Thursday, January 27, 2005

Its the time of the day where I sit down in front of my com.... reflecting on the things that happen today and write my entry for my blog :)

Today was quite a nice day :) Had some tutorials and lecture.... then the slacking period.... So yar... was rather slack for today.... Then the day ended with a PE lesson..... So yar.... nothing much to talk about..... OKie..... lets talk about yesterday :)

Remember yesterday I was talking about someone who like to interupt people.... well.... I think I shall not continue to comment on it lar.... its quite a trival matter and it has already pass.... so I won't want to bring it up again.....

So yar... shall share something with you all :) Yesterday during IT club we were analysing some movies..... so yar.... then there is this movie titled ' Patch Adams' It find the movie very interesting.... Its roughly about a genius who enrolled himself into a mental hospital. And like to hold 4 fingers up and ask people how many fingers they see. Then this adams.... also enrolled himself into the mental hospital I guess is to find out the answer to the genius's question. Its rougly like that cos I didn't watch the full show. We only analyse a few scenes for its camera angle. So yar... lets continue.... everyone's reply to the genius's question is 4, which the genius says is the wrong answer. So this adams went up to him and asked for the correct answer. So after some talking, the genius asked the adams to hold up his 4 fingers and tell him how many he sees..... At first he also said 4.... but the genius asked him to look beyond the fingers.... and he finally got the answer which is 8. Cos when its out of focus, you see a double image.
So yar.... duno if you all can understand wad I type or not.... but well.... the moral of the story is. Too not focus too much on the problem. Look beyond the problem..... and you will find the answer.

Interesting hur :D haha..... felt that this is a great movie. So i fyou all haven't watch it, you can try renting it or borrowing it from someone who has it. :D

So after watching the movie. It inspires me to change my blog design again :D haha..... cos yar.... you know.... my blog is about viewing the world from my perspective. So..... I hope I can see beyond what other people sees and see the truth. After which I can share what I have seen with the rest of you here :D
HAha.... so yar.... am now working on the design. But this will take quite some time. Cos I am currently now also learning about action script. So yar. hope I can make my blog more interactive and professional :D Hmm.... meanwhile.... just stick to this pond design :D

Thats all for today :D Tmr is friday le :D The end of a week's school day. :D So yar.... tmr night can play games again le :D And stay up late as well :D Looking forward to it :) OKay.... bye~ And hope that you will have a fruitful day tmr :) Dun waste your last school day of the week away :)

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