Saturday, November 26, 2005

Look how industralized singapore has become... u can't take a sunset without having all the chimmeys and tankers....

A pinkish sky :D this photo looks like those that u see in sentosa's advertisments :P

Haha.... a fake photo :P I plucked this grass from the ground and hold it with my hand in front of the camera :P Shh... haha....

A night shot at the esplanade with my camera :)

:P Another one of the fake shots... the leaf is I purposly stick there one :P haha...

If u are a cricket... u would probably see the sunset at this angle :P

Woho~ Yeah~ The above are all the photos that I took yesterday :D Yesterday went out with SM to take photos... he wanted to test out his camera... The big big professional kind lar.... So I brought my small small mini amature one to play along :)

He wanted to take sunset... so the two of us went down to sentosa siloso beach around the evening.... Lol... we were so out of place there... Two guys.... wearing long pants on the beach... holding camera and snapping around... lol... Then yar... we went up to one of the towers and took photos from there.... THen there was this couple down below across across the bridge... Then sm use his super 12X optical zoom... and with a little bit of digital zoom.... and we can see the face of the couple!!! lol... I can't even see their facw without my specs on lor... and yet the camera can zoom until so clear!!! Haha... wah... best for spying on other people sia... Its like u can see clearly what the other person is doing 2 blocks away lor....

Haha.... after that we left the place and head for city hall... went to take photos of the esplanade. I was surprised that there were also other photographers around... and it was't a few... there were quite alot... haha... all armed with big big cameras... I was just wondering... whats so nice about the esplanade... not sian meh... keep taking the same thing...

after that... we head for the supreme court... the old one... and took some photos... I didn't take anything cos no use lar... my camera the night scenes not that powerful...

So yar... after that its close to 11 liao.. so we took a train home....

Thats all lar :) Hope u enjoy the photos :)

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