Friday, September 30, 2005

Its friday :) the last few fridays before A lvls starts.... Well... After 2 years.... its finally gonna end soon in just another month's time.... You know... when all things are about to end... I kind of start missing the days studying... Going for lectures... tests... and everything else.... You know... people don't treasure things that they have until its almost gone.... I wonder how life will be life after the A lvls... It wouldn't be the same ever again.... I wonder how everyone will be like in future. The lives they will be leading... and whether friends will still be in contact or whether there will be a chance to meet up together again. There are endless possibilities of what the future might turn out to be.... Well.... like what sen min commented in my previous entry... time will tell....

Sometimes I also wonder... how would my life be like when I'm old.... what will I be doing.... what will I have... what won't I have...

hmm.... k lar... I also duno what to write liao... the feeling I'm having can't really be expressed in words......

So lets talk about what happened in school :) Yesterday I wrote about me skipping maths right? Yar... today got reprimanded by my maths teacher... The funny thing is... actually me, ej, chou chun and kevin wanted to pon the lesson... but kevin last minute backed out... so left only me ej and chou chun.... so we took chou chun's car and he sent us to the mrt station then ej and me alighted.... But today when mrs kwang read out those whom didn't go for the lesson... only me and ej name got called.... Kevin was more or less expected to go back for the lesson already cos he didn't leave with us... so the more important point is... Chou chun actually came back to school! lol... He was the one whom drove us all the way to the mrt station... so I don't know what made him change his mind suddenly and came back to school... During the journey out of school he did show any sign that he wants to go back... then duno why after he dropped us off... he went back.....

So in the end only me and ej got scolded... I was feeling rather okay... cos I expect myself to pay for the price of skipping the lesson... and I feel that it was a small price to pay in exchange for better management and efficient use of my time. I'm also not too angry at chou chun for pang say-ing us... actually I do feel abit angry... but I am more puzzled than angry.... I still can't think of a reason for someone to drive all the way out of school, drop his friends off and then come back to school again.... However... ej was very pissed off.... I can understand him... as he's a very 'jiang yi qi' friend.... to him... someone whom actually pang say his friends to save his own skin is very despicable.

Anyway... side track abit here... haha... actually ej is a person that I respect a lot... I find that his way of looking at and dealing with things in life is very good. I've also learnt alot from him... So... I think that I'm fortunate to meet such a friend in life that would help in my character building. Because I am the eldest at home, there isn't any one I can learn from or anyone whom would teach me about how to be a 'nan ren' lol.... That also explains why I'm abit sissy at times... cos... I grew up in an environment full of girls. When I was young, I follow my mum to my grandma's house every saturday and spend the whole day there playing with my cousins and sister whom are all females. I don't do any physical activities like sports or playing at the play ground. Things that I do was learning origami ( paper folding) and attending art lessons. So the only time I get to be physical is in school where I hang out with my guys classmates. Even so... the time spent is short. Its only during recess that I have the chance... because usually after school, I would have to go straight home. Sometimes I have to bluff my grandma about doing projects that I can stay back in school and play. Therefore during my secondary school, I start to realise about people's opinion about me..... and then I start to learn.... Till now... I'm still learning... so I think ej is a role model that I respect and can learn from. but also not learn everything about him lar... otherwise I become a ah-beng like him... lol...

hmm... thats all for today lar~ 12+ liao... bye~

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