about other people... lol... so sometimes I comment that next time when we are old, we would be like those ah peks that sit in coffeeshop whole day and talk non-stop..... so if we are able to be still in contact with each other then.... that might really happen :) Haha.... how nice is it to be able to pass time like this when you are old :)
in my life.... friends just come and go.... there's only few that still remain with me..... FEW....
Haiz..... k lar.... dun want to say anymore.... there's still 2 more weeks to go.... lets just treasure the time left together :)
I hope that we would still be able to keep in contact with each other after we graduate.... then till when we are old..... cos haha.... u know... my group of friends very gossipy one.... everytime we sit together and talk.... most of the time is gossiping about other people... lol... so sometimes I comment that next time when we are old, we would be like those ah peks that sit in coffeeshop whole day and talk non-stop..... so if we are able to be still in contact with each other then.... that might really happen :) Haha.... how nice is it to be able to pass time like this when you are old :)
in my life.... friends just come and go.... there's only few that still remain with me..... FEW....
Haiz..... k lar.... dun want to say anymore.... there's still 2 more weeks to go.... lets just treasure the time left together :)
Woho~ Got back my physics result today... haiz.... didn't do as well as I was supposed to do... but still it wasn't too bad... :) so from now on if I start to practise more physics... I would be able to make it for A lvls... Now the last 2 worries are econs and GP.... haiz... after going tru the econs paper and hearing all the rumors like only 2% of the cohort pass.... I'm starting to think of the worst.... Then GP first I was rather sure that I would get rather good result cos I really put in the effort and according to me... its one of the best essay that I have written. But then when the teacher go tru it today... alot of things seems to be lacking.... Argh!!!! I can't wait to get back my papers....
K lar... thats all for now.... very sian liao... haiz...
K lar... thats all for now.... very sian liao... haiz...
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Woho~ Believe it or not.... our class actually took a total of 108 photos... LOL... haha... its surprizing that my class actually had so many photos... Cos nobody likes taking photo... and there arn't many events for us to take as well... we never had an class outing.... so yar... haha... its surprising.... there were photos on events like the CVD and the painting of the classroom... haha... thanks to my lousy phone camera... we actually have some images of it although the quality is very bad :S Haha.... Actually most of the photos are taken today... haha... 55 out of 108... which is a little more than half... but its still amazing where the other 53 photos come from :D
Anyway.... the photos are to be shown during our graduation ceremony 2 weeks later... we have to make something like a slideshow lar... cos the photos will be running while we are taking our certs :)
K lar... thats about all for today... very tired now... did a 3hr maths paper in school today already... bye~
Anyway.... the photos are to be shown during our graduation ceremony 2 weeks later... we have to make something like a slideshow lar... cos the photos will be running while we are taking our certs :)
K lar... thats about all for today... very tired now... did a 3hr maths paper in school today already... bye~
Monday, September 26, 2005
Yay~ Haha... my hardwork didn't go wasted :D Haha.... my results for maths was better than what I had expected it to be :) Although its still very low compared to some freaks who got 91 -.- But still I'm already glad that I didn't do very badly for this test.... All the nights and hours doing maths paper has reaped some results for me :D Wee~ That kinds of give me motivation to continue studying harder lar...
For this and next week... I'll be on my own doing more econs and maths... remember not too long ago I say I wanted to write an essay everyday... well... I'm gonna start writing it from today le.... Also for this 2 weeks... I'll take things a little bit slowly... I will only be studying from 8 till 10... which is 2 hrs per night... wait till nearer to the exams before I increase back to 3 hrs per night... so with the remainding one hr... I'll be doing physics.... What about maths? Haha... maths I won't need to do everything on my own cos mrs kwang has planed it for us.... We'll be completing 3 papers within this 2 weeks so that would be enough for me lar... wait till study leave starts then I put in some more slots......
Thats about all lar... so now I only worry about my econs and physics paper... econs has always been my worry so erm... dun feel much about it liao lar... but physics is my new worry, cos in the process of catching up with my maths I might have neglected my physics... so yar.... Although I've tried to focus more on physics this time round.... the bulk of my effort is still in maths... so hmm... lets see how I fare when I get back my paper..... can serve as a guide on how to allocate my time for effectively next time :)
K lar.. dun talk about exams le... haha.... so sian.... life isn't all about exams....
I was wondering about this recently... it seems that I blog alot when Im feelng down... so when I'm feeling good, I don't blog as much... cos I realised that there were some happy events that I didn't blog about... or just touched on a little.... So if when you all are reading... you might find me to be a very depressed person with all those unhappy entries.... lol... Just a note here... I'm not okay... haha.... although I really get depressed sometimes... I do also have as much happy moments :D
hmm.... Recently also have been putting on a lot of weight... my spare tyre start to inflate le... lol... I had such a hard time trying to deflate it before my NS checkup so as not to fall into the obese category... but now thats its over.... it starts to inflate again... LOL... cannot ar.... haha... so hmm... I've also started to include more physical activities in my life lar... like just now I climb up the stairs to my home instead of taking the lift... Think its easy? I live on the 20th storey! LOL.... thats a long way up..... Haha... lets do some simple physics.... assuming everything is constant and ignored :P and each storey is about 3m tall.... then... 20 storey would be 60m..... By climbing up all the way on foot, I'll be gaining 60X9.81X75= 45000 approx... joules of potential energy... so where do I get these energy from? My muscles! haha..... Hey... look at what I found... 1kcal is actually equivilent to 4.2kjoules... that means that I consuming 10714cal which is also 10kcal
And do you want to know how small it is? Its only 5% of the energy that an egg tart (174kcal) can give you! LOL.... In simple terms, you have to climb 400 storey just to finish up the energy given by the small egg tart... LOL... There's no building tall enough in this world for you to spend your energy... LOL....
k lar... thats all for now... go and watch TV liao... lol.... take some time to think over the next time you eat a egg tart :P
For this and next week... I'll be on my own doing more econs and maths... remember not too long ago I say I wanted to write an essay everyday... well... I'm gonna start writing it from today le.... Also for this 2 weeks... I'll take things a little bit slowly... I will only be studying from 8 till 10... which is 2 hrs per night... wait till nearer to the exams before I increase back to 3 hrs per night... so with the remainding one hr... I'll be doing physics.... What about maths? Haha... maths I won't need to do everything on my own cos mrs kwang has planed it for us.... We'll be completing 3 papers within this 2 weeks so that would be enough for me lar... wait till study leave starts then I put in some more slots......
Thats about all lar... so now I only worry about my econs and physics paper... econs has always been my worry so erm... dun feel much about it liao lar... but physics is my new worry, cos in the process of catching up with my maths I might have neglected my physics... so yar.... Although I've tried to focus more on physics this time round.... the bulk of my effort is still in maths... so hmm... lets see how I fare when I get back my paper..... can serve as a guide on how to allocate my time for effectively next time :)
K lar.. dun talk about exams le... haha.... so sian.... life isn't all about exams....
I was wondering about this recently... it seems that I blog alot when Im feelng down... so when I'm feeling good, I don't blog as much... cos I realised that there were some happy events that I didn't blog about... or just touched on a little.... So if when you all are reading... you might find me to be a very depressed person with all those unhappy entries.... lol... Just a note here... I'm not okay... haha.... although I really get depressed sometimes... I do also have as much happy moments :D
hmm.... Recently also have been putting on a lot of weight... my spare tyre start to inflate le... lol... I had such a hard time trying to deflate it before my NS checkup so as not to fall into the obese category... but now thats its over.... it starts to inflate again... LOL... cannot ar.... haha... so hmm... I've also started to include more physical activities in my life lar... like just now I climb up the stairs to my home instead of taking the lift... Think its easy? I live on the 20th storey! LOL.... thats a long way up..... Haha... lets do some simple physics.... assuming everything is constant and ignored :P and each storey is about 3m tall.... then... 20 storey would be 60m..... By climbing up all the way on foot, I'll be gaining 60X9.81X75= 45000 approx... joules of potential energy... so where do I get these energy from? My muscles! haha..... Hey... look at what I found... 1kcal is actually equivilent to 4.2kjoules... that means that I consuming 10714cal which is also 10kcal
And do you want to know how small it is? Its only 5% of the energy that an egg tart (174kcal) can give you! LOL.... In simple terms, you have to climb 400 storey just to finish up the energy given by the small egg tart... LOL... There's no building tall enough in this world for you to spend your energy... LOL....
k lar... thats all for now... go and watch TV liao... lol.... take some time to think over the next time you eat a egg tart :P
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Haiz... spent the whole of today reformating my com... sian ar!!!!
Cos that day I off my firewall to play warcraft... thats why tio virus liao... this virus powerful sia.... Disable everthing from my com... can't access my computer... can't access internet... can't access system restore... even when I start my com in safe mode also cannot... So haiz... got no choice but to reformat my com.... spent the afternoon backing up my files... and reinstalling everything... haiz....
K lar.... very sian now... dun want to talk liao... tmr start school le... bye~
Cos that day I off my firewall to play warcraft... thats why tio virus liao... this virus powerful sia.... Disable everthing from my com... can't access my computer... can't access internet... can't access system restore... even when I start my com in safe mode also cannot... So haiz... got no choice but to reformat my com.... spent the afternoon backing up my files... and reinstalling everything... haiz....
K lar.... very sian now... dun want to talk liao... tmr start school le... bye~
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Wee~ Just finish watching FF7 Advent Children... Woho~ Although half the time I duno what they talking about... but hehe... its nice just enjoying the action and wow-ing at the animation....
The animation is really very very good.... The models they constructed are all with great details.... I can't imagine how they managed to construct a whole city out of in virtual world.... its simply incredible..... I've also been trying out with a 3D programme myself... but the things I made are just crap -_- Its too insignificant compared to what shown in the movie.
Details is one thing.... another thing that is difficult in 3D animation is how to make the models have weight.... In the virtual world... these objects don't have gravity, and they don't have mass... so they way these objects interact with the surrounding depends heavily on the skills of the animator. Some lousy animations would have people walk as if they are floating... and grap things as if they are weightless.... Although there are still some of these errors in the movie. The movie is generally still very well done.
Other than that, I also realised that there are some angles that are only made possible with 3D animation and the movie exploited these advantages and gave us a different perspective different from the angle we normally get from conventional movies.
All in all... I give this movie 9/10 :D haha... the missing 1 mark is lost to me not understanding the plot :P Actually I've also watched the FF movie the came out a few years back.... But now... I don't have much recollections of it.... Only remembered familiar terms such as the lifestream.... Other than that I almost forgotten everything... haiz... see how bad my memory is..... Anyway... wonder if it has any link with the current movie....
Well... after watching this... it kinds of motivated me to continue and venture into the world of 3D :P haha..... I'm gonna slowly learn and master my 3D program :P I guess I would have this opportunity to do so :P HAha.... very soon I will be going for NS le... so during that period of 2 years.... I might spend the time building up my 3D skills :D Haha... cos within that 2 years no need to use my brain mah.... no need to study like siao... so I'll have time and spare brain capacity to meddle around with such stuffs :P Actually I also plan to like start a small business during that time :D Haha... something like setting up a website and start selling things :D Although the profit is not too much... but... as long as I dun lose money can liao :) I had always wanted to set up a business and sell my own designs.... You get a sense of achievement when something you designed got sold and people likes it :D Haha... so yar... I'm really looking forward to that time :)
Muhahaha... that means the A lvl faster come! NS faster come! LOL... shouldn't I be complaining about these rather than looking forward to it? haha... K lar..... dun come dun come... I also dun want to look forward to what I can do during NS.... Just let nature takes it course.... When the time comes for NS... I know that I wouldn't be too sad cos I will be able to do something I like :)
Haha... k lar.... thats about all for now... bye~
The animation is really very very good.... The models they constructed are all with great details.... I can't imagine how they managed to construct a whole city out of in virtual world.... its simply incredible..... I've also been trying out with a 3D programme myself... but the things I made are just crap -_- Its too insignificant compared to what shown in the movie.
Details is one thing.... another thing that is difficult in 3D animation is how to make the models have weight.... In the virtual world... these objects don't have gravity, and they don't have mass... so they way these objects interact with the surrounding depends heavily on the skills of the animator. Some lousy animations would have people walk as if they are floating... and grap things as if they are weightless.... Although there are still some of these errors in the movie. The movie is generally still very well done.
Other than that, I also realised that there are some angles that are only made possible with 3D animation and the movie exploited these advantages and gave us a different perspective different from the angle we normally get from conventional movies.
All in all... I give this movie 9/10 :D haha... the missing 1 mark is lost to me not understanding the plot :P Actually I've also watched the FF movie the came out a few years back.... But now... I don't have much recollections of it.... Only remembered familiar terms such as the lifestream.... Other than that I almost forgotten everything... haiz... see how bad my memory is..... Anyway... wonder if it has any link with the current movie....
Well... after watching this... it kinds of motivated me to continue and venture into the world of 3D :P haha..... I'm gonna slowly learn and master my 3D program :P I guess I would have this opportunity to do so :P HAha.... very soon I will be going for NS le... so during that period of 2 years.... I might spend the time building up my 3D skills :D Haha... cos within that 2 years no need to use my brain mah.... no need to study like siao... so I'll have time and spare brain capacity to meddle around with such stuffs :P Actually I also plan to like start a small business during that time :D Haha... something like setting up a website and start selling things :D Although the profit is not too much... but... as long as I dun lose money can liao :) I had always wanted to set up a business and sell my own designs.... You get a sense of achievement when something you designed got sold and people likes it :D Haha... so yar... I'm really looking forward to that time :)
Muhahaha... that means the A lvl faster come! NS faster come! LOL... shouldn't I be complaining about these rather than looking forward to it? haha... K lar..... dun come dun come... I also dun want to look forward to what I can do during NS.... Just let nature takes it course.... When the time comes for NS... I know that I wouldn't be too sad cos I will be able to do something I like :)
Haha... k lar.... thats about all for now... bye~
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Its finally over!!! Yay!!! haha... prelims finally over today liao... actually it was yesterday cos today phys paper 5 dun need to study much.... lol.... till the point that we went to play lan in the morning before the paper :S haha... met up with the bunch of friends in the morning and played lan at yishun.... played warcraft, CS and C&C zero hour... lol.... had a very fun time :P haha... after that then eat at coffee shop liao then go back to school....
Hmm.. nothing much lar.... oh.. realised that the tagboard is down again... nvm.... just use the comment section at the bottom of the entry if you want to leave a msg.... thats all lar~ see ya~
Hmm.. nothing much lar.... oh.. realised that the tagboard is down again... nvm.... just use the comment section at the bottom of the entry if you want to leave a msg.... thats all lar~ see ya~
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Haiz.... everything is in a mess now.... I just don't know how to study econs.... I've tried a lot of methods... mindmaps... memorising... writing down concepts.... timing myself.... but nothing seems to be working..... Is it too late already? Am I too far behind to catch up? This is very worrying.....
I'm really very tired now..... my mind is over saturated.... It seems that it reached its saturation point after my maths exams....
I really put in alot of effort in maths.... perhaps too much that I have none left for my other subjects.... Before the maths exams I'm still able to sit down there and keep practising and practising... especially for the 2 days before the stats paper... I redo a lot of tutorial questions and past test papers.... but after that when I'm studying for physics... I can't anymore.... although I kept telling myself that I have to keep practicing.... but I just can't do it.... I'm only able to read through the notes and try to recall all the concepts.... I have no energy to go and practise doing questions.... now for econs... its worst... I can't even concentrate on reading the notes..... I really have no idea how to tackle econs....
Well... I guess that for this prelims... out of my 4 subjects including GP.... I would guess that my GP result would be the best of the 4... followed by maths... then physics... last would be econs... Actually it kinds of follows the exam time table.... I had gp first... then maths... then physics and econs.... So I guess I can see the trend of my mind getting more and more saturated after each subject....
I guess to prevent this from happening during the A lvls.... I would have to prepare econs ( also the last paper ) far earlier than all the other subjects... so when the time comes like 1-2 weeks before the exams which is the time when my minds starts to get saturated again... I wouldn't have to worry about the last paper as I already had prepared for it long time ago.....
Now the problem lies in how to prepare for econs.... all the methods that I've tried dosen't seem to work.... I'm thinking of one essay per day during the weekdays.... hmm..... but I wonder will it be effective.... because I only have like 6 weeks to A lvls... then last 2 weeks my mind will get saturated so that will be off... that leave my with 4 weeks... If I do an essay per day on weekdays... I will only be able to finish 20 essays.... there are 9 chapters in total... meaning 2 essays for each chapter.... That means that I would have to take each essay seriously as I may not have time to go through that essay again..... As although there are 2 essays for each chapter.... there are many sub topics for each chapters... so 2 essay is far from enough.... but thats all that I can afford :S..... Okay lar... so its settled.... I will do one essay per day for weekdays... and I must record the concepts used into permanent memory for each day....
this seems to be the only method left for me to study econs... lets hope that it works....
But for now... haiz... I will just try my best for econs.... but I won't hope that i will get good result from it...
For this prelims... If I can get a good result for Gp and maths then I happy enough already... physics and econs... lets just hope that I won't do too badly....
K lar... have to go back to studying my econs le.... bye~
I'm really very tired now..... my mind is over saturated.... It seems that it reached its saturation point after my maths exams....
I really put in alot of effort in maths.... perhaps too much that I have none left for my other subjects.... Before the maths exams I'm still able to sit down there and keep practising and practising... especially for the 2 days before the stats paper... I redo a lot of tutorial questions and past test papers.... but after that when I'm studying for physics... I can't anymore.... although I kept telling myself that I have to keep practicing.... but I just can't do it.... I'm only able to read through the notes and try to recall all the concepts.... I have no energy to go and practise doing questions.... now for econs... its worst... I can't even concentrate on reading the notes..... I really have no idea how to tackle econs....
Well... I guess that for this prelims... out of my 4 subjects including GP.... I would guess that my GP result would be the best of the 4... followed by maths... then physics... last would be econs... Actually it kinds of follows the exam time table.... I had gp first... then maths... then physics and econs.... So I guess I can see the trend of my mind getting more and more saturated after each subject....
I guess to prevent this from happening during the A lvls.... I would have to prepare econs ( also the last paper ) far earlier than all the other subjects... so when the time comes like 1-2 weeks before the exams which is the time when my minds starts to get saturated again... I wouldn't have to worry about the last paper as I already had prepared for it long time ago.....
Now the problem lies in how to prepare for econs.... all the methods that I've tried dosen't seem to work.... I'm thinking of one essay per day during the weekdays.... hmm..... but I wonder will it be effective.... because I only have like 6 weeks to A lvls... then last 2 weeks my mind will get saturated so that will be off... that leave my with 4 weeks... If I do an essay per day on weekdays... I will only be able to finish 20 essays.... there are 9 chapters in total... meaning 2 essays for each chapter.... That means that I would have to take each essay seriously as I may not have time to go through that essay again..... As although there are 2 essays for each chapter.... there are many sub topics for each chapters... so 2 essay is far from enough.... but thats all that I can afford :S..... Okay lar... so its settled.... I will do one essay per day for weekdays... and I must record the concepts used into permanent memory for each day....
this seems to be the only method left for me to study econs... lets hope that it works....
But for now... haiz... I will just try my best for econs.... but I won't hope that i will get good result from it...
For this prelims... If I can get a good result for Gp and maths then I happy enough already... physics and econs... lets just hope that I won't do too badly....
K lar... have to go back to studying my econs le.... bye~
Friday, September 16, 2005
Fell in love with this song.... Its from the newest jackie chan movie shen hua ( the myth) Don't know about the movie but... the song is very nice :D haha... its love at first heard... lol.. the first time when I heard the promo of the movie on yes 93.9FM I already loved it :D
The chorus of the song, I think is in korean... sound so nice! Aww~~ But I heard on 93.3 that there's a chinese version... with the chorus also in chinese... Well... I can't find the chinese version on the web... so just make do with this version with chorus in korean... Actually korean sounds nicer :P
It will take a while for the page to load as the MTV has to be fully downloaded into your com, and not streamed... Also because of this... if you wanna get this song... just go to your temporary internet folder and extract it out :P haha.... Enjoy~
The chorus of the song, I think is in korean... sound so nice! Aww~~ But I heard on 93.3 that there's a chinese version... with the chorus also in chinese... Well... I can't find the chinese version on the web... so just make do with this version with chorus in korean... Actually korean sounds nicer :P
It will take a while for the page to load as the MTV has to be fully downloaded into your com, and not streamed... Also because of this... if you wanna get this song... just go to your temporary internet folder and extract it out :P haha.... Enjoy~
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Take a look at this...
Will come back to blog about it tmr... gonna go study physics now... bye~
Will come back to blog about it tmr... gonna go study physics now... bye~
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
I've noticed something strange.... haha.... duno izzit prelims too stressful or not.... but... 2 of my sec school friends whom I've not been in contact for more than a year suddenly msged me :S One yesterday and one today... haha...
I guess people are really feeling the pressure of the prelims.... haiz.... poor thing... its really a hard life being a student.....
Anyway.... duno is it coincidence of not.... haha.... well... see if there will be anymore people msging me for the next few days :P lol...
But I just wanna say.... If you people feel too stressed up about prelims or anything other things.... do feel free to msg me :) I'll be glad to lend an listening ear :) Haha... my consultation e-mail is LOL....
OKay... its 9 already... got to go sleep now.... maths test tmr :) All the best to all my friends, those studying in other jcs as well :D Or perhaps poly too, poly having exams now? haha... anyway... just everyone lar :P
I guess people are really feeling the pressure of the prelims.... haiz.... poor thing... its really a hard life being a student.....
Anyway.... duno is it coincidence of not.... haha.... well... see if there will be anymore people msging me for the next few days :P lol...
But I just wanna say.... If you people feel too stressed up about prelims or anything other things.... do feel free to msg me :) I'll be glad to lend an listening ear :) Haha... my consultation e-mail is LOL....
OKay... its 9 already... got to go sleep now.... maths test tmr :) All the best to all my friends, those studying in other jcs as well :D Or perhaps poly too, poly having exams now? haha... anyway... just everyone lar :P
oh no~ Tmr maths paper 2 liao.... the much feared paper... haha.... well... really praying hard that it won't be too difficult.... Its 8 plus now.... just finished my preparation for the test tmr.... Woke up slightly earlier at 9 today and did stats all the way till now.... so hmm.... guess I've did my part on the preparation... its all up to chance now that determines whether I get a easy paper or not.... There's nothing much I can do now actually....
So yar... I'm stopping my revision now at 8..... have to let my mind rest for a while... its too saturated now so even if I continue studying... I can't get much into my head already....
If lets say I did badly for this test... (touch wood) but.... IF I really didn't perform well... I guess I 'wen xin wu qui' (have no regrets) Cos I really did tried my best.....
Enough about maths.... my physics... haiz... really didn't do much about it.... have been concentrating too much on maths.... and neglecting it.... Guess I would have to work extra hard tmr to catch back whatever I have forgotten.... Luckily physics paper on friday is a afternoon paper... that means that I can stay up a little bit later and squeeze more time for my physics....
Oh well... thats about all for today lar.... bye~ All the best for tmr's maths paper :)
So yar... I'm stopping my revision now at 8..... have to let my mind rest for a while... its too saturated now so even if I continue studying... I can't get much into my head already....
If lets say I did badly for this test... (touch wood) but.... IF I really didn't perform well... I guess I 'wen xin wu qui' (have no regrets) Cos I really did tried my best.....
Enough about maths.... my physics... haiz... really didn't do much about it.... have been concentrating too much on maths.... and neglecting it.... Guess I would have to work extra hard tmr to catch back whatever I have forgotten.... Luckily physics paper on friday is a afternoon paper... that means that I can stay up a little bit later and squeeze more time for my physics....
Oh well... thats about all for today lar.... bye~ All the best for tmr's maths paper :)
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Yesterday was a really interesting day... haha... its different from all the other days of my life.... lets start from the beginning....
In the morning... as usual... woke up early and pia to school.... while walking to school I almost got knocked down by a bicycle.... I was turning round a corner when the bicycle just dashed right across me.... Luckily nothing happened to both me and the cyclist... then I continued my walk to the school...
When I got into the audi... which is the holding room for the paper... I saw mr chua... ( science HOD) .... I had a tinge of weird feeling seeing him as... somehow he shouldn't be there.... its a maths paper and what is a science HOD doing there? But well... I didn't think much about it... and I looked around and saw ej.... I walked up to him and said " so early" Haha... cos he dosen't really come so that early usually, then he told me that he took a earlier bus... Then nvm... I sat down... and after a while... mr chua came and asked which class are we from.... we told him 209 and he went to search for the class list to mark attendence.... but he couldn't find it.... After a while, ej's friend came in and asked him.... you take bio? Lol.... at first ej thought its a joke... and told him its not funny... then I think mr chua heard and then he came and confirmed that its a bio paper in the morning.... maths paper is in the afternoon! LOL.... then we finally realised tat we got pwn liao.... lol...
Luckily I wasn't the only sotong around sia... lol... still got ej.... if I'm the only one I duno what to do lo... its so early... the maths paper is at 2pm... and I'm in school at 7.30.... How stupid is that... LOL.... So yar... me and ej went out of school to mac at north point... LOl... While at mac... ej 'bu gan yuan' so we tried calling all our friends down as well... lol... ej decided to play a prank of andy toh... haha... he called him and asked him why isn't he in school yet... the paper starting already... lol..... it was the perfect timing as it was 8am... haha... the time where students were asked to phone their friends whom are not here yet... LOl.... then andy had a shock... lol.... stupid sia... imagnie you got woken up in the morning and told that you missed the paper... lol... after which... we told him that we got the wrong timing and asked if he wanted to come and study earlier lar... Haha... in the end he turned up with a sleepy look.... lol... can see that we really woke him up badly :S haha....
Other than him we also called andy pan.... elgin..... sen min..... and kerling.... Kerling didn't pick up the phone at first... then we thought he was sleeping... but.... hehe... later found out that he's another sotong as well... lol... he also came to school early in the morning thinking that its a morning paprer... lol.... So by around 10am all our friends were here.... haha... very effiecient sia... lol... makes a good NS men... 24hr operationally ready.... haha....
We spent the time studying in the library basement.... actually more like chit chatting session lar... haha.... nothing much to study anyway.... just some misc question asked by friends.... After which we went for lunch at the canteen and then went to the student lounge where andy and edward ( came later) went to the library instead...
We played carrom at the student lounge... not using the usual rule.... but lol... anyhow play lor.... duno why we were so high at that time.... haha.... we played without rules and ffa... lol... then designed some rules like missing one turn if we score a black... lol... Its just crap lar... but as we were quite high then it was fun... lol... it also sort of lighten my mood then lar... cos after coming school so early in the morning... I'm already half dead... so it kinds of make me not fall asleep during the maths paper....
Talking about the maths paper.... everyone said it was easy... compared to yj's standard for the psat years prelims.... I do also feel that its relatively easy... but I don't feel good about it... I'm kind of worried that because although it was easy, there was still some parts here and there that I can't do.... these little marks lost here and there plus those of careless mistakes would in the end accumulate to become lots of marks.... I did some damage consolidation and found that I've lost a confirmed of 23 marks.... and with an addition of estimated 10 careless mistakes marks.... I should be able to get 67 for paper one lar... note the word SHOULD.... but who knows.... the careless mistakes might be more than expected... so I guess if I round down... I would hope that I get a 60 marks :) haha... that would be good enough..... Now its left for the paper 2 liao.... with 60 marks for paper 1... I only have 10 marks to spare to cushion the failure of paper 2.... So hmm.... okay lar... of cos I don't wish that I will fail paper 2 lar... but... you know.... just in case... hehe... But anyway... I won't want to fail my paper 2 lar... although there is speculation that it will be a killer paper... perhaps this is the reason that they made paper 1 slightly easier... so that we won't fail too badly... Argh!!! haha.... I must not fail! lol....
Anyway after that went back home.... ate dinner... then I went to sleep at 7pm -.- haha.... its very early... and then.... I woke up at 1am lol.... slept for 6 hrs.... after that cannot sleep anymore... so I woke up.... ate some mooncakes and came online... lol... online also nothing much to do.... when I came at 1am... my contact list till got 21 people... haha... these people dun need sleep one ar -_- but although got people.... nobody to talk to.... so I just played some music and did my physics.... do until about 3.45am.... I stopped liao... cos my dad waking up for work... didn't want him to see me so hardworking studying in the night... lol... so yar... at around 4 I went back to bed le... then this morning woke up at 9am...... slept for another 5 hrs again.... HAha... it was a rather different day for me as I seldom stay up so late..... especially until 4... its a miracle... Haha.... The last time I did that was eons ago that I can't even remember.....
Actually... its rather cool to study at night.... its pretty quiet and the feeling is great.... your whole surrounding is asleep.... and there is absolute silence.... but.... the silence didn't make much difference lar... haha.... cos I was blasting dance music through my headphones :S Haha.... but you know... I feel much more alert when studying then..... Perhaps I'll try again next time if I had a chance.... especially during the study break when I dun have to wake up early for school.... but only for the first few weeks lar.... nearer to exams cannot cos later I can't wake up fresh for my paper....
K lar... its kind of a long entry :) See ya~
In the morning... as usual... woke up early and pia to school.... while walking to school I almost got knocked down by a bicycle.... I was turning round a corner when the bicycle just dashed right across me.... Luckily nothing happened to both me and the cyclist... then I continued my walk to the school...
When I got into the audi... which is the holding room for the paper... I saw mr chua... ( science HOD) .... I had a tinge of weird feeling seeing him as... somehow he shouldn't be there.... its a maths paper and what is a science HOD doing there? But well... I didn't think much about it... and I looked around and saw ej.... I walked up to him and said " so early" Haha... cos he dosen't really come so that early usually, then he told me that he took a earlier bus... Then nvm... I sat down... and after a while... mr chua came and asked which class are we from.... we told him 209 and he went to search for the class list to mark attendence.... but he couldn't find it.... After a while, ej's friend came in and asked him.... you take bio? Lol.... at first ej thought its a joke... and told him its not funny... then I think mr chua heard and then he came and confirmed that its a bio paper in the morning.... maths paper is in the afternoon! LOL.... then we finally realised tat we got pwn liao.... lol...
Luckily I wasn't the only sotong around sia... lol... still got ej.... if I'm the only one I duno what to do lo... its so early... the maths paper is at 2pm... and I'm in school at 7.30.... How stupid is that... LOL.... So yar... me and ej went out of school to mac at north point... LOl... While at mac... ej 'bu gan yuan' so we tried calling all our friends down as well... lol... ej decided to play a prank of andy toh... haha... he called him and asked him why isn't he in school yet... the paper starting already... lol..... it was the perfect timing as it was 8am... haha... the time where students were asked to phone their friends whom are not here yet... LOl.... then andy had a shock... lol.... stupid sia... imagnie you got woken up in the morning and told that you missed the paper... lol... after which... we told him that we got the wrong timing and asked if he wanted to come and study earlier lar... Haha... in the end he turned up with a sleepy look.... lol... can see that we really woke him up badly :S haha....
Other than him we also called andy pan.... elgin..... sen min..... and kerling.... Kerling didn't pick up the phone at first... then we thought he was sleeping... but.... hehe... later found out that he's another sotong as well... lol... he also came to school early in the morning thinking that its a morning paprer... lol.... So by around 10am all our friends were here.... haha... very effiecient sia... lol... makes a good NS men... 24hr operationally ready.... haha....
We spent the time studying in the library basement.... actually more like chit chatting session lar... haha.... nothing much to study anyway.... just some misc question asked by friends.... After which we went for lunch at the canteen and then went to the student lounge where andy and edward ( came later) went to the library instead...
We played carrom at the student lounge... not using the usual rule.... but lol... anyhow play lor.... duno why we were so high at that time.... haha.... we played without rules and ffa... lol... then designed some rules like missing one turn if we score a black... lol... Its just crap lar... but as we were quite high then it was fun... lol... it also sort of lighten my mood then lar... cos after coming school so early in the morning... I'm already half dead... so it kinds of make me not fall asleep during the maths paper....
Talking about the maths paper.... everyone said it was easy... compared to yj's standard for the psat years prelims.... I do also feel that its relatively easy... but I don't feel good about it... I'm kind of worried that because although it was easy, there was still some parts here and there that I can't do.... these little marks lost here and there plus those of careless mistakes would in the end accumulate to become lots of marks.... I did some damage consolidation and found that I've lost a confirmed of 23 marks.... and with an addition of estimated 10 careless mistakes marks.... I should be able to get 67 for paper one lar... note the word SHOULD.... but who knows.... the careless mistakes might be more than expected... so I guess if I round down... I would hope that I get a 60 marks :) haha... that would be good enough..... Now its left for the paper 2 liao.... with 60 marks for paper 1... I only have 10 marks to spare to cushion the failure of paper 2.... So hmm.... okay lar... of cos I don't wish that I will fail paper 2 lar... but... you know.... just in case... hehe... But anyway... I won't want to fail my paper 2 lar... although there is speculation that it will be a killer paper... perhaps this is the reason that they made paper 1 slightly easier... so that we won't fail too badly... Argh!!! haha.... I must not fail! lol....
Anyway after that went back home.... ate dinner... then I went to sleep at 7pm -.- haha.... its very early... and then.... I woke up at 1am lol.... slept for 6 hrs.... after that cannot sleep anymore... so I woke up.... ate some mooncakes and came online... lol... online also nothing much to do.... when I came at 1am... my contact list till got 21 people... haha... these people dun need sleep one ar -_- but although got people.... nobody to talk to.... so I just played some music and did my physics.... do until about 3.45am.... I stopped liao... cos my dad waking up for work... didn't want him to see me so hardworking studying in the night... lol... so yar... at around 4 I went back to bed le... then this morning woke up at 9am...... slept for another 5 hrs again.... HAha... it was a rather different day for me as I seldom stay up so late..... especially until 4... its a miracle... Haha.... The last time I did that was eons ago that I can't even remember.....
Actually... its rather cool to study at night.... its pretty quiet and the feeling is great.... your whole surrounding is asleep.... and there is absolute silence.... but.... the silence didn't make much difference lar... haha.... cos I was blasting dance music through my headphones :S Haha.... but you know... I feel much more alert when studying then..... Perhaps I'll try again next time if I had a chance.... especially during the study break when I dun have to wake up early for school.... but only for the first few weeks lar.... nearer to exams cannot cos later I can't wake up fresh for my paper....
K lar... its kind of a long entry :) See ya~
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Haiz...duno what to say but... well... 11 more hrs to go before the maths paper... well.... feeling really weird now.... maths is my most worrying subject..... so haiz.... duno whether can sleep well tonight or not.... I purposly wake up ealier this morning so that I would feel tired at night... oh well... today also had a headache... its the left side of my brain that is having the ache... Haiz... perhaps I really exert too much liao..... am rather at a loss now.... my only wish is that everything will go on smoothly. I don't wish for good results... I just want to feel that I've done my best.... didn't make any stupid mistakes and when I meet with question that I don't know to answer. I hope that its the question that is tough... and not that I didn't study enough.....
OK lar... not going to say anymore.... but..... Its seldom that I get worried over things.... really hope that everything will turn out alright tomorrow.... Wish me luck....
OK lar... not going to say anymore.... but..... Its seldom that I get worried over things.... really hope that everything will turn out alright tomorrow.... Wish me luck....
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Its saturday night :) haiz.... but it feels as though its sunday.... have been studying maths the whole day.... actually not the whole day lar... I'm just trying to memorise all the formulas especially all the trigos and do some work to keep the momentum going :) Until this point of time... just 2 days before the exams... I guess there's nothing much to do liao... whatever that I have to know should already be in my mind... there's not much time to learn new things for now... for now... its just to keep working and practicing to keep the momentum going.... cos... have to condition myself to see maths questions.... so that my mind will work the correct way during exams.... I've also abstained from playing games from today till the end of prelims... even though I'll still be surfing online to relax... but there won't be any games... I dun want my thoughts to be distracted :P Haiz... am really putting in a lot of effort for this prelims.... and of cos... the A lvls... there's only one shot at it... cannot afford to miss... its not like the O lvls where if I don't do well can just go poly.... this time round there isn't a second alternative. So yar.... haiz... die die also have to move up....
OKay... show u something... My megamindmap for econs! LOL.... took me 1.25 mahjong paper.... muahaha.... I have to stick the 0.25 in to fit international trade inside... It contains everything for the 2 years... from micro to macro economy.... Muahaha..... its so huge that my 4mega pixel camera also cannot take clearly... the photo below is taken at the maximum resolution.... a 3++MB photo... lol... I guess I need to get a 5mega pixel one :P
Okay... here's it... it'll take quite some time to load due to its large size.
It took me like 3 days to complete it.... can't do it in a day although the time spend is like only 3 hrs... so total only like 9hrs.... it could be done if I work on it for the whole day.... but its really not easy... imagine you revising 2 whole years of work in a day? Thats too much for your mind to take....
Hmm... so yar... with that my revison for econs is more or less done lar... I've recalled most of the points in my mind liao... so the next step would be to apply them in essays... then for maths... it'll be over soon... haha... so whether I've finished my revision or not... its too late to do anything now.... So the only one left is physics... For physics... cos I've been neglecting it for some time.... ( spent the time on maths ) so the speed I do physics now is slowed greatly... Although I still know how to do it... but it takes a lot of time as my thoughts are all not in the right place. So after maths... I would go practice more of physics to get the momentum.....
hmm... enough about the studying part.... lets move one :P
Friday went for the NIBC award ceremony.... yes... the competition ended liao... have I blogged about it? ANyway... we lost... haiz... but... we still had a great time there.... we were quite okay with the loss lar.... hmm..... okay... lets start the whole thing from the beginning....
I'm going to say names now as... yar the competition has ended and this is my own blog... furthermore what I said has facts to back it us... so no need to scared if found out will affect the comptition or not....
Just after the competition has ended.... the group of us... were discussing whether we will win or not.... and we came to a conclusion... yes... we should... cos... firstly... our blog color scheme is better than theirs... our content more reader friendly.... and our place is more active with comments... so we really thought we have a high chance of winning...
But throughout the one week break before the winners were announced.... we found many hints the shows that we weren't winning....
Firstly was that when the venue was announced for the award ceremony... it was a victoria jc... For ur info... the only competitive competitors left in the finals were VJ ACJC and us... all the rest dead already... probably gone mugging... haha.... anyway... VJ is our greatest competitor and have the higher chance of winning compared with AC... we were worried that VJ would take the prize away from us.... So when the venue was announced... we were like.... WTF... is VJ really winning??? but we still didn't want to admit defeat as that might just be a false alarm... but the second thing happened after a few days....
Secondly.... Jamie yeo... the host... went to Vj blog and congratulated them!!! She posted 2 msg the first one congratulating them... the second one... saying... "she meant see them at the ceremony" Its so obviously that the situation is that she didn't realised she couldn't say out the winners yet... but she did... so when she found out... she wrote the second msg to cover up her mistakes.... and in order to show that she didn't only talk to VJ... she copied the msg and post it in all the other schools blog...
That sort of confirmed that VJ is winning already.... but for me.... I wouldn't want to admit defeat yet as we really put in the effort and there's no way that we can lose. I won't admit defeat till the winner is announced right infront of me....
With that we went to the award ceremony on friday.. I don't see any other JCs around as I guess they probably knew that they lost... But we... don't want to admit defeat!
Although we might think that way... deep down we already know that the probability of winning is very slim... its almost zero.... but I still hope for a miricle to happen.... I believe that you reap what you sow... we put in the effort... and we will sure get our reward....
In the end.... we still lost.... haiz... but.... oh well.... its kind of expected already lar... although it was a bit sad but... we are still okay with it :)
When announcing the winners.... Jamie said... " ITs so obvious" .... I didn't read much into it till SM came to talk to me.... What she meant by so obvious? She mean that the rest of the JCs didn't put in their effort? In what way is it so obvious? Because of the venue chosen? Because she went to their blog to congratulate them?
Yar... its really OBVIOUS.... we were just stupid and thick skinned enough to even turn up for the award ceremony.... its so insulting...
Oh welll... there goes my phone... haha... but well... its still okay lar... used to it already... I've never won anything from competition in my whole life.... so this one is no exception.... Another thing is that yar... although I felt that we put in alot of effort... but when I saw their presentation on what they did... oh well... have to admit that there was more effort involved.... although it didn't show in the blog... but there was quite some behind the scenes work... so I guess... since their effort is more than ours... I shu de xing fu kou fu... haha... gladly admit defeat....
So yar... we weren't really sad after that lar... haha... we still had lots of fun taking photos :P Kevin, me and elgin all brought our cameras with us... so we were like keep taking pictures of everyone :P
Oh... one last thing to end off this entry :P Haha.... guess what place is this... muahahaha..... one hint.... its related to this entry :P
Okay... see ya :) Wish me luck for the comign prelims :D
OKay... show u something... My megamindmap for econs! LOL.... took me 1.25 mahjong paper.... muahaha.... I have to stick the 0.25 in to fit international trade inside... It contains everything for the 2 years... from micro to macro economy.... Muahaha..... its so huge that my 4mega pixel camera also cannot take clearly... the photo below is taken at the maximum resolution.... a 3++MB photo... lol... I guess I need to get a 5mega pixel one :P
Okay... here's it... it'll take quite some time to load due to its large size.
It took me like 3 days to complete it.... can't do it in a day although the time spend is like only 3 hrs... so total only like 9hrs.... it could be done if I work on it for the whole day.... but its really not easy... imagine you revising 2 whole years of work in a day? Thats too much for your mind to take....
Hmm... so yar... with that my revison for econs is more or less done lar... I've recalled most of the points in my mind liao... so the next step would be to apply them in essays... then for maths... it'll be over soon... haha... so whether I've finished my revision or not... its too late to do anything now.... So the only one left is physics... For physics... cos I've been neglecting it for some time.... ( spent the time on maths ) so the speed I do physics now is slowed greatly... Although I still know how to do it... but it takes a lot of time as my thoughts are all not in the right place. So after maths... I would go practice more of physics to get the momentum.....
hmm... enough about the studying part.... lets move one :P
Friday went for the NIBC award ceremony.... yes... the competition ended liao... have I blogged about it? ANyway... we lost... haiz... but... we still had a great time there.... we were quite okay with the loss lar.... hmm..... okay... lets start the whole thing from the beginning....
I'm going to say names now as... yar the competition has ended and this is my own blog... furthermore what I said has facts to back it us... so no need to scared if found out will affect the comptition or not....
Just after the competition has ended.... the group of us... were discussing whether we will win or not.... and we came to a conclusion... yes... we should... cos... firstly... our blog color scheme is better than theirs... our content more reader friendly.... and our place is more active with comments... so we really thought we have a high chance of winning...
But throughout the one week break before the winners were announced.... we found many hints the shows that we weren't winning....
Firstly was that when the venue was announced for the award ceremony... it was a victoria jc... For ur info... the only competitive competitors left in the finals were VJ ACJC and us... all the rest dead already... probably gone mugging... haha.... anyway... VJ is our greatest competitor and have the higher chance of winning compared with AC... we were worried that VJ would take the prize away from us.... So when the venue was announced... we were like.... WTF... is VJ really winning??? but we still didn't want to admit defeat as that might just be a false alarm... but the second thing happened after a few days....
Secondly.... Jamie yeo... the host... went to Vj blog and congratulated them!!! She posted 2 msg the first one congratulating them... the second one... saying... "she meant see them at the ceremony" Its so obviously that the situation is that she didn't realised she couldn't say out the winners yet... but she did... so when she found out... she wrote the second msg to cover up her mistakes.... and in order to show that she didn't only talk to VJ... she copied the msg and post it in all the other schools blog...
That sort of confirmed that VJ is winning already.... but for me.... I wouldn't want to admit defeat yet as we really put in the effort and there's no way that we can lose. I won't admit defeat till the winner is announced right infront of me....
With that we went to the award ceremony on friday.. I don't see any other JCs around as I guess they probably knew that they lost... But we... don't want to admit defeat!
Although we might think that way... deep down we already know that the probability of winning is very slim... its almost zero.... but I still hope for a miricle to happen.... I believe that you reap what you sow... we put in the effort... and we will sure get our reward....
In the end.... we still lost.... haiz... but.... oh well.... its kind of expected already lar... although it was a bit sad but... we are still okay with it :)
When announcing the winners.... Jamie said... " ITs so obvious" .... I didn't read much into it till SM came to talk to me.... What she meant by so obvious? She mean that the rest of the JCs didn't put in their effort? In what way is it so obvious? Because of the venue chosen? Because she went to their blog to congratulate them?
Yar... its really OBVIOUS.... we were just stupid and thick skinned enough to even turn up for the award ceremony.... its so insulting...
Oh welll... there goes my phone... haha... but well... its still okay lar... used to it already... I've never won anything from competition in my whole life.... so this one is no exception.... Another thing is that yar... although I felt that we put in alot of effort... but when I saw their presentation on what they did... oh well... have to admit that there was more effort involved.... although it didn't show in the blog... but there was quite some behind the scenes work... so I guess... since their effort is more than ours... I shu de xing fu kou fu... haha... gladly admit defeat....
So yar... we weren't really sad after that lar... haha... we still had lots of fun taking photos :P Kevin, me and elgin all brought our cameras with us... so we were like keep taking pictures of everyone :P
Oh... one last thing to end off this entry :P Haha.... guess what place is this... muahahaha..... one hint.... its related to this entry :P
Okay... see ya :) Wish me luck for the comign prelims :D
Friday, September 09, 2005
I've changed back to a older design... haha.... the previous one... the color brown looks rather unpleasing after a while... so decided to change. Its also rather hard to read in my previous one as the size of the entry window is to squashed... its much better now :)
Well.. something happened today... but its getting late and I dun want to talk about it now... maybe tmr lar :) See ya~
Well.. something happened today... but its getting late and I dun want to talk about it now... maybe tmr lar :) See ya~
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Lalala... its thursday night le!!! Tomorrow is the last week of the holidays... and after that in 2 days time, the weekends, it will be the start of prelims le!!! I'm so dead!!! lol.... my revison was... erm... it seems to be done... but actually there are still lots of things that I have not revised... Argh!!! K lar.. dun want to talk about prelims le... haiz... let it be lar... 船到桥头只然直 haha... hope that everything will turn out alright :)
OKay... I haven't been watching the news for the past days... and when I watch it today... I noticed something.... The Plasma TV is SUPER HUGE! Is it me or did the plasma TV really grew? If I haven't remember wrongly, the older one was one with sliver border, then the current one has black border and 2 speakers at the side.
Haha.... the current super huge plasma is so out of proportion with the other things in the set. The news presenter looks so small.... and the camera man had a difficult time fitting the presenter and TV into one frame. I almost died laughing when the camera switch to the other perspective to present the business news. The TV is so skewed...
But anyway.... the plasma TV is very nice :)~ Its so huge and the display is so clear... If only I have one in my bedroom... Aww.... then perhaps connect it to the PC... and I can play games or watch anime with such a gigantic screen :D
hmm... nothing much liao lar... bye~
OKay... I haven't been watching the news for the past days... and when I watch it today... I noticed something.... The Plasma TV is SUPER HUGE! Is it me or did the plasma TV really grew? If I haven't remember wrongly, the older one was one with sliver border, then the current one has black border and 2 speakers at the side.
Haha.... the current super huge plasma is so out of proportion with the other things in the set. The news presenter looks so small.... and the camera man had a difficult time fitting the presenter and TV into one frame. I almost died laughing when the camera switch to the other perspective to present the business news. The TV is so skewed...
But anyway.... the plasma TV is very nice :)~ Its so huge and the display is so clear... If only I have one in my bedroom... Aww.... then perhaps connect it to the PC... and I can play games or watch anime with such a gigantic screen :D
hmm... nothing much liao lar... bye~
Its 12+ now... still don't feel like sleeping... My mind is tired... but my body isn't... didn't do much work today... so body isn't tired :S But I studied and memorised econs today!! So my mind is very saturated and heavy now... But I still can't go to sleep as my body isn't tired! Hmm... maybe I'll go do some push ups and sit ups to make my body tired so that I can fall asleep....
Oh well... Time's running out... and I'm losing focus... haha... everything is in a mess... I don't know what to study.... So yar... I made a list of things that I don't know in the afternoon :) It helps me to stay focus on the things that I don't know and not waste too much time doing the things that I already have known....
K lar... thats all for now... bye~
Oh well... Time's running out... and I'm losing focus... haha... everything is in a mess... I don't know what to study.... So yar... I made a list of things that I don't know in the afternoon :) It helps me to stay focus on the things that I don't know and not waste too much time doing the things that I already have known....
K lar... thats all for now... bye~
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Its me again~ haha... challenged my photoshop skills again just now... haha... I tried to super impose someone's face onto another person's.... Muahaha... It was great :D The color matches well.... and overall still looks okay... but because the source wasn't really good, the quality was lousy... so the final one was a bit blurish when viewed at max resolution... But... hehe... can say that my photoshop skills improved a little bit le :P Haha...
I won't be able to put the final version up here as the person will kill me if I do :S lol... Its part of my private collection... and perhaps may show it to people under some circumstances... :P Haha... it would be meaningless if I were to keep the joy all to myself right... muahahaa....
Okay... anyway... went out this afternoon to study with ej, elgin and andy... didn't expect andy to come cos he didn't give me a reply yesterday when I was calling people.... Oh well.. we studied from 12 till 3... after which we went to play lan for an hr :S haha... nvm lar... study already must relax :) 1 hr is not too long :P haha.... yar... cleared some questions about work and thats about all lar... didn't study much.... my aim was just to clear my doubts lar... its uncomfortable studying at fastfood restraurants.... so noisy...
K lar.. nothing much... also sleepy le.... :) Bye~
I won't be able to put the final version up here as the person will kill me if I do :S lol... Its part of my private collection... and perhaps may show it to people under some circumstances... :P Haha... it would be meaningless if I were to keep the joy all to myself right... muahahaa....
Okay... anyway... went out this afternoon to study with ej, elgin and andy... didn't expect andy to come cos he didn't give me a reply yesterday when I was calling people.... Oh well.. we studied from 12 till 3... after which we went to play lan for an hr :S haha... nvm lar... study already must relax :) 1 hr is not too long :P haha.... yar... cleared some questions about work and thats about all lar... didn't study much.... my aim was just to clear my doubts lar... its uncomfortable studying at fastfood restraurants.... so noisy...
K lar.. nothing much... also sleepy le.... :) Bye~
Monday, September 05, 2005
Ho ho ho~ went for the NS thing today... haha... the one thing that left me with the deepest impression is... heaven is fair... LOL...
Cos in the morning when I reach the pick up point... I saw someone with very good build... its really those of commando quality. His face also look like a commando.... hair also short..... carrying a haversack. wearing a white polo T-shirt... a little tight fit also... then jeans.... So... I thought he was one of the people from the camp that was supposed to pick us up. Haha... but... after a while, the real commando came... then I realised I've mistook him! LOl.... OMG... I can't believe that there's someone around my age having such a body lor....
But nevermind.... I guess heaven is fair after all... muahaha... not that I'm being mean or jealous about him... but hehe....
After that we had to do a IQ test mah... I finished the IQ test 5 mins before time.... but he time up liao still haven't finish!!! LOL... MUahahahah..... got muscles but no brains..... LOL.... okay... I'm really starting to get very mean.... but... hey... its true! LOl.... heaven is fair lor... some people seems to have everything leh.... but perhaps there's still something lacking that is not visible on the surface :S Haha....
OKay... lar... lets stop laughing at people... haha... later I get my retribution :S
Anyway... yar.... went there... did about 2 hrs of IQ and personality test..... do until my neck pain.... back pain.... then air con also so cold... haiz... really terrible... After that did a mini med check up... nothing much only ask about eye sight and some old injuries... After that is the physical test liao... did push up... sit up... pull up... and standing up... LOL... no lar... standing board jump... haha... cos everything ended with a up... so shouldn't standing board jump also end with up too... haha... okay... crap... anyway..... I failed almost all of them lar... after which there's some interesting exercise that we had to perform lar... onr to test agility, another flexibility, and one for endurance... :) After that is a small interview lor.... as whether interested in commando or not....LOl... of cos not lar.... haha...
hmm... thats about all for now ba.... 11+ le.... work still going on smoothly.... Although lagging behind others but... well... I guess I'll heed mrs kwang's advice.... dun compare with others, dun compare like wah.. other people do duno what duno what jc prelim paper.... Just concentrate and do whatever you can and dun give yourself unnecessary stress :) Oh well.... haha :D MAybe its true.... maybe its just another excuse for my to slack... muahahaha.... bye~
Cos in the morning when I reach the pick up point... I saw someone with very good build... its really those of commando quality. His face also look like a commando.... hair also short..... carrying a haversack. wearing a white polo T-shirt... a little tight fit also... then jeans.... So... I thought he was one of the people from the camp that was supposed to pick us up. Haha... but... after a while, the real commando came... then I realised I've mistook him! LOl.... OMG... I can't believe that there's someone around my age having such a body lor....
But nevermind.... I guess heaven is fair after all... muahaha... not that I'm being mean or jealous about him... but hehe....
After that we had to do a IQ test mah... I finished the IQ test 5 mins before time.... but he time up liao still haven't finish!!! LOL... MUahahahah..... got muscles but no brains..... LOL.... okay... I'm really starting to get very mean.... but... hey... its true! LOl.... heaven is fair lor... some people seems to have everything leh.... but perhaps there's still something lacking that is not visible on the surface :S Haha....
OKay... lar... lets stop laughing at people... haha... later I get my retribution :S
Anyway... yar.... went there... did about 2 hrs of IQ and personality test..... do until my neck pain.... back pain.... then air con also so cold... haiz... really terrible... After that did a mini med check up... nothing much only ask about eye sight and some old injuries... After that is the physical test liao... did push up... sit up... pull up... and standing up... LOL... no lar... standing board jump... haha... cos everything ended with a up... so shouldn't standing board jump also end with up too... haha... okay... crap... anyway..... I failed almost all of them lar... after which there's some interesting exercise that we had to perform lar... onr to test agility, another flexibility, and one for endurance... :) After that is a small interview lor.... as whether interested in commando or not....LOl... of cos not lar.... haha...
hmm... thats about all for now ba.... 11+ le.... work still going on smoothly.... Although lagging behind others but... well... I guess I'll heed mrs kwang's advice.... dun compare with others, dun compare like wah.. other people do duno what duno what jc prelim paper.... Just concentrate and do whatever you can and dun give yourself unnecessary stress :) Oh well.... haha :D MAybe its true.... maybe its just another excuse for my to slack... muahahaha.... bye~
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Hello :D Its saturday night and I'm here :) Haha.. has been a long time since I last blogged on a saturday... Usually I would be just surfing around and playing games... so by the time I finish I'll be too tired to blog... Or should I say to lazy to blog :P Haha... but nvm... today is an exception... I stopped by game slighly earlier :) I wanted to blog tonight as I won't be able to do so tomorrow... then later scared you all miss me :P haha... okay stop... dun want to be so buey hiao bai...
OKay... where shall we start? Hmm.... after thursday the superstar... friday went to school.... school was alright lar... nothing much happened... had a rather slack day... went home at about 1... then nothing lar...
Sat which was today is also erm... quite boring... tried to study econs... hugged the econs textbook wherever I go... but I don't think anything much went in lar.. :P
Thats all for these 2 days ba... oh... forgot to tell you all why I won't be here tomorrow... cos monday I have to go for some NS thing at pasir ris. Its a vocational assignment... and pasir ris camp is for commandos! LOL... was just laughing at ej for getting into navy and now I got into commando.... haha.... duno why they anyhow select people sia... ej didn't really know how to swim and they ask him to go navy... I never pass my NAPFA test and they ask me to commando... I think they should first check our records lor... people like us go there is waste time only, cos we won't get in anyway.... So yar... I had to reach pasir ris at 8am... so early!!!! If I were to set off from my home I will need about 2 hrs to get there... which means I have to go out at 6am... -_- So I decided to go to my cousin house for a stayover.... they live in hougang... so it takes a shorter time to get there :) Haha.... Thats the furthest relative I have :P None of them lives in the east side....
Okay... hmmm... thats all for the events that happened and are going to happen lar...
Now... haha... this seems to be a little of outdated news... but becuase I was busy for the past days I didn't have a chance to blog about it :P
My group of friends say that I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing.... LOL... I'll take that as a compliment... muahahaha..... they say I look innocent in the outside... but hehe... its the opposite on the inside.... Oh well... the whole things started with this key chain on my bag :P

Actually, nothing much mah.... that time when I bought my bag.... when I was paying then I saw this keychain on the counter... it was the same color, yellow, as my bag mah.... so I bought it also lor :) Got a keychain easier to find the zip mah.... can also help to identify my bag.... Haha....
Anyway.... the keychain was still okay... cos I bought it last year... haha.... they already finished whatever they want to say about it :P Then recently.... my friend (you know how) bought a new phone and stored porn inside... so lol... then they were looking at it... I was sitting on the other side of the table mah... so I had to stand and bend over to see... lol... then they accuse me of being so excited.... *faint*
Lastly... this is the best one... muahaha.... during maths lesson there was a stats question that talks about vending machine that serves small, medium and large drinks... as stats we have to define the random variables mah... so the teacher says... let W be the smallest cup... bla bla bla... Then I had this funny thought... and told them... " W where got smallest cup... A then smallest mah... LOL... W so big... :P " haha.... so when they linked up all these events.... I become a wolf in sheep's clothing :P LOL...
Hmmm.... oh well... thats just the other side of me lor :P Dun judge a book by its cover... haha... I have lots of things that you all don't know about.... I'm a person with lots of secrets... some very very dark ones too... the very dark ones can never be revealled... it has too grave a impact on me and the people around.... haha.... and I am not as simple as I look... you people may never understand me truly... muahaha..... So yar..... I'll still waiting for a person whom I can really trust and share my secrets with... even my family members don't know about it...
So anyway... just take me as what I am in real life :) haha... the innoncent me... LOL... just friday during phys lesson... me and andy was talking about this... then I said... " I so innocent one..." sen min whom is sitting 2 seats away from my turned and gave me this -_- look... lol.... I thought he was listening to lesson... then in the end was evedropping... haha... I really that bad meh :P haha... nvm.... its still not bad being a wolf in sheep's clothing... haha... at least I'm still a sheep when people first look at me... muahahha...... lol
K lar... thats all for today... bye... have a nice week ahead :)
OKay... where shall we start? Hmm.... after thursday the superstar... friday went to school.... school was alright lar... nothing much happened... had a rather slack day... went home at about 1... then nothing lar...
Sat which was today is also erm... quite boring... tried to study econs... hugged the econs textbook wherever I go... but I don't think anything much went in lar.. :P
Thats all for these 2 days ba... oh... forgot to tell you all why I won't be here tomorrow... cos monday I have to go for some NS thing at pasir ris. Its a vocational assignment... and pasir ris camp is for commandos! LOL... was just laughing at ej for getting into navy and now I got into commando.... haha.... duno why they anyhow select people sia... ej didn't really know how to swim and they ask him to go navy... I never pass my NAPFA test and they ask me to commando... I think they should first check our records lor... people like us go there is waste time only, cos we won't get in anyway.... So yar... I had to reach pasir ris at 8am... so early!!!! If I were to set off from my home I will need about 2 hrs to get there... which means I have to go out at 6am... -_- So I decided to go to my cousin house for a stayover.... they live in hougang... so it takes a shorter time to get there :) Haha.... Thats the furthest relative I have :P None of them lives in the east side....
Okay... hmmm... thats all for the events that happened and are going to happen lar...
Now... haha... this seems to be a little of outdated news... but becuase I was busy for the past days I didn't have a chance to blog about it :P
My group of friends say that I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing.... LOL... I'll take that as a compliment... muahahaha..... they say I look innocent in the outside... but hehe... its the opposite on the inside.... Oh well... the whole things started with this key chain on my bag :P
Actually, nothing much mah.... that time when I bought my bag.... when I was paying then I saw this keychain on the counter... it was the same color, yellow, as my bag mah.... so I bought it also lor :) Got a keychain easier to find the zip mah.... can also help to identify my bag.... Haha....
Anyway.... the keychain was still okay... cos I bought it last year... haha.... they already finished whatever they want to say about it :P Then recently.... my friend (you know how) bought a new phone and stored porn inside... so lol... then they were looking at it... I was sitting on the other side of the table mah... so I had to stand and bend over to see... lol... then they accuse me of being so excited.... *faint*
Lastly... this is the best one... muahaha.... during maths lesson there was a stats question that talks about vending machine that serves small, medium and large drinks... as stats we have to define the random variables mah... so the teacher says... let W be the smallest cup... bla bla bla... Then I had this funny thought... and told them... " W where got smallest cup... A then smallest mah... LOL... W so big... :P " haha.... so when they linked up all these events.... I become a wolf in sheep's clothing :P LOL...
Hmmm.... oh well... thats just the other side of me lor :P Dun judge a book by its cover... haha... I have lots of things that you all don't know about.... I'm a person with lots of secrets... some very very dark ones too... the very dark ones can never be revealled... it has too grave a impact on me and the people around.... haha.... and I am not as simple as I look... you people may never understand me truly... muahaha..... So yar..... I'll still waiting for a person whom I can really trust and share my secrets with... even my family members don't know about it...
So anyway... just take me as what I am in real life :) haha... the innoncent me... LOL... just friday during phys lesson... me and andy was talking about this... then I said... " I so innocent one..." sen min whom is sitting 2 seats away from my turned and gave me this -_- look... lol.... I thought he was listening to lesson... then in the end was evedropping... haha... I really that bad meh :P haha... nvm.... its still not bad being a wolf in sheep's clothing... haha... at least I'm still a sheep when people first look at me... muahahha...... lol
K lar... thats all for today... bye... have a nice week ahead :)
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Lol... haha... glad that wei lian won :P Haha... not that I pity him or like his singing... but... hehe... I just don't want kelly to win lar... find that she abit fake.... and her voice isn't that good anyway... I still support xin hui!!! But she out liao... so sad....
Anyway... I guess its a win win situation. Cos although kelly lost, she got the universal contract. And the judge wei song like her so much, so in the end she still can work under him. Wei song is from universal if I'm not wrong....
Then for wei lian... well... he got the play music one... Play music in my impression is can sell in singapore... but cannot go abroad... haha.... so yar.. think wei lian more suited for sg... if he go taiwan it will be a hard time for him... he can't take part in those variety show because he can't see....
so in the end... everyone is a winner :D Then even those other contestant also get to hold a concert at the expo... so... I guess... everyone wins :)
K lar... signing off for now :) bye~
Lol... haha... glad that wei lian won :P Haha... not that I pity him or like his singing... but... hehe... I just don't want kelly to win lar... find that she abit fake.... and her voice isn't that good anyway... I still support xin hui!!! But she out liao... so sad....
Anyway... I guess its a win win situation. Cos although kelly lost, she got the universal contract. And the judge wei song like her so much, so in the end she still can work under him. Wei song is from universal if I'm not wrong....
Then for wei lian... well... he got the play music one... Play music in my impression is can sell in singapore... but cannot go abroad... haha.... so yar.. think wei lian more suited for sg... if he go taiwan it will be a hard time for him... he can't take part in those variety show because he can't see....
so in the end... everyone is a winner :D Then even those other contestant also get to hold a concert at the expo... so... I guess... everyone wins :)
K lar... signing off for now :) bye~
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