Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Note: I know this entry is long. But if you got time you can try reading it. The later part of this entry has my views of life and death. So if you all are interested to know how I feel about it. Please read on :)

Hello :D ITs 5.30 now :D yay.... haha didn;t have to stay for econs remedial today cos our class wasn't down for it :D So yar.... came home not so late today :P can't say its early cos its still late :

So yup... today there are some addition to our class. A few of the china PSC or izzit PRC? NVM.... just some scholars from china will be joining us for school this term. They already spent a year studying english at the NTU.... then duno why, they were sent here for 3 months before continuing their studies at the NTU :
So yar.... among them there is this girl named jiang lan. Haha.... quite pretty :D :P Hope my future wife will look like this :P haha.... she got those ancient chinese beauty look. Not those modern chinese looks which is either too nerdy or too bitchy :P Haha.....

Hmm... then on the way some something happened. When I got into the train on the way home. I was sitting beside this aged dumb ( meaning disablilties in speech) man sitting beside me..... so yar..... then there is this indian man sitting in the opposite row. ( he the only man of other races in the cabin ) So yar..... after a few stations the person sitting beside the indian man got off the train. Then the dumb man sitting beside me moved over to sit beside the indian man. Well... at first I was wondering why he moved over to the other side. Then I thought that I smell cos I just had PE. Then didn't bother about it. But a few stations later. the dumb man suddely stood us and accused the indian man for elbowing him. ( I think is an accuse, or it might just be an accident. Cos I think it wasn't on purpose. ) So yar.... cos the old man was dumb he could only make noises and he pointed his finger at the indian man, then to the floor in front of him. A typical action for " you! come out here and fight) then the old man went into fighting position with his arms held up and feet apart. Then he kept repeating this action. At first the indian man didn't bother. But after being provoked for some time. The indian man got angry and pointed his umbrella at him. Then a passenger sitting beside sense a fight is going to break out soon. SO he tried to stop the two of them, but futile. Then luckily there is this MRT staff on board whom is able to stop the old man. So yar.... things went peaceful again as the two person were sitted apart from each other. But another few stops later. the MRT staff alighted. THen when the old man saw it. He came over to the indian man and started doing the actions again. But this time the indian man didn't retaliate. Then when the indian man reached his destination stop. He alighted. then the old man followed him out!!!! OMG..... then the train left and I dun know what happens after that. I guess..... if nothing was done to stop the old man. He could have followed the indian man home. Or a fight might break out.

hmm.... I guess right, judging from what happened. I think the old man isn't really mad lar. Guess he can't take the fact that he is dumb. I guess he lost his speech at a later part of his life. Thats why he cannot take the blow. Cos you imagine, life is normal and fine then one day you lost your speech. And not only that. you also would lose your job. you lose your status in the society..... you get looked down, despised by people..... You lost everything is such a short time..... can you take it. And because he is quite old. you know.... his temperament may not be good. He seeks people whom he could push the blame to. To let off his stress. Or even, he look for people to bully. To show that he is not a useless person without his speech. He wants to show that he is not weak! .... And...
So I guess.... the old man already found his target while sitting beside me. Cos old people have more prejudice against people with different skin color. So... suay suay.... that indian man is the only male person with a darker skin color. That made him a very prominent target. He was also dress in a shit and pants, those normal office look. That made look more weak. As you know... old people may think that educated people are weaker in terms of physical strength. So yar.... that unlucky indian man was targeted this time.
So when the chance arises to pick up a fight, the old man took it. He used a traditional method of provoking people. You know like those Ah bengs who purposely knock into someone's shoulder but in turn accused the person of knocking into him. And use this reason for the basis for a fight.

Haiz.... pity the dumb old man and the indian man. The old man cos.... he is really pitiful. Can you imagine that like tonight you sleep. THen tmr you wake up and fins that you can't speak. How would you feel? Just overnight, your entire life changed you know. You will lose all you friends and teacher you have know and be sent to a special school. You will have problems communicating your needs. Your dream job will be impossible. You can't date the girl you like. Maybe you even stay single all your life. YOUR FUTURE practically ENDED just overnight.... CAN YOU TAKE THE BLOW? you know. its easy to say Eee... this man siao one. Crazy lunatic. But... do you understand the pain he went through? If you were him. Would you be able to take it?

Hmm.... for me right. I guess I also cannot take it lor. You know. I would end my life. There is really no point clinging on to life. You may say that there are people whom loves you and wish you would live. But.... everyone would have to die in the end. I will still have to part with my love ones one day. So it dosen't make a difference whether I die now or later.
We must try to understand life and death. Like the chinese saying " sheng lao bing shi " Birth, Aged, Sickness, Death..... this is a cycle of life every human being have to go through. When our time is up. We will leave. Just make sure that you have gone through this cycle without regrets. You know you somehow contributed to this world. Then that I think, is enough..... So yar... this applies to the death of other people as well. You dun need to cry like siao when your loved one leave. Yes. you can feel sad. But also appreciate that no one can escape life and death. When you know that person dies without regret. You have once spend time with them, share their knowledge, give and accepted their love. Then that I think will be enough. They will always live in our hearts......

Wahahaha..... haha.... okay.... lets have a change of mood here :D haha.... typed a lot today. Cos yar. wanted to share my point of view of life and death. You know :D haha.... like what my blog title is " View it from my perspective " I would like to share my perspective to life :) to the things I see... to the things I feel.
So yar.... the above is how I view death at this moment in time. Cos I haven't really lost any of my loved ones before. SO yar.... this view is only valid for this period of time. If really someone whom I love die. It might change my view of death totally. My views changes.... just like people do. Maybe someday I might gain more enlightenment and have more mature and enlightened views. Meanwhile, this is what I feel and it is open for discussion :) I am open to other people's opinion. And my view may be influenced by it.

Okie.... guess this is really getting long.... Shall end it here liao :D Bye~ And have a nice day tmr :)

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