Friday, November 04, 2005

Its friday again.... and soon it'll be the start of the last weekend before the A lvls papers.... the kind of feeling is very weird.... Its like anxiety... confusion... worry... excitment... all mixed into one... In just a few more days... the last battle would start.... After 12 years of education.... this is it... one last lap before a 2 years break....everything ends in 2 weeks time... I can't imagine the kind of relieve I'll be feeling after the A lvls... 解脱 is the word to describe it....
In just another 2 weeks.... my life will reach a new milestone... an indication of how far I've come.... and how much further to go.... Life would probably have some significant changes... But one thing I want to say.... I'm going to miss the time spent studying.... the time in school... the time together.... and everything else about school.....
Haiz... life is like that.... the road is winding and full of turns and corners.... there are also junctions where our path cross with other people's.... some people who's path is parallel would share the long walk in life with you... while others... would just cross and go....

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