Thursday, December 16, 2004

I'm back :D haha
But its now over 12 already... so I'm actually blogging for tmr? haha
Haiz... very sian leh... nothing to do....
hmm... its like... when I fall asleep today..... tmr I will wake up.... and have nothing to do again.... And I will repeat everything I did today.... and nothing else.... Haiz.... well... I wanna go back to school soon !!!
So... to prevent my from waking up early and doing nothing again.... I have been staying up quite late recently... but that dosen't help cos I still have nothing to do.... so here I am... typing my blog slowly.... wasting my time....Haiz..... Today was listening to 93.3... then got one audience wrote in.... saying that " I am not dead!!!" haha... she wanted her friends to be in contact wif her haha...
Well... guess I also have to do that too :) haha

Okay lar.... think going to sleep now.... see ya tmr :)

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