Saturday, September 03, 2005

Hello :D Its saturday night and I'm here :) Haha.. has been a long time since I last blogged on a saturday... Usually I would be just surfing around and playing games... so by the time I finish I'll be too tired to blog... Or should I say to lazy to blog :P Haha... but nvm... today is an exception... I stopped by game slighly earlier :) I wanted to blog tonight as I won't be able to do so tomorrow... then later scared you all miss me :P haha... okay stop... dun want to be so buey hiao bai...

OKay... where shall we start? Hmm.... after thursday the superstar... friday went to school.... school was alright lar... nothing much happened... had a rather slack day... went home at about 1... then nothing lar...

Sat which was today is also erm... quite boring... tried to study econs... hugged the econs textbook wherever I go... but I don't think anything much went in lar.. :P

Thats all for these 2 days ba... oh... forgot to tell you all why I won't be here tomorrow... cos monday I have to go for some NS thing at pasir ris. Its a vocational assignment... and pasir ris camp is for commandos! LOL... was just laughing at ej for getting into navy and now I got into commando.... haha.... duno why they anyhow select people sia... ej didn't really know how to swim and they ask him to go navy... I never pass my NAPFA test and they ask me to commando... I think they should first check our records lor... people like us go there is waste time only, cos we won't get in anyway.... So yar... I had to reach pasir ris at 8am... so early!!!! If I were to set off from my home I will need about 2 hrs to get there... which means I have to go out at 6am... -_- So I decided to go to my cousin house for a stayover.... they live in hougang... so it takes a shorter time to get there :) Haha.... Thats the furthest relative I have :P None of them lives in the east side....

Okay... hmmm... thats all for the events that happened and are going to happen lar...

Now... haha... this seems to be a little of outdated news... but becuase I was busy for the past days I didn't have a chance to blog about it :P

My group of friends say that I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing.... LOL... I'll take that as a compliment... muahahaha..... they say I look innocent in the outside... but hehe... its the opposite on the inside.... Oh well... the whole things started with this key chain on my bag :P

Actually, nothing much mah.... that time when I bought my bag.... when I was paying then I saw this keychain on the counter... it was the same color, yellow, as my bag mah.... so I bought it also lor :) Got a keychain easier to find the zip mah.... can also help to identify my bag.... Haha....

Anyway.... the keychain was still okay... cos I bought it last year... haha.... they already finished whatever they want to say about it :P Then recently.... my friend (you know how) bought a new phone and stored porn inside... so lol... then they were looking at it... I was sitting on the other side of the table mah... so I had to stand and bend over to see... lol... then they accuse me of being so excited.... *faint*

Lastly... this is the best one... muahaha.... during maths lesson there was a stats question that talks about vending machine that serves small, medium and large drinks... as stats we have to define the random variables mah... so the teacher says... let W be the smallest cup... bla bla bla... Then I had this funny thought... and told them... " W where got smallest cup... A then smallest mah... LOL... W so big... :P " haha.... so when they linked up all these events.... I become a wolf in sheep's clothing :P LOL...

Hmmm.... oh well... thats just the other side of me lor :P Dun judge a book by its cover... haha... I have lots of things that you all don't know about.... I'm a person with lots of secrets... some very very dark ones too... the very dark ones can never be revealled... it has too grave a impact on me and the people around.... haha.... and I am not as simple as I look... you people may never understand me truly... muahaha..... So yar..... I'll still waiting for a person whom I can really trust and share my secrets with... even my family members don't know about it...

So anyway... just take me as what I am in real life :) haha... the innoncent me... LOL... just friday during phys lesson... me and andy was talking about this... then I said... " I so innocent one..." sen min whom is sitting 2 seats away from my turned and gave me this -_- look... lol.... I thought he was listening to lesson... then in the end was evedropping... haha... I really that bad meh :P haha... nvm.... its still not bad being a wolf in sheep's clothing... haha... at least I'm still a sheep when people first look at me... muahahha...... lol

K lar... thats all for today... bye... have a nice week ahead :)

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