Thursday, September 01, 2005


Lol... haha... glad that wei lian won :P Haha... not that I pity him or like his singing... but... hehe... I just don't want kelly to win lar... find that she abit fake.... and her voice isn't that good anyway... I still support xin hui!!! But she out liao... so sad....

Anyway... I guess its a win win situation. Cos although kelly lost, she got the universal contract. And the judge wei song like her so much, so in the end she still can work under him. Wei song is from universal if I'm not wrong....

Then for wei lian... well... he got the play music one... Play music in my impression is can sell in singapore... but cannot go abroad... haha.... so yar.. think wei lian more suited for sg... if he go taiwan it will be a hard time for him... he can't take part in those variety show because he can't see....

so in the end... everyone is a winner :D Then even those other contestant also get to hold a concert at the expo... so... I guess... everyone wins :)

K lar... signing off for now :) bye~

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