Thursday, September 08, 2005

Lalala... its thursday night le!!! Tomorrow is the last week of the holidays... and after that in 2 days time, the weekends, it will be the start of prelims le!!! I'm so dead!!! lol.... my revison was... erm... it seems to be done... but actually there are still lots of things that I have not revised... Argh!!! K lar.. dun want to talk about prelims le... haiz... let it be lar... 船到桥头只然直 haha... hope that everything will turn out alright :)

OKay... I haven't been watching the news for the past days... and when I watch it today... I noticed something.... The Plasma TV is SUPER HUGE! Is it me or did the plasma TV really grew? If I haven't remember wrongly, the older one was one with sliver border, then the current one has black border and 2 speakers at the side.

Haha.... the current super huge plasma is so out of proportion with the other things in the set. The news presenter looks so small.... and the camera man had a difficult time fitting the presenter and TV into one frame. I almost died laughing when the camera switch to the other perspective to present the business news. The TV is so skewed...

But anyway.... the plasma TV is very nice :)~ Its so huge and the display is so clear... If only I have one in my bedroom... Aww.... then perhaps connect it to the PC... and I can play games or watch anime with such a gigantic screen :D

hmm... nothing much liao lar... bye~

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