Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Woho~ Believe it or not.... our class actually took a total of 108 photos... LOL... haha... its surprizing that my class actually had so many photos... Cos nobody likes taking photo... and there arn't many events for us to take as well... we never had an class outing.... so yar... haha... its surprising.... there were photos on events like the CVD and the painting of the classroom... haha... thanks to my lousy phone camera... we actually have some images of it although the quality is very bad :S Haha.... Actually most of the photos are taken today... haha... 55 out of 108... which is a little more than half... but its still amazing where the other 53 photos come from :D

Anyway.... the photos are to be shown during our graduation ceremony 2 weeks later... we have to make something like a slideshow lar... cos the photos will be running while we are taking our certs :)

K lar... thats about all for today... very tired now... did a 3hr maths paper in school today already... bye~

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