Thursday, December 02, 2004

Haiz... haha... my internet duno why.... even time after 12am... then slow down by a lot a lot.... Sianz.... I download anime hor... before 12 is 25kb/s ( normal dl speed) but after 12 right.... drop down to 2 kb/s ..... Idiot lor.... Spent so much time but onli can download so little :
ANyway... haha... its past 12 now :P So I'm actually blogging for thursday :P haha...
OKay... well just watch singapore idol finals... haha... started watching it only recently... around that time when Olinda got kicked out. Hmm... actually hor.... the last 2, sly and taufik... well.... haha... think that they both can sing lar.... but eh... to be an idol? Erm... still not yet up to standard. hehe But glad that taufik won... cos he really sang better than sly.
Also... went to irc channel sgidol... haiz... very dissappointed with some singaporeans.... totally racist sia.... saw them flood the channel with lots of racist insults.... Haiz... we are a civilised country...
K lar... actually nothing much to talk about.... bye~

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