Saturday, September 24, 2005

Wee~ Just finish watching FF7 Advent Children... Woho~ Although half the time I duno what they talking about... but hehe... its nice just enjoying the action and wow-ing at the animation....

The animation is really very very good.... The models they constructed are all with great details.... I can't imagine how they managed to construct a whole city out of in virtual world.... its simply incredible..... I've also been trying out with a 3D programme myself... but the things I made are just crap -_- Its too insignificant compared to what shown in the movie.

Details is one thing.... another thing that is difficult in 3D animation is how to make the models have weight.... In the virtual world... these objects don't have gravity, and they don't have mass... so they way these objects interact with the surrounding depends heavily on the skills of the animator. Some lousy animations would have people walk as if they are floating... and grap things as if they are weightless.... Although there are still some of these errors in the movie. The movie is generally still very well done.

Other than that, I also realised that there are some angles that are only made possible with 3D animation and the movie exploited these advantages and gave us a different perspective different from the angle we normally get from conventional movies.

All in all... I give this movie 9/10 :D haha... the missing 1 mark is lost to me not understanding the plot :P Actually I've also watched the FF movie the came out a few years back.... But now... I don't have much recollections of it.... Only remembered familiar terms such as the lifestream.... Other than that I almost forgotten everything... haiz... see how bad my memory is..... Anyway... wonder if it has any link with the current movie....

Well... after watching this... it kinds of motivated me to continue and venture into the world of 3D :P haha..... I'm gonna slowly learn and master my 3D program :P I guess I would have this opportunity to do so :P HAha.... very soon I will be going for NS le... so during that period of 2 years.... I might spend the time building up my 3D skills :D Haha... cos within that 2 years no need to use my brain mah.... no need to study like siao... so I'll have time and spare brain capacity to meddle around with such stuffs :P Actually I also plan to like start a small business during that time :D Haha... something like setting up a website and start selling things :D Although the profit is not too much... but... as long as I dun lose money can liao :) I had always wanted to set up a business and sell my own designs.... You get a sense of achievement when something you designed got sold and people likes it :D Haha... so yar... I'm really looking forward to that time :)

Muhahaha... that means the A lvl faster come! NS faster come! LOL... shouldn't I be complaining about these rather than looking forward to it? haha... K lar..... dun come dun come... I also dun want to look forward to what I can do during NS.... Just let nature takes it course.... When the time comes for NS... I know that I wouldn't be too sad cos I will be able to do something I like :)

Haha... k lar.... thats about all for now... bye~

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