Sunday, December 05, 2004

Arlow :) Time for another entry :D

OMG... didn't know that my blog traffic so high!!! Argh!!! So embarrassing!!!! That incident that day..... the entry was only up for about 12 hours which is less than a day and its at night lor, people are supposed to be sleeping!!!.... and 4 people already saw it!!!! OMG... gonna find a hole and bury my face in :S.... :'( feel like crying now!!! Haiz... really dun wad got into me that day to make such a big mistake :S Those of you who saw it ar... Shh.... pls delete it from you mind as well :S Even if it can't be deleted... pls nv talk about it again :S PLEASE~ okay~
wahaha... scary sia... next time must blog carefully.... so dangerous....

OKay~ next...
Well.... just finsih another episode of FMA.... Wah!!!! Super nice sia!!!!! Love it :D haha.... but sad ar... it will be over soon after 2 more episodes... Wahaha.... really a very very nice anime :D You all got time can go watch it :) Felt that this is a anime suitable for teenagers... Cos the content quite mature :) They got military stuffs, war, rape, and they dare to draw a lot of blood ( but not too much) .... So hehe... quite different from all the other anime I watched. I give it 5 stars out of 5 :D HAha... but sad ar~ going to be over soon in 2 more episodes :) Gonna search for another series to watch :) Think I wun be going back to watching naruto so fast.... cos like a bit sick of it.... Watched over 100+ episodes of it.... and still no sign of when its stopping :S So haha.... now only wait for Naruto the movie to come out :D

Next topic :D haha... well... today went out wif my family to orchard.... my sis need to get a new pair of shoes... that not the point.... the point is... I SAW MY OLYMPUS MJU MINI DIGITAL CAMREA AGAIN!!!!! OMG!!!! AM TOTALLY IN LOVE WITH THIS CAMERA...... It has got this X-factor :D :D :D :D ... haha.... I dun care about the functions anymore!!! I JUST WANT THAT CAMERA!!!!! Haha.... ITs second on my christmas wish list ( coming up later)... haha... My mom has already given the green light to buy it, and said that she will pay for the full cost :) ( intially she only pay max 500, the rest I have to pay ) ..... but she say if I really need it then buy... otherwise buy liao put there nice nice meh.... Come to think of it really lor... if I buy it now... then also nothing to take mah..... Argh!!! but I REALLY REALLY WANT THE CAMERA!!!! So now having a hard time deciding :S ... haha.... yar... I know I can afford it.... but got money also not anyhow spend one mah... So argh!!! the devil in me is saying YES!!! BUY IT!!! WHO CARES IF YOU GONNA USE IT.... then the angel is saying NO!!! YOU BUY FOR WAD?? COLLECT DUST AR?? YOU ROOM VERY DUSTY ALREADY~ Argh!!!! Shall I be a bad boy and listen to the devil??? juz for this once??? :P hehe.... well still have to think about it for a little while more..... meanwhile still have to say it once more..... I WANT IT!!!!! haha.....

New topic~ ( haha.... my paragraphing getting worst :S )
While shopping today.... my mom went shopping for women bags at Tangs.... So the whole family just tagged behind... then I was wif my grandma.... so we were just walking around... then my grandma went to look at some bags... then cos her eyesight not that good, so she ask me to help... then I told her the bag was $139.... then she say... " wah.... , you got girlfriend or not? If got I buy for her :) " Then I replied... got she also dun want this kind of bag lar... this is for aunties.... haha.... The point is.... she actually wanted me to get a girlfriend :D :D :D ... haha.... I was totally shocked.... cos at the beginning of the year.... she was just asking me to concentrate on my studies and not get a gf ... but now.... hehehe..... haha.... :D :D :D :D~
Eh... so got any girls wan me :P I come wif free gifts one leh.... haha... christmas sales :S
LOL... just kidding.... if really got I also dun wan lar.... so 'tan xiao pian yi' :P .... actually... not 'xiao pian yi' lor.... is totally zuan dao ar... haha.... got such a good life partner :D

ho ho ho.... christmas is round the corner.... so I shall have my christmas wish list :D haha... The first on my list is.....

1) A Girlfriend :D
2) Olympus Mju Mini digicam :D
3) My family and friends all ' jian jian kang kang ' (healthy)
4) I ' xue ye geng shang yi cheng lou ' ( studies )
getting a bit like new year :X haha.... nvm lets continue....
5) 19 inch LCD monitor :D
6) A apple laptop :D
7) New computer mouse :D
8) Motorola razor handphone :D
9) a new bedroom set :)
10) World peace~
LOL... haha.... actually really lor.... if world peace.... economy good.... I got money..... then I can buy lots of things that is on my list :)

Next! :)
haha.... well... today was quite a happy day :) Had lots of laughter... especially at night.... watch evolution of channel 5 and another 8 o'clock show on channel 8.... haha.... had a very nice laugh :D.... has been quite some time since I last laugh like that :)

And also.... I have continued with my skipping exercise already :) Got a tiny bit of result :) hehe... will continue to work hard :D

Okay lar.... have to get an early night today :) Had been staying up very late these few days... then waking up very late too..... bad for health sia....
So.... Bye bye~ And have a nice week ahead :D

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