Monday, December 13, 2004

Hello :) Its only 3++ now... haha... had been a long time since I blog so early...
Had to blog now.... haha.... got quite somethings to share from the book.... If I dun.... my book will overflow wif bookmarks :P

OKay... here goes....

"There is a standard flow of troubleshooting we get into:
We find a problem; we deny it; we get around it"

Anyone of you is like that? haha.... Well... I think I am like that most of the time :P haha... always.... Aiya nvm.... :P

" We all consider ourselves honest, and yet when it comes to telling the truth as we feel it, we are pitiful. We mask it by saying we don't want to hurt others, and then go ahead and hurt them by our dishonesty. This doesn't make sense to me, particularly if you hear yourself say, " I just wish you'd tell me the truth... "

Izzit really wrong to keep the truth from someone so that we won;t hurt them? Sometimes.... telling the truth may hurt them more... Or izzit we assume that it will hurt them more? hmm..... the book said... " hurt them by our dishonesty " ... ... But.... will this hurt be less pain than that of learning the truth? But hor... the last line " I just wish you'd tell me the truth...." I think it is really unbearable when you sense that people around are hiding something from you but then when you ask them they just say its nothing.... Hmm... so I think telling the truth may be the right thing to do....

" If you have spent so many years denying your dificiencies, why would you suddenly have any in response to a question. "

The above quote is a comment on sometimes people ask you what are your weakness. Have anyone asked about your weakness? What is your answer? Is wad you replied really your weakness? Or are there more? Do you have more weaknesses than you know? haha... but I think the people around me are quite okay wif this lar.... they all seems to have known their weaknesses and have accepted them....

" We tend to either assume control or hand over control; often a mixture of the two. Of course, the irony is that the tighter you hold on, the less control you have. IF you feel the need to hold on you are effectively saying that there is something out there which has more control than I do, so I had better hold on so that tey can't control me. See the paradox? The only way to be in control is to let go. "

Hmm.... I find this quite interesting.... I think I've been met wif these kind of situation quite often.... Well... the next time I encouter such situation... might consider taking this advice... cos it sounds quite logical :)

Okay! Down to the last one for today....
The last one.... erm.... I find it very interesting.... It is a fact lar.... so nothing much to comment on.... but it describes some people in our society.... you.... me.... or someone around you.... Haha... see if you can see the link :) And reach enlightment :D

" A beehive can apparently be moved two inches each night without disorienting the bees the next mornig.... Surprisingly, if it is moved two miles, the bees have no problem. They are forced by the displacement of their environment to re-orient their sense of direction, which they can do easily enough. But if the hive is moved two yards, the bees become fatally confused. The enviroment does not seem different to them, so they do not re-orient themselves, and as a result, they will not recognise their own hive when they return from foraginh, hovering instead in the empty space where their hive used to bem while the hive itself sits just two yards away."

Cool hur :D haha... well... thats some scientific facts for you :) But... if you have an higher level of thinking... you can see the link between the bees and us.... Haha... the link was explain in the book... but its too long to type out.... I think it isn't too hard to see the link lar :D So haha... figure it out for youreslves :D And reach enlightenment :) If you really can't... then can ask the book from me :D

Okay... thats all for now :D
May or may not write an entry for tonight :)

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