Wednesday, September 14, 2005

I've noticed something strange.... haha.... duno izzit prelims too stressful or not.... but... 2 of my sec school friends whom I've not been in contact for more than a year suddenly msged me :S One yesterday and one today... haha...

I guess people are really feeling the pressure of the prelims.... haiz.... poor thing... its really a hard life being a student.....

Anyway.... duno is it coincidence of not.... haha.... well... see if there will be anymore people msging me for the next few days :P lol...

But I just wanna say.... If you people feel too stressed up about prelims or anything other things.... do feel free to msg me :) I'll be glad to lend an listening ear :) Haha... my consultation e-mail is LOL....

OKay... its 9 already... got to go sleep now.... maths test tmr :) All the best to all my friends, those studying in other jcs as well :D Or perhaps poly too, poly having exams now? haha... anyway... just everyone lar :P

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