Wednesday, December 08, 2004

:) Hello.... its me again....
haiz.... life is getting kind of bored here.....
rotting at home everyday...
Haiz.... nothing to do now.... (except for homework :S )

Life is so boring~ ..... Wad have you guy been doing? Got any recommendation? Otherwise I will be bored to death.....

Have been doing a lot of reading lately.... newspapers.... books.... online forum.... haiz.... cos other than reading.... really can't find anything else to kill time.... my parents must be very happy that I'm reading.... they always thought reading = improve english .... Yar... as if... haha..... I haven't been reading much but still managed to survive test after tests... exams after exams.... cos I listen.... I think listening is the same as reading or even more useful than reading.... Cos when you listen you can still learn how to construct sentences.... how people speak.... so after some time... you learn to speak like them... subconsiously.... Cos you get much more exposure to it.... You go take a book to read.... how many pages can you cover in a day..... But when you switch on the TV.... Everything is just thrown at you.... drama.... news.... all sorts of TV programmes..... even advertisments.... the TV just blabber non-stop.... So after some time.... it gets into your subconsciousness without you even knowing it.... So actually.... at this point of time.... I feel that its not about reading to improve your english... but reading to widen your knowledge.... We now have the basic ability to express our thought.... we only lack content....

So haha.... well.... talk too much crap hur~ :P

Anyway.... was feeling very bored today so decided to take a walk in the library..... at first went in... duno which section to go to.... I dun want to read stories..... I want to know more and not just fictions.... So I went to the general section and wander around.... Still can't find anything I wanted to read.....
But while walking around.... this little book caught my attention....

Title: Secrets of graphology
Author: Jacqui Tew

At first I thought graphology = graphs.... then immediately I thought book on graphs = help in my studies.... haha.... so I took it out of the shelve...... Then I realised that this book isn't about graphs.... its about handwriting :D Haha.... Thats was something interesting :D So I took it out to read :)
Haha... rather interesting..... Its about how to employ graphology(handwriting) to analyse personality, career options, and relationships :)

Haha... read the first few pages so decided to share it with you all :D

Large writing indicates an individual with initiative, liveliness, enthusiasm, generosity, imagnination, vigour and the ability to make emotional judgements

Small handwriting indicates an individual with good concentration, precision, throughness, modesty and intensity

haha.... if you want to find out more about how to determine the size, or how other things like the balance, spacing, slantness determines your personality... Go borrow this book :D Or come and look for me before I return this book :D

OKay... other than that.... I also went to look for some books on self-improvement :) Haha.... I always seek to improve myself :D

So I found 3 books....
Coping With uncertainty: 10 simple solution
The big difference: Life works when you choose
Reinvent yourself: Tactics for work life and h (duno why it got cut off in my loan recepit :S )

Well... hehe... thought I needed some help with coping wif uncertainty.... cos... I think I worry too much... there are too much uncertainty in life.... SO hehe... hope after reading this book it could provide me with some solution :)

Then... I've started with the book ' The big difference '
Its about making choices in life....
Wanted to share this part with you all :)

' Children know what thay want in that moment, but have no interest in knowing why it is important to them. Indeed, why would they need to know? As grown-ups, we often miss the beauty of doing something in the moment because it is what we want, and feel the need to justify it and rationalise it- even to the point of criticising others we see doing things because they want to. This isn't about totally selfish living, althought it could be. It's about understanding how often we do know what is it we would rather be doing, but bury it under all sorts of disguises.... '

HAha... so how do you people feel about this? Has it occur to you before? You want to do something but you think too much and worry yourself with too much things....

But does it tell us to do whatever we want without even thinking? That means that I can just get my olympus mju mini digital camera without thinking if I will be using it?

Haha..... thats some food for thought :)
Okay... will come back tomorrow with more things I found out from this book :D Haha... there's something on the difference between choice and decisions.....

Okay... the last book... ' reinvent yourself ' haha.... found it quite interesting :D Hope to reinvent myself after reading all the above books.... SO next year be prepared to see a new boon kiat :D

Haha.... think thats about all for today.... Bye~ :D

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