Sunday, January 16, 2005

:D time for another entry :) Haha..... had been quite busy for the past days so didn't say much in my entries.... Okay... so heres wad happened over the weekends in one single post :)

Friday :)

Friday was erm... quite a nice day..... not too much tutorials mostly lectures and breaks. Hmm... oh... then there is the chinese lesson.... the lesson was rather boring..... keeps talking about the history of translation.... dosen't interest me at all..... So yar.... think it was a total waste of time. Well... guess this is the first lesson so the lecturer wanted to give us an introduction to translation. So yar. Hope we can get to learn the skills of translation from the next lesson onwards and not waste time on such unnessary stuffs again.
So yar.... after the lesson.. Something happened. Cos everyone had something on and had to stay back in school, the only people left were me and sen min. So yar... on the way back. Met some classmates + schoolmates. But duno why, my bad habit starts to come again. Immediately, I frost up and there is this thick ice barrier between me and those people.

I can see them,

but I can't reach them,

I touch the barrier that seperates us....

it was cold.

I tried to warm up....

to melt the wall.....


the cold was too intense....

So yar..... I started to walk further and further from them. And soon..... I was alone...... I duno why this happen..... but..... I just can't control myself......

On the way back.... I kept thinking to myself. Why is this happening??? But.... I didn't get the answer.....

So yar.... the day ends with sadness.......

But nvm.... I still played games and enjoy using the computer :D haha...... Craved for it for a week... and I finally get to use it for long hours liao :D

Okay..... then there is Saturday....

saturday was erm... not too bad. Was about to go shopping for new year clothes when I received a call from kerling to watch movie. Went to watch Meet the Fockers..... not bad :) Had lots of laughs. but that day kerling wasn't himself. Well... dun want to talk too much about this..... so yar....

Lets go on :D

Today is Sunday!!!! Time really pass very fast. the weekend is going to be over in a few more hours. And I will have to endure another 5 more grueling ( duno correct word :S ) week ahead..... Haiz.... so sian..... but well..... must always look on the bright side :) This week's studying day is only 4 days :D as friday is a public holiday :D haha...... so yar.... got something to fuel me through this 4 days liao :)

Okay lastly..... My new design :D Haha.... I personally felt that this is a pretty nice design. cos everytime I visit my blog to write my entry. I am not greeted by something dark and cold..... this gives me a relax feeling. Hmm.... got plans to include a background music and a tinge of red. I find that there is one color that is lacking. SO yar.... some red dragonflies will do the trick :D So yar... be sure to come back often to see the new changes :D

Thats all for today :D Have a enjoyable week ahead :D Bye~

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