Wednesday, November 16, 2005


2 years of effort all ends today! haha.... A lvls.... I've conquered it! lol... Oh well... actually I'm not really excited lar.. haha.. the feeling is quite normal... perhaps I've been slacking already :P Cos yar... right now the only thing that I'm happy about is I'm free to think about anything... I dun have to keep telling myself to focus on studies... I've got so much things I wanna do! :) Before I go into what I want to do... lets have a quick summary to close the chapter of A lvls :)

I'll give a brief account for each subject :)

GP! haha... well.. this was one of the best gp paper that I ever did. I've applied whatever I've learnt... and I have high expectation for it :) Predicted grade would be B4 :P haha.....

Maths.... Well... I've made quite some careless mistakes... but overall... this was the most prepared subject and I've attempted every question... So... I hope to get an A :P But... B would do just as fine... cos I know my careless mistakes cost me alot....

Physics... This is one subject that I wanna do well in... out of the 3 I take... I score better in this.... The paper was rather okay... I had time to finish every question.... I attempted also almost all questions... only with a few that I really don't know... so its quite fine :) Lets hope that I won't have as much careless mistakes that I had for maths... I would predict a A for physics :P

Econs.... One of my worst subject.... Paper 3 was totally screwed up... whatever that I've learnt over the past weeks have all gone to waste... I wrote back the same lousy stuffs I did for prelims.... and I guess I'll be getting back the same lousy results.... paper 1 and 2 was rather fine... So I hope I won't get too lousy a grade for it... Predicted grade C....

Oh well... thats all lar :) Everything just ends like that... On the whole... A lvls was a nice experience :) Although it was difficult and torturous... but we survived... and we've grown stronger...

This marks another chapter of our life.... Its sad when each chapter ends... but.... with each end of a chapter... its the start of a new one... Some characters would remain in the story... some would leave... But as people leaves.... there are some whom just entered the story... And these new addition would bring a host of new events and happenings that would make the story more interesting. So let us smile and embrace the new chapter in our life. :) Leave the past behind as beautiful memories and create more wonderful ones...... And so when we reach the final pages of our life story... we would... look back... and see all these events that dotted our path of life.... I wish all a beautiful end to this chapter of your life and a exciting chapter in time to come....

Okay... with every end... it follows with a new start :D Here are the plans for what to come in the next 3 months before I enlist for NS....

Firstly... I would revamp my blog :D haha.... yar.... I'll give this blog a simple facelift.... well... a simple one will do... cos I've bigger plans for this blog :P

Secondly.... I would be painting my home... Painting as is not only with one color... but I'll be drawing on the wall... This would be the biggest piece of work that I've ever drawn and would be the most intensive one as there are too much details to take care of...

Thirdly.... I would wish to commercialise my litbud :P Haha... I'm planning to transform litbud into a soft toy and sell it online... or at another other place that I can get.... Well... this is really a big investment for me... I'm planning to set aside a pool of money for this venture.... Its not much though... I very poor :S ... I dun have a rich dad to provide me with the funds :S But still I'm gonna try my best... I'll make sure that this money grow and one day... I would be able to have my own business empire :D Haha... Like what I said a few entries ago... if you have read it... I find that its really fun to make money :P HAha... Its challenging to obtain as much money as you can :D So yar... hehe... I won't be just contented with a routine paid job... I want to invest and see my money grow....

Last time I thought of doing small online trading... but that one seems to be rather risky as I don't really know the market and keep up with the news... So I kind of put off this idea for a while... that one have to wait till I get a job with a stable income then I can start trading :P Like that even if I lose a bit of money I still got a job to tide over... Right now I only for NS and earning peanuts.... ( not the $600K) one though.... lol.... so that peanut pay is only enough to support this soft toy venture...

So yar... within this 3 months I'll be searching for materials to make my litbud... Actually most of the materials are quite easy to get... cos they are just clots and cotton... the most difficult one is to get a manufacturer to help me make the star on the head of the litbud. Its not easy to find a company that will custom make plastic product at a low cost and low quantity... those kind of things usually buy in bulk by those big companies... so thats the worst problem of this venture lar... once I get over it... then there would be nothing else that can stop me :P

I also plan to sell litbud online first lar... so I'll be buying a domain and webspace.... and I'll also be reading up on HTML and flash action script code... I'm gonna set up a professional website for litbud :P And also to pick up the skills to set up a digital graphics and web design studio :P

I've also thought of marketing litbut to the indian community.... lol... cos after thinking of a while... it seems that litbud looks more indian :P haha... U know indian they got those oil lamps? Haha.... litbud looks like the little flame on the lamp :P So I thought maybe I can design litbud to fit into deepavali decorations... muahaha... lol... I guess its feasible lor :D see how ba.... if my litbud soft toys can really sell... I might really go into this :P

Haiz.... I have lots of plans... but don't know whether they will succeed or not... Time will tell... haha.... Actually 2 years in NS is a long time... And I quote this from my cousin... 2 years is a long time... make good use of it.... don't waste it away.... you don't want to after this 2 years... gain nothing but muscles.... So yar... I think its really very true... if you can make good use of this 2 years... then you would be 2 years ahead of other people.....

K lar... think enough of my blabbering for one entry.... will continue next time ba... bye :)

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