Friday, November 18, 2005

:) Its the second day after the A lvls... feeling quite okay... not too bored though.... haha... went out yesterday for group outing to celebrate the end of A lvls... Haha... after 2 years... thats the first time where we got almost everyone in the group to go out together... The only one absent was kerling cos he had some family matters so cannot join us...

So yar... the group of us arranged to meet at orchard cineleisure... wanted to play pool there... so I met up with sen min first to go together.... We stop slightly earlier at pacific plaza to get the strap of my watch fixed... but haiz... the shopkeeper went out for lunch and won't be coming back anytime soon. And cos we are late already so we didn't wait for the shopkeeper to come back.

So yar... we walked down orchard road, then sen min said he wanted to go sony gallery at wisma... lol... we late already still want to walk around.... haha.... :S

Then after which we finally reached cineleisure... went up to the arcade to look for the rest of the people... Then we went up to play pool... And guess who we saw there? JJ Lin and Jun Yang! lol... andy was the one who spotted them... they were at a table across us... haha.... my eyes myopic so I can't see the face clearly... They had quite a peaceful game... not much people went up to them to get their signature or to shake hands... I think stars really enjoy alot of privacy in singapore... we dun have the paparazzi to stalk the artiste everywhere they go.... JJ and Jun yang were alone there... no body guard of agent around... Then hor... the place nv "pei he" them... play some JJ's songs :P

Anyway... after playing for a while we got bored and went off le... then we duno what to do with the rest of the afternoon... wanted to catch a movie... but the show we wanted to watch isn't shown there... so we made our way to lido. The movie was at 9.45... so we had lots of time to spent... after a mini dinner.. kevin left us le..... he say he back pain then went off liao... the left the few of us duno what to do with the time...

so we went around looking to tower records for ej... his friend told him there was one at orchard, then ej want to use his voucher to redeem some CDs... but we can't find the place... according to andy there was one a few years ago... but it closed down liao...

after which we got nothing to do le.. so we went back to the shop to replace my watch's strap... Haiz... my watch can't be repaired le... they already stop production of this watch liao... so sad... I only used the watch for only like 3 years? then so fast cannot use le... but nvm... old one nv go... new one nv come... lol... that means I can get myself a new watch le :P But... I haven't seen a watch that I liked for a long time already.... my current and spoilt one.... is the best watch thats affordable to me... haiz... so sad lo... I wun have any watch to wear till I find a design the I like....

Since I can't get my watch repaired... then we still got lots of time to spare... so we went to a lan shop at the end of the orchard road... and spent our time there... played CS, C&C and UT... was really very bored during CS cos all of them are pros... then me a super noob down there... no need to play one lor... duno how they snipe... so accurate one... I always die before I can enjoy the game..... after that we played C&C... haha... thats one of the very few games that I know how to play above average :D lol... cos that game dun need to use too much brain or requires fast thinking... that one is just mass production of tanks... and the best thing is... I always use GLA... then I build alot of black market... haha... then I'm super rich...... so because all the rest are quite new to the game lar... so I have a hord of army to smash them.... After one game... we went to play UT... that was the best game out of the 3 we played... lol... its almost like CS but its much fairer cos its not that easy to snipe... so most of the time we just grap a weapon and chiong at each other.... :)

After which it was time for the movie le... we went to watch dragon squard... another shooting movie... lol... as if we didn't shoot enough at the lan shop... haha... the movie was okay lar... story line nothing special.... but there is 2 things that irritates me... it has too much flash back and the scenes were shaky.... so when they are fighting... you can't really see the action... only a mess of fist and gun shots flying around... The other thing is the movie is not shot in wide screen... its the normal sized screen that's on TV... It didn't exploit the wide screen of a cinema... then because the cinema was small... the bigger one was all used to screen harry potter... it makes the screen size even smaller... oh actually there was another things that also bothers me.... there were a lot of things they just type words there to introduce the character... then hor the words so cheem... I can't read... I know its my chinese very sucky lar..... but... hehe.... :P

anyway.... after the movie it was close to midnight le... wanted to go eat supper at newton cos kevin said if we want to eat there we can call him and he'll join us... ( he stays near there) But after some considerations... we gave up on the idea... cos the transport there was very inconvienient for us.... so yar... we all went home after that lo.... me and sen min took a cab home....

and thats it.... haha... I wonder when would be the next time we get a chance to go out as one big group again... Cos after this... we would all have our own things to do... people either go army or already found a job... so I guess we won't have much chance for a get-together.....

K lar... thats all for now... bye :)

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