Monday, September 26, 2005

Yay~ Haha... my hardwork didn't go wasted :D Haha.... my results for maths was better than what I had expected it to be :) Although its still very low compared to some freaks who got 91 -.- But still I'm already glad that I didn't do very badly for this test.... All the nights and hours doing maths paper has reaped some results for me :D Wee~ That kinds of give me motivation to continue studying harder lar...

For this and next week... I'll be on my own doing more econs and maths... remember not too long ago I say I wanted to write an essay everyday... well... I'm gonna start writing it from today le.... Also for this 2 weeks... I'll take things a little bit slowly... I will only be studying from 8 till 10... which is 2 hrs per night... wait till nearer to the exams before I increase back to 3 hrs per night... so with the remainding one hr... I'll be doing physics.... What about maths? Haha... maths I won't need to do everything on my own cos mrs kwang has planed it for us.... We'll be completing 3 papers within this 2 weeks so that would be enough for me lar... wait till study leave starts then I put in some more slots......

Thats about all lar... so now I only worry about my econs and physics paper... econs has always been my worry so erm... dun feel much about it liao lar... but physics is my new worry, cos in the process of catching up with my maths I might have neglected my physics... so yar.... Although I've tried to focus more on physics this time round.... the bulk of my effort is still in maths... so hmm... lets see how I fare when I get back my paper..... can serve as a guide on how to allocate my time for effectively next time :)

K lar.. dun talk about exams le... haha.... so sian.... life isn't all about exams....

I was wondering about this recently... it seems that I blog alot when Im feelng down... so when I'm feeling good, I don't blog as much... cos I realised that there were some happy events that I didn't blog about... or just touched on a little.... So if when you all are reading... you might find me to be a very depressed person with all those unhappy entries.... lol... Just a note here... I'm not okay... haha.... although I really get depressed sometimes... I do also have as much happy moments :D

hmm.... Recently also have been putting on a lot of weight... my spare tyre start to inflate le... lol... I had such a hard time trying to deflate it before my NS checkup so as not to fall into the obese category... but now thats its over.... it starts to inflate again... LOL... cannot ar.... haha... so hmm... I've also started to include more physical activities in my life lar... like just now I climb up the stairs to my home instead of taking the lift... Think its easy? I live on the 20th storey! LOL.... thats a long way up..... Haha... lets do some simple physics.... assuming everything is constant and ignored :P and each storey is about 3m tall.... then... 20 storey would be 60m..... By climbing up all the way on foot, I'll be gaining 60X9.81X75= 45000 approx... joules of potential energy... so where do I get these energy from? My muscles! haha..... Hey... look at what I found... 1kcal is actually equivilent to 4.2kjoules... that means that I consuming 10714cal which is also 10kcal

And do you want to know how small it is? Its only 5% of the energy that an egg tart (174kcal) can give you! LOL.... In simple terms, you have to climb 400 storey just to finish up the energy given by the small egg tart... LOL... There's no building tall enough in this world for you to spend your energy... LOL....

k lar... thats all for now... go and watch TV liao... lol.... take some time to think over the next time you eat a egg tart :P

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