Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Its me again~ haha... challenged my photoshop skills again just now... haha... I tried to super impose someone's face onto another person's.... Muahaha... It was great :D The color matches well.... and overall still looks okay... but because the source wasn't really good, the quality was lousy... so the final one was a bit blurish when viewed at max resolution... But... hehe... can say that my photoshop skills improved a little bit le :P Haha...

I won't be able to put the final version up here as the person will kill me if I do :S lol... Its part of my private collection... and perhaps may show it to people under some circumstances... :P Haha... it would be meaningless if I were to keep the joy all to myself right... muahahaa....

Okay... anyway... went out this afternoon to study with ej, elgin and andy... didn't expect andy to come cos he didn't give me a reply yesterday when I was calling people.... Oh well.. we studied from 12 till 3... after which we went to play lan for an hr :S haha... nvm lar... study already must relax :) 1 hr is not too long :P haha.... yar... cleared some questions about work and thats about all lar... didn't study much.... my aim was just to clear my doubts lar... its uncomfortable studying at fastfood restraurants.... so noisy...

K lar.. nothing much... also sleepy le.... :) Bye~

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