Saturday, January 08, 2005

Hmm.... I'm back again :) Its saturday now..... the first week of school is over :) Also gone with it is the first round of test for the year.... Well..... actually not over yet..... our class suay suay got chosen for an chinese anchor test by the MOE.... Sian... so still have to take another tet on monday..... haiz..... Anyway..... I think I will do very very badly for the test.... cos I really didn't prepare...... Not in the mood lar.... duno why..... feeling kind of weird now..... there is some part of myself telling me to start doing work liao.... there is not much time yet..... but there is the other part of myself which keeps resisting these thoughts.....
I think the holiday mode haven't off yet because the lessons haven't officially start lar.... so I hope by the end of next week I can get back into studying mode... otherwise I will be in deep shit....
These few days in school was well okay lar..... on friday.... was asked to help with the CCA exhibition..... haha... I know nothing about whats going to happen... I only received a SMS about the day before to gather people to set up the booth. But.... think its also good that I'm not organising lar... still remembered that time when I did it for the school open house..... was a total failure man.... lol.... I always think everything is so easy... so I have big ideas... but impractical ones... :S .... haha.... just like a few days ago when I tried to make chocolate covered papaya.... haha.... cos that time had a 2 day break before physics test..... so well... study sian liao hands become itchy so wanted to do something..... So I went to the fridge to see wad can I play with.... so I saw this bar of chocolate and a papaya.... so yar..... I thought it was easy... but when I did it.... it was hell...... and the final product was like shit..... lol..... the appearance was a total turn off :S ..... haha... so I ate all the papayas that I played with.... and I my stomach feels weird for the whole day..... cos I did it in the morning after I ate a bun for my breakfast.....
haha..... anyway..... I've been starting on a new anime drawing :) Well... think it was a improvement from the previous works I did.... cos I finally got to know how to use the pencil tool in photoshop le :) So the lines are smoother and coloured. And not like last time when I scanned in the outline which was rough and only in black and white. My drawing skills also improved quite a bit. now I try to do more details. Cos I find that the good works are often very detailed.
So yar.... hope this would be a new leap in my drawing of anime :)
Oh yar.... just remembered..... I did something very impolite and hmm.... hope I get a chance to say sorry.... but haiz.... if I don't get that chance..... well.... at least heaven knows I didn't mean to..... SORRY......

Okay... thats all for today :) Bye~

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